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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2010 in Posts

  1. fuckit GIANTS cruising around aimlessly empty lots turning into huge buildings... low key park... booker in the cut... dope ass house boats basically downtown sf... i want to live on one of these... Mission Creek...B hard times for this little dude... ditch all fucked up from the rain... Grass Bridge END...
    3 points
  2. Did I accuse anyone of being brainwashed? Or being a government dupe? lol. Don't see it in that post. Again you are taking what I am saying out of context. Continue being a jackass though. It suits you. If you already understand, that post obviously wasn't directed towards you. Didn't realize this was a two way conversation.
    3 points
  3. NO. I am happy if I can get the tip of my dick in the ass to bust my nut... And even then the blowback from the ejaculation is so strong that I end up glazng myself like a Krispy Kreme. All it takes is a split second of not timing that shit right & you are covered in your own semen and possibly your girls digested egg Mcmuffin breakfast. Then she has to bobble the turd to the toilet in her hands and you are stuck on laundry duty Sunday morning. I just assume squirt on the titties and face.
    3 points
  4. stage for West Side Story fire alarm went off in the middle of show everyone outside for about 20 minutes someone trying to keep warm back inside "America" goodnight
    2 points
  5. overall its a good point and shoot...i like the panoramic feature. other than that, i will stick to the canon rebel xsi.
    2 points
  6. http://www.bigassmessage.com/e93c18311
    2 points
  7. Where is this? I need to hit this spot before I die.
    2 points
  8. http://bigassmessage.com For example.... http://www.bigassmessage.com/0f0d274cc
    1 point
  9. Carts of Darkness is a kickass documentary http://your-freedom.biz/blog/movies/carts-of-darkness-2008/
    1 point
  10. Re: Great Pictures~ yearsz, i always like your pictures, they're always real dope.No question bout that. But i felt this one didn't belong for the reasons i mentionned. From both a technical and a composition point of view, it is a weak picture. I've seen GREAT pictures of buildings with a shitload of antennas...and in comparison, this just didn't measure up. My opinion. I know, peeps probably don't care what i think, but i feel constructive criticism can be a good thing.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Re: Fuck America! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA8uWDZdE4o
    1 point
    1 point
  14. on the contrary FrateRaper... thats exactly what she is to me, a thread.
    1 point
  15. I had my fingers in plenty of girls asses...never wanted to fist one though. Too much
    1 point
  16. Lotta threads as of late with titles suggesting as a topic the coming out/embarrassment refuge seeking type. This one was not the case.
    1 point
  17. holy fuck. the bottom of the t looks like where the green & blue meet on necco candy buttons!!
    1 point
  18. druskis that nigga
    1 point
  19. Re: Fuck America! revolution will start once people realize their basic freedoms are being systematically taken away and their respective pockets go dry. it also would help if we stopped our youth from giving in to this popular culture and celebrity ism of a magnitude that is fucking disgusting. i seriously hate my generation.. generation DERP for sure. hopefully all this 2012 nonsense is true.
    1 point
  20. bigassmessage.com/68ea562f1
    1 point
    1 point
  22. Won't go down on a hairy muff. Don't care what you say. All pussy is not the same. Keep telling yourself that as your fat g/f yells at you to bring her some more moonpies and little debbie snack cakes.
    1 point
  23. Wasn't necessarily talking about you RISA shit happens and simplistic letters can come out similar its just the general attitude thats wack click for larger image since no one ever gets that....Lime in the middle of no where sorry for any reruns
    1 point
  24. bad post yeah yup. fail.
    1 point
  25. girlfiend needs hair extensions. her hair is thin. kinda bald up top
    1 point
  26. meant? like breath meants are good after eating garlic? you must have dremt.
    1 point
  27. yall a buncha fags. armpit hair= unacceptable. vaj hair, keep it on a clean scent and a moderate trim, n im game to eat the plate. its all natural. its the way. stop the fear.
    1 point
  28. no not yet atleast. i don't think i will tho sadly no mad lame it was going to be the first time out with this new bitch and i didn't wanna go in with a loaded gun so i rubbed out that easy one needless to say having a faptastic man miscarriage (nh) ruined my plans cuz i'm not gully enough to front all rico suave on a chick after busting a blood nut 2 hours earlier
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Hahahaha, seriously. She did walk in and catch me beating it once when I was like 15, but she turned right around and pretended it never happened. Another time, at 18, she walked in the room and started yelling at me while I was passed out drunk. I rolled over, my dick flopped out of my boxers, she screamed and clsoed the door, and I slurred at her "Oh, grow the fuck up bitch" hahaha
    1 point
  31. your mother was born in wisconsin and you were born in chicago but you don't drink much alcohol is my year 12 level french correct in that?
    1 point
  32. hahaha awesome...never knew chetto dick was possible. If I ever did something to myself messed up its never that bad...more like passing out before I finish fapping and waking up fully clothed with my pants down.
    1 point
  33. i hope erika slapped you for that
    1 point
  34. Food. Nice restaurant or sometimes just something as simple as like 5 magnum ice creams or a big sloppy burger. Keeps it simples.
    1 point
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