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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2011 in all sections

  1. blunts right. although if you don't do it for to long you can come out with a good product but i still wouldn't do that with chicken breast. that's just me. todays lunch i made for the girl and i...... dungeness crab, penn cove mussels, white gulf prawns along with some veggies in a green coconut curry broth
    3 points
  2. Pastor had sex with teens to cure their homosexuality A former youth pastor in Council Bluffs, Iowa, says he had sex with teenage boys because it was his pastoral duty “to help (the teen) with homosexual urges by praying while he had sexual contact with him.” But law enforcement has a different view of his actions. Earlier this month, Brent Girouex, 31, was arrested on 60 counts of suspicion of sexual exploitation by a counselor or therapist, reported The Daily Nonpareil. In February, Girouex told Council Bluffs police detectives that he had sexual contact with four young men starting in 2007 in order to help them gain “sexual purity in the eyes of God.” But Pottawattamie County Attorney Matt Wilber told the Nonpareil that at least eight men have come forward with complaints that Girouex molested them. Court documents indicated Girouex told investigators the most sexual contact he had was with one teen over a four-year period, starting when the boy was 14 years old. Calling the contact “mutual,” he said it had occurred between “25 and 50 times” during that period. When investigators spoke to the teen, who’s now an adult, he told them the number was between 50 and 100. Three other young men who were teenagers when the incidents occurred told investigators the sex occurred at Girouex’s home. All said they went to be helped with “sexual purity.” “When they would ejaculate, they would be getting rid of the evil thoughts in their mind,” Girouex allegedly told detectives. Wilber said investigators are following leads to see if there are more victims. Girouex is currently free on $30,000 bond. *Bonus:
    2 points
  3. Now I mean this in the nicest possible way, earl, but I could almost see you being one of those clowns. Drunk and entertaining with a healthy hatred for people. Maybe you are one, I dunno what you look like.
    2 points
  4. BIG DAVE!!!! TOMCAT & DONT!!!
    2 points
  5. HERE IS A STORY ABOUT A NEIGHBORHOOD IN PHILLY, IF THIS WAS WHITES TRYING TO KEEP OUT BLACKS IT WOULD BE ON NATIONAL NEWS! IM SICK OF THE RACE CARD, HERE IN PHILLY THE BLACKS GET EVERYTHING FOR FREE, THEY GET FREE HOUSING IN THE BEST PARTS OF THE CITY (WHICH THEY DESTROY AND KILL RAPE AND ROB}... FREE NATURAL GAS FROM LI-HEAP PGW, FREE ACESS CARDS TO BUY NEWPORTS AND PHILLY BLUNTS WITH INSTEAD OF FEEDING ONE OF THERE 7 KIDS, AND ALL THE WHILE THEY BITCH ABOUT IT, THINK THEY ARE ENTITLED TO EVERYTHING, ARE UNEDUCATED AND IGNORANT AS FUCK... NOW BEFORE YOU ALL GO NEGGIN ME AND DEAM ME THE GRANDWIZARD OF THE KKK, LOOK AT THE FACTS, THEY DESTROY EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE THEY GO IN THE CITY, THE WHITES, LATINOS AND THE ASIANS ALL KNOW THE REALITY OF THE MATER, YET NO ONE CAN SPEAK ON IT BECAUSE THEN WERE THE ONES WHO ARE RACIST? MEANWHILE THE BLACKS IN THIS CITY ARE THE MOST RACIST PEOPLE I HAVE EVER ENCOUNTERED IN MY LIFE... PLEASE READ THIS ARTICLE AND EXPRESS YOUR THOUGHTS. I KNOW THERE ARE PLENTY OF BLACKS ON THIS WEBSITE AND I DONT WANT TO STEREOTYPE OR GENERALIZE, BUT WITH IN THIS CITY, IF YOU LIVE HERE AND YOU SEE WHATS GOING ON YOU WOULD HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO AGREE, HERE IS A LITTLE TASTE OF WHAT I SPEAK OF... "A wary Point Breeze confronts its demographic shifts" IT MAY NOT SEEM like an emotionally charged issue: City Council yesterday held a public hearing on a bill that would limit construction in Point Breeze for one year. But Council Bill 110134 speaks to larger tensions involving gentrification and even race in this evolving neighborhood. It has exposed a rift between the neighborhood's historically African-American population and the mostly white newcomers who can buy homes there for thousands less than what they would just a few blocks to the north. "It really is a fear of change, but if someone just moved in and wandered around, they'd wonder exactly what are they trying to keep the same?" said Andrew Marx, vice president of the Newbold Neighbors Association, which falls within Point Breeze. "The vacant lots filled with trash? The crumbling housing infrastructure? What are they so attached to?" The bill calls for a one-year ban on construction of three-story dwellings and on any third-story additions or roof decks. Its stated purpose is "to give Council the opportunity to explore ways to preserve the uniformity of the streetscape and the current scale and density of the area." Many older homes in Point Breeze are two stories. Supporting the ban is a group called the Concerned Citizens of Point Breeze, some of whom held "Save Point Breeze" signs during a hearing in the City Hall gallery yesterday. The bill was introduced at the request of Concerned Citizens' president, Betty Beaufort, who said that the ongoing development in the neighborhood "is profit over people." "This is causing gentrification, and people are beginning to stress and worry if they will be able to live in the community where they have lived all their lives," Beaufort said. "Before we know it, they won't be able to afford to live in Point Breeze because they will be taxed out." Opposing the bill are the Nutter administration, the City Planning Commission, residents