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Haha, no I don't think Load Limit is a female, just kind of weird that he thinks about me.



Anyway I found this one looking through old stuff to keep the tumblr going.

Aside from being cool, one thing everyone that knows her agrees on, she's about as fearless as a person can possibly be.

Those lifts are scary as fuck at about 30 ft. by the time it hits 60 every little breeze shakes it around.

I just dig the way she's lightly touching the guard rail like "this is nothing" when most other people would be preparing to hold on for dear life.



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What did the original Load Limit post say? Why was it changed?


Actually the post said "I'm not a fan of mercer and his ego. And I shot with martha cooper once. See, now were best friends!" Which I believe was done in a jocular tone. Then someone got super umad, and banned another person, overstretching his powers because of some silly little internet thing, acting like he is getting jocked, when its just a legitimate dislike of someone.

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rage, i voted.

interesting montage, very personal

i think i liked the red one with the leatherwork (whatever it is) the most

but there are some great portraits in there. the haircut one is really expressive as are a few others.

good luck, i'm so happy you are enjoying some recognition and success

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Some recent shots, excuse the quality, I had to upload them onto facebook as I forgot the password to the flickr account I made recently, lol fail.






and a shot I found that I took from 2 years ago:



that thing was intense, i was at least 10 feet away and the backfire still managed to shake my lens, looked kinda cool to me.

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