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  1. secr, craze, jas7, bernie lomax, tom brokaw...
  2. shoutout craze with that half and half, shits fresh.
  3. nice thread, that tomcat19 catch is crazy.
  4. I like the staggering... 3 then 1, 3 then 1, 1,2,1,2
  5. looks like this thread got cleaned up and some dudes got regulated.. lets stay on topic. Props for the last page of goodness.
  6. Time to take this thread back.
  7. this dude is just trying to get a rise out of yall... his first posts in the CT thread we're all gay porn, then he goes into the springfield thread and posts 20 pics of Take7. Put it together.
  8. finally someone went over that for me.
  9. classic. that one long ass shoulder hair.. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/43653900/ns/us_news-life/
  10. oh and shout out to Cindy, and John who always is sitting down at the register at Lowe's, you know I can't forget about yall.
  11. Bump Jack, Susie, Peter, John, and Enrique. Home Depot. Where else can you cop paint and get swatches for bathroom tile at the same time?
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