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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2021 in all sections

  1. 5 points
  2. Starting and Running a Business All-in-one for Dummies.pdf
    3 points
  3. On a side note I have worked at 6 pizzerias in my day and I do fuck with pineapple.
    3 points
  4. I want to go rollerskating.
    2 points
  5. @-Rage- looking brand new - good to see you posting
    2 points
  6. padlock her ears to the bedhead for safety probably going to turn into pennywise mid fuck. nope
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Luis Guzmán is one of the more underrated actors who has had so many roles in so many random movies I've seen
    2 points
  9. Victimhood Olympics lets gooooo
    1 point
  10. Nothing special about being the manager. Lot of people dislike their manager. So why would I want or trust a manager's special?
    1 point
  11. IDK, bet that's some good throat if your brave enough, and why I carry a chainmail condom on my at all times. Word is she's cool, but keeps them earlobe holes off limits to blacks, and Italians for safety reasons.
    1 point
  12. I'd recommend skipping the bj
    1 point
  13. https://spiritual-letters.com/
    1 point
  14. dude i’m sorry you got a matrix tattoo back in 02 cause you decided to make it part of your personality but don’t take it out on me
    1 point
  15. Wait!?!! 1999 was a long time ago?!? FUCK. This shit looks theater worthy to me….
    1 point
  16. Pricey but shit was fire. Damn thing weighed like 10 lbs. Slice looking like some lasagna. Slice of Homage in San Jose.
    1 point
  17. All seriousness, what's the chances of an out of shape pre mature ejaculator (totally hypothetical) being able to outfuck a pro athlete like her? Probably won't put her ass to to sleep, even with a hook in, and some solid rear naked game.
    1 point
  18. Cindy Crawford isn't even questionable in my book. Absolute trash.
    1 point
  19. No. I knew they had done well enough for themselves in retirement. And I assumed anything that I donated to the cause, I would get back in another 25 years or so when I’m in my 60s and they pass. We never talked about money when I was growing up, unless it was about how we didn’t have money for this or that lol.
    1 point
  20. Just starting to get these Chinese squash. This one weighs a few pounds and is good sized, going to chop it up with some Chinese mustard green to make congee (jook). Pretty happy with this, other than a starter soil that had fertilizer in it I've used no fertilizers or pesticides and just watered 1-2 times a day. The plants themselves have overrun the area I gave them and where they have met trees/brush have grown up them a good 7-8 feet in the air. Goal now is to see if I can get an overabundance of these and then beyond friends/fam give a bunch to a local shelter or pantry or something similar.
    1 point
  21. I don't know what's more pathetic, the fact that whoever the fuck your faggot ass is still holds a grudge against me from however many years ago that I can't even remember a single thing about you, or the fact that you're still lurking on a long since dead site that's been hanging on by life support for just as many years, power posting your rage and apparently thinking that I'm actually even seeing it in real time. 2006 was a looooong time ago, champ. Literally everybody has moved on. I dead ass pop in here maybe once a year out of boredom, then maybe a couple days later I'll pop in to see if anybody responded to my bored comment. But no way in hell did I expect this Xannie-pup kind of response from somebody who's still holding this kind of rage from whatever the fuck it was I clowned you on like a decade ago. 🤣
    1 point
  22. Sure thing. I'll go ahead and go over some terms so that everyone can follow along. DHCP - Dynamic Host Control Protocol. This is what assigns an IP address to your computer when you connect to a wifi network or plug in an ethernet cable. This is how the router (that assigns the IP to you via DHCP) knows where to send reply traffic to your outbound requests. One of the jobs of the DHCP server/router is to assign you a set of DNS Resolvers along with an IP address. DNS & DNS Resolver - Domain Name Service. DNS is what takes yahoo.com and looks up what it's public IP address is so it knows where to send your request for it's front page when you type in yahoo.com. ISP - Internet Service Provider. This is who you pay for your internet connection. They usually provide you a router in your home and set up your wifi network for you. HTTP/HTTPS - Hyper Text Transport Protocol (and Secure) - HTTP is how a website displays a webpage in a way that your browser makes readable to you. This is, traditionally, not encrypted. Meaning, anyone else snooping on the traffic going over the network could see exactly what you're looking at by just passively collecting the HTTP packets that are traveling back and forth. Think of this like a camera that can identify the driver of every car in your neighborhood. HTTPS encrypts this traffic and makes it to where the client and the server can only encrypt/decrypt traffic as it is sent and received between those two points. This is like everyone in the neighborhood having limo tint and a license plate written in an alien language on their car. Here's where the problem comes in. If you use the basic/default settings the ISP sets up for you then you will VERY likely be using their DNS resolvers. These cascade down so their network assigns IP addresses to the routers that are installed in your home (your cable modem, your fiber internet connection, your DSL modem). This is your public IP address. Behind that you have your wifi network. These are private addresses that are not "routable by the internet". This means your computer's IP is likely 192.168.0.xxx. Or something very close to that. Your ISP gives your cable modem/dsl modem a set of DNS resolvers to use so that it can look up things for you when it receives requests from within your internal network at home. If you leave your router at default settings it will use their DNS resolver. This means when you type in hotchickswithbigdicks.com.... they can see that you went there, they resolved the IP address for you, and told you where hotchickswithbigdicks.com resides on the internet. From there, the traffic turns into "HTTPS" (most of the time). HTTPS encrypts the communications and nobody can really snoop on it from there. The issue is, that even though they cannot see what you're looking at, they can see every single domain you resolve into an IP address in the process of viewing any website. This means that when you go to CNN.com and it loads 45 javascripts from ad networks that are all on their own separate domains.... your ISP resolves 45 different domains for you and knows that your computer, or some computer behind the router installed in your house went to those places or requested assets from those places. All you have to do to stop them from snooping is change what DNS resolvers your DHCP server/router assigns to your private network over wifi or ethernet connection. This is done by logging into your router and adjusting the settings. I can't go into exact detail on how to do that here because there are many different models with different user interfaces and ways of making those changes. It's super easy to look up for the most part if you know the brand/model of your router/cable modem/dsl modem. - their website here explains it, it's CloudFlare's DNS resolver so it's for the privacy conscious netizen - - same except not CloudFlare - https://www.quad9.net/ Essentially those two resolvers don't keep logs of what you've looked up. @misteraven
    1 point
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