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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2009 in all sections

  1. 5 points
  2. I find the whole creator-thing small. The rebuttal "who created the creator" however also falls under the same mindset: that of an imperfect understanding of time. People are hung up on the idea of one event occurring before another, and yet have the nerve to say things like "it would have appeared this way to an outside observer" when they are talking about things that occurred before conditions allowed for the formation of such an observer. What I'm getting at is echoed in the foolish, humanocentric way of measuring time: in earth years. People say "ten billion years ago", but the earth is only five billion years old, since one year is the time it takes the earth, lately, to orbit the sun. Ten billion years ago, there were no "years". I know, when people do this they are using a form of retrograde extrapolation, using a currently useful unit of measure to count backwards, which is OK to a point. But it illustrates a blind spot, that of insisting time is a "line". Those of you that know the Two Brothers experiment understand that time is relative, particularly to gravity: it appears to go by faster (whatever that really means) closer to a gravitational source, and the stronger the source the faster the elapsing of time. The Big Bang, therefore, cannot be regarded as an "event" per se. To say that before a certain "time" everything in the universe was compressed into a singularity, and exploded therefrom, seems a bit arrogant to me. What gravitational forces were present at any of various intervals shortly after this Big Bang? In an energy-dominated universe, short of matter and therefore most gravity, what could time have possibly meant? How slowly, or rapidly, would time have been passing then? The further back in time we go, the less meaning we could possibly attribute to "time" at all - especially in a universe that did not produce any intelligent observers that we are aware of for another 12 or 13 billion "years". To paraphrase Gertrude Stein, there was no then then. "Before" does not compute at such a distant juncture - that is a humanocentric designation applied to something outside of our bailiwick. In short, to me the Big Bang is not an event that happened, but a distance beyond which we cannot meaningfully decipher anything using the rearview mirror we currently have.
    3 points
  3. Dudes got a clothing company... I can vouch for him.
    3 points
  4. ive been sleeping on this thread. didnt do much today, just lounged around the house and made these g-thangs.
    3 points
  5. ok i havnt made a post in here for awhile cause im lazy and i havnt done shit but got drunk, but i took a trip to the hometown for christmas heres some pics... flew down there hungover/drunk right when i got to the familys house i got something that you cant get in oregon........ animal style fries motherfucker! fell asleep and woke up to this view. much better than rain that night went and got some mickey's, my favorite. something also hard to find in portlAND went to my old favorite taco shop and saw this random shit behind it ate in the parking lot christmas day my old roomate who just got outta prison came and picked me up and went to the homies pad saw this plate played cards richie and BB came by and learned off to the store the homies buying racked chargers gear out the trunk hood ass mimosa's gimmie that watching the game with jermaine in the airport the next day bored waiting on the plane getting my 12 on flight home
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. I think I can break down time pretty simply (not to sound arrogant, and not to say I'm right, I have just thought a lot about it). Ok, What is time? Is time the measurable effect of change over some index of expanse? Or is it something more implicit? Is it merely a social agreement? Simply said, it is all these things. The underlying principle which unifies these varying forms of time is difference and the perception thereof. I say this with several thoughts in mind: 1. We are finite beings that process information intermittently. We experience a consistent and perpetual flow of perception, but that experience is somewhat of a lie. Take the visual system. The visual cortex interprets an image on average 24 times a second. Think of when you are walking by a fence, each time you catch a glimpse of the space between the planks it is disconnected and separate from each other glimpse you catch as you walk by. But, if you were driving by the fence, you are likely to interpret a fuller and more consistent image of the space behind the fence because the time in between those glimpses between the posts decreases, approaching the 24 frames per second mark. "Aliasing" is another visual experience that can provide insight into the way "time" plays into visual perception. When a wheel reaches a certain rotational velocity, we perceive the spokes as moving backwards, and depending on the acceleration of the wheels turning, we eventually see them moving back forwards. Why is this? Visual perception has a certain wave quality to it. When the rotational velocity of the wheel exceeds our cognitive computational boundary, we start seeing each perception in a slightly off pattern timing. Thus while we know the wheel is moving forwards we occasionally perceive it to be doing the opposite. I could go on for quite a while about time and the visual experience, however, I hope this has sufficed as a good example of how human perception is broken up into bits of different information that is pieced back together in the form of experience. 2. Look at the use of "time" in science and mathematics. The simplest way to describe this is by thinking of a two variable graph of the form "x/t" where "x" is some chosen variable. There is an index of a chosen variable and an index which delineates the different instances of the first variable. The former is "x" and the latter is "t" or time. Time is merely a reflection of difference at the points in which we measure variable x. This time is what I consider to be the basis of all other forms of Time. Here we can see Time as change, for change is difference over time. In the next two points I will outline how Time can be experienced as a measure of difference in two very different forms. And finally close with how time is measured socially. 