like Marx and developers like John Longacre, who owns one restaurant and is trying to open another in the neighborhood. He said that the tax issue is moot. "If somebody comes into your neighborhood and builds a brand- new house next to yours, the city can't come by and reassess your house," he said. "It's just a fear mechanism." Then, what's the real reason certain citizens are fighting development, according to Longacre and others? "They don't want white people," he said. "It's really that simple." Point Breeze, just south of Center City, is roughly bordered by Washington Avenue and Broad, Moore and 25th streets. Its main commercial thoroughfare, Point Breeze Avenue, is pockmarked with vacant buildings. The community, too, is marred by empty homes and trash-strewn lots. Crime has long been a problem, and the neighborhood has repeatedly been ranked among the city's most dangerous. Last year, Concerned Citizens caused a stir in the area with a flyer that warned against the influx of "yuppies." It featured two photos: One of a $300,000 home on 19th Street and another of a cluster of white patrons sitting at sidewalk tables outside the Sidecar Bar, at 22nd and Christian streets. "This will begin removing the poor, seniors, fix and low income, working class families and minorities," the flyer said. (Emphasis is Concerned Citizens'.) The group's suggestion of a racial change has some basis. The neighborhood has seen its population shift in recent years. According to 2010 census data, while Point Breeze's total population - 23,585 - fell 8.5 percent from 2000, its white population - 2,723 - increased by 38 percent. Conversely, the African-American population - 16,034 - dropped 20 percent. On the north side of Washington Avenue, in an area that goes by "Graduate Hospital" and other names, the redevelopment boom began before Point Breeze's and has produced even more extreme changes. In the larger census tract known as Southwest Center City, the black population is less than half what it was in 2000. Meanwhile, the white population of that area - now 6,424 - doubled. Still, members of Concerned Citizens denied that race factored into their support for the bill, saying that their primary concern is the appearance of the neighborhood. Three-story homes plopped down in the middle of blocks composed of largely two-story homes "look like dominoes," Beaufort said. They also block the skyline views that residents once enjoyed, she said. Another Concerned Citizens member, Tiffany Green, speculated during the hearing yesterday that Martin Luther King Jr. would have come down on their side. "I was thinking about what Martin Luther King would say about three-story luxury homes being built in low-income, minority communities," she said. "Many of you celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday and pay tribute to him, but I believe if Martin Luther King was alive today that he would be advocating on behalf of low-income minorities." She passed out photos of three-story houses in two-story neighborhoods, then added, "We're not saying we're against new development, we're saying respect our communities." Point Breeze's new residents say that they're not trying to disrespect the older ones. Jonathan King, 31, purchased his two-story rowhouse with his wife in 2008. They were attracted by the affordable home prices, the proximity to Center City and the knowledge that they could add on to the top of their home when they were ready to have children. "We're not real-estate speculators trying to make a quick buck," King said. "We're two people trying to start a family and stay in our house." The Point Breeze Pioneers, a community-improvement organization, came together about three years ago. One of its early goals was to clean up a community garden near founder Antoinette Johnson's home. Not everyone was happy with that. At one point, one resident told Johnson that "she'd rather see a vacant lot with a drug dealer in it than white people gardening," Johnson recalled. "It comes down to a fear of change and a racial divide, to some extent," she said. But some of those who initially differed with the Pioneers are finding themselves on the same side. Claudia Sherrod, director of South Philadelphia HOMES, was quoted in 2009 in the Philadelphia City Paper as saying that the Pioneers were "too aggressive" and spoke "with a forked tongue." Now she and Johnson both oppose the development moratorium. Sherrod's organization is overseeing the development of two affordable housing developments in the neighborhood. Both include three-story homes. A Point Breeze resident for more than 50 years, Sherrod noted that the alleged reason for taking up the bill - "to preserve the uniformity of the streetscape" - was out of place. "Prior to my birth, there were two-story and three-story houses all over," she said. "They looked crazy then and they look crazy now and they'll be here long after I'm gone." City Council President Anna Verna, who introduced the bill, said yesterday that "never in my wildest dreams did I think there would be so much opposition." She asked that the bill be tabled so the community groups could possibly find a compromise. At the very least, some of them are talking. "It's been kind of a blessing in disguise," Johnson said of the controversial legislation. "The newer groups and the older groups are coming together on the same page on this issue." http://www.philly.com/philly/news/118560974.html?page=1&c=y
    2 points
  6. He also does this ^ Churchtank series... basically mashing different model tanks with model churches, fucking awesome.
