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The Nonsense thread


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Ha, look at that kids disgusted facial expression.

I thought that drop in, would have ended something like this.........................




I remember at least every few months or so some guys will dare a girl to drop in or a one will get very cocky and 9 out of 10 times the end result is never good...............

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I had this dream awhile back...

I was standing in the driveway of the house I grew up in

It was a sunny summer day

And there was this ostrich there, in front of me

But he wasn't an ordinary ostrich

He was mechanized

He was made of shiny brass and had gears and cogs and sprockets

And he was wearing a monocle

He was minding his own business, pecking at things and whatnot

But I got this feeling he was looking for something

And I was standing there, indifferently observing like I often do in my dreams

He came closer and leaned in with his big mechanical neck

And he stared into my eyes, into my soul

That's the part when I woke up


I had that dream about 2 years ago and I still catch myself thinking about it

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I don't always look at threads,



























































but when I do, I make sure I read every fucking post to make sure I don't miss any LOL's

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