3. Time in mental experience. How would we experience Time if we had no sensory input? No measure of the outside world in which we exist? Theoretically, it would be difference in thought. However, there would be no uniform or standard of when a thought begins or ends; there would only be the inherent knowledge that you have indeed moved from one thought to another. This sort of experiential difference is what some have said leads to Kant's belief that mathematical knowledge is gained or performed in an intuitive act. It is an a priori knowledge confirmed by experience. To know that there is difference but not know the boundary of that difference is to imply a larger structure; if there is one thing, there there must be something other than that one. and if there is something and something else, then there must be something that is not either of those things, or either of those things together (ad infinitum). Math is a hollow structure of difference that can be applied to the real world and thus gain the boundary of that difference. This application of mental difference is what leads to geometric or physical Time. 3. What I call physical Time is how we perceive difference in space. Classically, Time is considered the 4th dimension. I find this nomenclature to be somewhat misleading. Try to imagine starting in what I call the null dimension, a point. A point, is a mathematical object with an exact location in space (it is mathematical because it can only exist. If there is that point, then there must be the potential for another point that is not in the same place as the first point. This necessitates the potential for the 1st dimension; a line. A line is a segment of space delineated by the boundaries of two end points. Already we see a geometric difference that if represented graphically would necessitate at "time." This process of building the dimensions goes on from line to plane, and from plane to a space. Each one of these dimensions requires the existence of "time" no more or less than the one before it. Even the "null dimension" requires the potential for difference. If you name the position of a point, then you are implying a space for that point to exist in. "Time" in this sense is the exacting difference of applying a name to mathematical difference. Said another way; it takes time to cross a space. 4. Lastly, Time as a social measure: Time in regards to the "time of day" is simply no different than any other agreed upon standard of measurement. This is arguably the simplest form of time to understand. In most industrialized societies and some non, time is defined as comprised of seconds, minutes, hours, days and years. The standard definition of the base unit, a second, is the amount of time that it takes a Cesium-134 atom to reshuffle its structure when a charge is introduced to it. That is why we have "atomic clocks." The malleability of these definitions show the relative nature of Time in its social application. Regardless, it still maintains the essential characteristic of being a measure of difference, arbitrary or not. So, Time is an intrinsic property of existence. There are difference applications and uses of the word, but there is an aspect of it that is necessary and thus persists beyond the varying ways in which it is used in language. We experience difference necessarily, for if we did not, our existence would comprise of a single point of experience in which everything occured. It is damn near impossible for our minds to wrap our heads around that concept because we can not actually understand the infinite or the void beyond how we break those spaces up, via Time. Hope that in some way helps nsmb. But I do agree with fist. Go read some physics.
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. 2 points
  10. Yup... I been doin a less typing and a lot more reading on here and it just seems like everybody is from the same suburb So yea..where y'all from?
    1 point
  11. false. im amped for my birthday today, yeee tpbm prefers pie over cake
    1 point
  12. cutler had that one nasty pass at the end but i mean dude leads league in INTS at 27.. dude is busted...
    1 point
  13. Join. Melbourne, 2008. ID by Treo - ID CRU. Melbourne, 2008. Jets - AFP. Melbourne, 2008.
    1 point
  14. ^^^ was just about to say that. She's an underrated bomber.
    1 point
  15. Thanks man! These are them new Pens I've been using It took a lil while to get the hang of them due to the fact that the ink bleeds so quickly but they are hella dope once you get use to it!!!
    1 point
  16. i just thought about another letter combo PHENE -- try that
    1 point
  17. Im dying reading this thread...hahaha and I thought this might add to it all..
    1 point
  18. i thought i had seen it all.../b/,rotten,somethingawful,bme,faces of death ,porkchop's youtube video...nothing could make me blanch.. till today can we impose a ban on this image? like back in the day with the pbjt banana. i say this now to keep something so vile from spreading....i can already see photoshops ensuing over a bleak dark future
    1 point
  19. saw watched the episode where omar and brother muzone handle that fool thought he was about to turn on avon
    1 point
  20. not in a crew But i do know kats in ARC, 3A, LAPK, DTC and other crews in Washington state I'm down. keep in mind you've been writing alot longer than i have. and wat do do you mean change my name? esenz onerism??
    1 point
  21. Haaa where in the hell are you finding this shit! :lol:
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. you know the scene is hurting when the only pics being posted old and mostly of people who dont paint anymore.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmJbJs-9ST0
    1 point
  26. Dude I write Esenz. Change your name.
    1 point
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