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I miss tobacco sometimes, but feel pretty solid that quitting was the best move.


I would smoke a cigar if someone offered me one but that is very unlikely.


I still think people over react about smoke and smokers. 



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4 hours ago, morton said:

I miss tobacco sometimes, but feel pretty solid that quitting was the best move.


I would smoke a cigar if someone offered me one but that is very unlikely.


I still think people over react about smoke and smokers. 



I miss tobacco and the act of smoking it too, just like anything else that is self destructive, I want to do it, but I am happy to no longer partake.

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1 hour ago, fat ralphy said:





IMO some wild fuckery going on or Im just a hater that lives in the past. 


This is according to apple.  Winamp, Disney, Sony, Geffin, Rolling Stone, or Geffin could come out with their own lists and be far more agreed by fans and professionals and be more accurate. 


I am not taking away from a few of those albums as about three could easily be in the top ten time amd time again.  My issue is.  When someone or a company comes out with a "top ten all time" list.   You better be dang sure you know what you are talking about or its just a matter of thier opinion in that case.


In conclusion, I don't think you are living in the past with your feet up sipping on haterade because lists like this cannot be conclusive due to many facets amd genres that have to be considered not only due to the complexity of music being an expression most of which is an emotional expression of one's experiences.  For example, I could have been listening to Marilyn Manson's beautiful people while finding a cure for aids amd since that was the best ting in my life, someone from columbine could totally disagree and consider that the worst album of all time.  


So to help apple get over themselves, a top ten of anything is completely a personal list and isn't some that can be written in stone. 





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16 hours ago, fat ralphy said:

@Schnitzel I have been on a good streak lately overall - but I feel you. 



You're at the BBQ/cookout, there are options - you going glizzy or cheeseburger? 


My fat fuck answer is both unfortunatley. 


shrimp maaaaaaaate!

 no but more likely the glizzy end of the scale. but if cheeseburgers are there probably both as well. I have to be honesgt


Every year I have the Lamb Jam that finishes up summer with a big lot of Lamb chops barbecued over charcoal.

fuck it's good

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10 hours ago, fat ralphy said:





IMO some wild fuckery going on or Im just a hater that lives in the past. 


I'm not going to look at the list because I'll wind up being all old-man-yells-at-clouds, but using this metric to determine The Best of anything  makes McDonalds the best restaurant on earth. The Toyota Corolla the best car, and Walmart the best producer of lingerie.

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My general outlook on those lists is that if you are not considering the work in relation to culture then its not accurate.


Agreed with the consensus here that "sales" should not dictate quality or magnitude.

I will also say that Miseducation is a great album - but the greatest album of all time......


Not a Beatles fan - I like a bunch of their music though. I have seen/heard 2-3 things in the last several months which you could summarize as younger generations saying the Beatles are trash. Really trips me out to think how much point of reference dictates opinion when there is no effort to understand the macro impacts of music. 

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Random not so random but how many of yall have done that dna test shit and would you or why haven’t you?? I got no reason to be on any soapbox tinfoil hat shit about it really but I kinda am. Highly fucking doubt it matters. We are all fucked anyways somehow some way what’s a blood test?? Maybe? Idk. Thoughts??

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Hard pass from me on that one. 


Gut feeling that, hard to put into words which does not make for the greatest conversations. 


I do not trust the companies to have any integrity and I am not interested to find out about my ancestry.  


Had a family friend pass away recently, this guy never even had a email address, finding anything about him online is very difficult. It's a trip.

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I’m not so interested in doing it. I have had aunts and uncles do it and tell me their results already. Also have a 500ish page book going over the family history on one side. So pretty clear picture of who, what, when, where. All sides have big family reunions frequently that tell the story of my people.


You just trying to confirm if you’re .000001 Sicilian or not…..;) 

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About 12 years ago I got a 23 and me test given as a gift. Didn't think about it much, learned some fascinating stuff, disregarded after the initial info dump.


In hindsight,  I wouldn't do it. I don't think it's paranoia to be concerned about what those companies will do with this info. Will my life insurance company reach out and pay them for my profile? Or my health insurance? At what point do my rates skyrocket because gene X187  shows up as increased rate for testicular cancer? 


Anyways, don't do it would be my input.

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3 hours ago, Fist 666 said:

About 12 years ago I got a 23 and me test given as a gift. Didn't think about it much, learned some fascinating stuff, disregarded after the initial info dump.


In hindsight,  I wouldn't do it. I don't think it's paranoia to be concerned about what those companies will do with this info. Will my life insurance company reach out and pay them for my profile? Or my health insurance? At what point do my rates skyrocket because gene X187  shows up as increased rate for testicular cancer? 


Anyways, don't do it would be my input.

How African are you?

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5 hours ago, LUGR said:

How African are you?


23 and Me doesn’t use African or any specific race anymore.  It was too close to being racist at any given moment someone cried foul play.  


They all started using "illegal immigrant" now due to the naraitive in the past few years here in the USA. 

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7 hours ago, LUGR said:

How African are you?


If I remember correctly it was very low, like less than 1%. I was more French and Irish and almost no German, despite having a VERY German last name (not Hitler).  I think it was almost 2% Ashkenazi, though.

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4 hours ago, Schnitzel said:

doesn't get much more general than talking about the weather but it's raining here for the first solid time since January.

kind of feels good. at least I dont have to keep topping up the pool.




I had a good rain last night for the first time in ages. Bummer to be sleeping during it but plants def needed it and will be happy.

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5 hours ago, ndv said:


23 and Me doesn’t use African or any specific race anymore.  It was too close to being racist at any given moment someone cried foul play.  


They all started using "illegal immigrant" now due to the naraitive in the past few years here in the USA. 

no they didn’t


did they?

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5 hours ago, nicklesndimes said:

yeah having my dna out there frightens me

 i feel like i could be framed/implicated for things at will .. or caught lol


As your lawyer I suggest you say less. 

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