    2 points
  7. Appetite For Destruction!!!! Almost out homie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  8. I haven't had a drank in 8 months, the money I've saved is crazy.
    1 point
  9. Well, there are a few artists in this video that make me cringe, or maybe it's the need to explain what they do and why that makes me cringe... however, there is some amazing stuff in this video. In particular - @ 6:20 "Sonar" by Renaud Hallee @ 14:50 by Kit Webster I have to go back and finish it. Really hoping MWM Graphics has a part in this... dig his work.
    1 point
  10. 3.5 weeks no drankin' as long as i have shit to do, i have no real urge. last weekend it did nothing but rain and i was house/dog sitting. all i wanted to was go snag an 18 pack and watch tv. but now that the sun is out the urge has subsided.
    1 point
  11. Yucko the clown.JPEG --- I'm more disturbed that 2002 was 9 years ago than that a clown molested a girl Where did the time go????
    1 point
  12. And that's why you don't put money in your mouth.
    1 point
  13. "In the criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad, known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories."
    1 point
  14. true :) ,im back massgraff ha tpbm is tired
    1 point
  15. Thanks for the support abcs.
    1 point
  16. its true. lugr has terrible addictions. a real mess
    1 point
  17. http://vimeo.com/19349921
    1 point
    1 point
  19. new piece just finished now hate how the scan makes it look but it is what it is
    1 point
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Mi7fdVePBQ
    1 point
  21. Latest illustrations: 12 x 18 cellulose pigmented ink under construction painting ..should be finished by next week 4 x 2
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. few hands and stickers whatever.
    1 point
  24. people dont become militant because they lack understanding or knowledge of political issues, they become militant because they come to a point where they feel their back is against the wall and there is no other choice but to use force. to call the tea party militant is stupid, they arent militant whatsoever, they carry weapons to show their support for their right to bear arms and that is all really. what is it about politics that creates this hubris and elitism in individuals where they tend to become so close minded, and feel they have a right to look down and talk down to others because they deem themselves more knowledgeable on political discussions? you can be book smart but still lack a lot of common sense when it comes to other aspects of life, and just because you feel your educated doesnt mean that gives you the right to look at everyone else like they are idiots. thats the real problem with politics imo.
    1 point
  25. Hayley risking bulls and fucking......... ALLIGATORS to bring this bench. Dope shit as always, what yard has gators wandering around? :lol::D
    1 point
  26. politics is religion without constraint.
    1 point
  27. God bless this thread, probably one of the best ones on this site. Them Boys Krush!
    1 point
  28. China and the US have moved into a position of mutually involuntary detente. Economically speaking.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Its entirely up to you dude. Go with what you like and what you shoot well. There's really no point in asking that kind of question on the internet, it only starts a pissing match/dick contest and goes nowhere productive. The best advice is to just do research and make an informed decision based on it.
    1 point
  31. megan good... i would give her triplets!!
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. the 80's though they were great.................
    1 point
  34. in the front seat or the back seat?
    1 point
  35. your the type of a guy i would give thumbs up to.
    1 point
  36. lol bojangles man you know i hate but that was a nice one :D
    1 point
  37. So basically she combined this: With This:
    1 point
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