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The Nonsense thread


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"I was a party earlier on and we were out in the garden having a barbeque. We were outside having a few drinks and some food and one of us noticed some guy was looking at us from his bathroom window. The bloke seemed to be cleaning his bathroom but was topless and when we looked at him he didn't seem to care and just kept staring at us and when we waved he waved back. After a while we realised he had Downs syndrome so we felt a bit sorry for him so stopped interacting with him.


Later on I was cooking some sausages on the barbeque and talking to my friend and out of the corner of my eye I saw the same guy at a different window from behind the curtain looking at us and licking his lips. When I put my full attention on him I saw he was completely naked and was playing with himself whilst looking at us all. I was shocked and told everyone what was happening and we all looked at him and he still continued to play with himself, and if anything it spurred him on. His wanking technique wasn't very good, all he did was focus his thumb and index finger on the very tip of his dick and just did a standard wanking technique but his willy wasn't even erect so I don't see how he could have enjoyed it.


After everyone was alerted to this event we all just stood up and looked at him and the guy whose house we were at started shouting at him telling him to fuck off. All this attention spurred him on and he played with himself even harder whilst looking into all of our innocent faces. A few minutes later, his other downy friend turned up at the bathroom window and just kept looking at us. All this kept on going on for quite a while so we just got a bit bored with all the commotions and carried on with what we were doing. Every now and then we would look up at the house and see him there either playing with his flacid member or just casually staring at us. It was surreal at first but we got used to it. I was quite annoyed because it put me off my food. What a wanker."



Flicks or it didn't happen? sure...




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