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Pass the Corona ese... Novel Corona aka COVID-19


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4 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

I hope to God we don't approve more "stimulus".  I watched my neighbor spend all of his on beer pretty much.... and going to South Padre Island 3 weekends in a row.


I don't want to pay for that donkey shit.  I also don't want to pay for "I have 3 kids and a shit job.  I'm your neighbor and I'm hungry."  All the laid off bartenders, ice cream shop workers, and restaurant wait staff care so much about society and the economy now, that they're experts on it, and in a position to tell the rest of the world what we should be doing to get back on track.


Oh what?  I definitely take life advice from people that don't have their shit together, you all don't?

These stim checks are hitting right while we are saving for a wedding. Bring it on, Trumpy!! Lol

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There's some pretty uninformed arguing in the U.S. right now, as well as on here at times.  More general to the U.S., I love how we get confronted by a problem we know nothing about, so we consult with an expert or experts.  Then, when people don't like the answer they get, they become their own expert on the topic.  


I don't want to type out a whole explanation but you can't look at how the virus affected one country such as Italy and use that to generalize to how it might affect the world.  At best you might be able to generalize to the population of Italy, but with the virus affecting people so differently I'd suspect they don't have the numbers in one country to generalize to any specific segment of their own population.  Likewise, you can't simply say that because 5 people died in Italy and the U.S. has 10 times their population that we can expect that only 50 people in the U.S. will die.  In short, that's not how science and/or statistics work, especially in cases like this.


Some of the comparisons made here as well as by the gen public are nonsense if you understand any of the above.  Apples & oranges as someone said.  


2 unrelated things I've taken note of during this......  AIDS is a deadly disease even though treatments have gotten better/prolonged lives and shit.  Anyhow, if you knowingly transmit it you could be looking at a life sentence or other undesirable consequences.  So, Americans have some understanding and agreement that if you knowingly transmit a deadly disease you should be held liable and face consequences.  Likewise, during this crisis if you intentionally cough on food or people you might get arrested.  Might be a big assumption on my part but I have to figure some of the same people who want the country re-opened are the same people who would want to see you get a consequence if you intentionally coughed on them or items in the supermarket.  Seems like there's some hypocrisy mixed up in that in terms of people's willingness to transmit disease.  BTW, not trying to compare AIDS to Covid19.


The other thing is we live in a society where buying shit = happiness, and much of our society is brainwashed into that.  So now we see the consequences.  There are people suffering who need jobs and income.  But there are a lot of complainers out there who simply want to consume, they're unhappy at home not consuming more & more shit to the point that they're willing to risk illness and/or infecting others in order to feed their addiction.  Sad state of affairs.

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1 hour ago, Kults said:

Not sure how it works in the states but what you're describing is basically welfare here. Unemployment Insurance pays out 65% of your salary.


Again, cant speak for the states but there are plenty of unfilled essential services positions available here right now. No one wants to work since theyre all getting 2k/month free, I wouldn't wanna work either.


I do believe we should help people down on their luck but I draw the line when we pay out more to let them stay home and do nothing than they've ever made to begin with. That last statement is just an appeal to emotion

Where I live Unemployment Insurance pays less than a third of my wages and zero health insurance. I try to live within my means but a 70 percent reduction in income combined with the need to pay for private insurance would create an untenable situation.


I did not understand that you were addressing your opinion in regard to the Canadian situation only. 


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1 minute ago, morton said:

Where I live Unemployment Insurance pays less than a third of my wages and zero health insurance. I try to live within my means but a 70 percent reduction in income combined with the need to pay for private insurance would create an untenable situation.


I did not understand that you were addressing your opinion in regard to the Canadian situation only. 


That sounds like a rough deal ill give you that. I cant speak to the situation in the US really, I get info about other countries from the news and its hard to get a clear picture through all the shilling and biased reporting, was def just speaking on our situation up here. There's some overlap for sure but the details and numbers are really different.


30% doesn't sound like enough to live. Then we get into income tax and how much the gov takes, they take a lot here so we kind of expect that safety net if it goes to shit, in this case 70% of your income insured. The argument being that if you got to keep more of your salary after tax people should have been stashing some away for a rainy day. This does nothing for people hurting right now I get that.


In practice I'm not a cold-hearted prick that would let people starve but in theory you cant have it both ways, pay less tax then expect more from the government when shit goes awry. Personally, Id rather pay less and be responsible for myself and save more of my money. I trust myself more than I trust the government to have my best interests at heart.

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11 minutes ago, KILZ FILLZ said:

only stimulus CoD fans are dreaming of...









Man, that map pack was everything when it dropped. Of the dozens of MP released throughout the years I remember that one the most. That suburb map ❤️


Back when map packs had 5 great NEW maps, no remasters. Them were the days. Now we're lucky if the game proper ships with 5

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6 hours ago, One Man Banned said:

There's some pretty uninformed arguing in the U.S. right now, as well as on here at times.  More general to the U.S., I love how we get confronted by a problem we know nothing about, so we consult with an expert or experts.  Then, when people don't like the answer they get, they become their own expert on the topic.  



Dude wrote a whole book on this shit:




Recently did a podcast with a former colleague of mine where he discusses the CovidCrisis, armed cosplayers in state capitals, etc.: https://aca.st/9e2bf5


I've read most of the book. The dude writes really well but it's a frustrating book to read when you realise how accurate his observations are.



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considering my state has apparently closed the borders it was trifle surprising to drive to the border along a B road ( one of only 28 total roads that lead into my state) and


not a sign

not a barricade

not a bored cop playing candy crush in a squad car



 was pretty cool though made it way easier to pick up the puppy



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So this is the exact stuff that I talk about when I say that the US fed govt has screwed up its response and caused far more death, suffering and shut down in the US than needed to happen.


Yes, it's his son, but you can bet your bitch tits that this is a major pillar of the campaign strategy. It's encouraging Trump's base and the Reps to believe that the virus is all a Democrat beat up. They're circling back to the narrative that they had right at the start of the outbreak, because they think they have the virus beat and that there won't be a big spike between now and Nov.




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18 minutes ago, Hua Guofang said:

Of course, history does not dictate the future, however it hopefully informs it:




this isn’t the first wave. looks like we’re about to hit the third after restrictions ease up but social distancing is maintained 

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13 minutes ago, Kults said:

this isn’t the first wave. looks like we’re about to hit the third after restrictions ease up but social distancing is maintained 

Here's hoping that you're right.


I really don't know anything about the figures in that graph so it's a bit more meme like in its value than a useful injection into the conversation, to be honest.


13 minutes ago, Schnitzel said:

@Hua Guofang you think the different seasons in australia would change that graph at at all?

That's the fear. Govt is setting up the testing facilities and surveillance capabilities around Australia and CBR is still putting together the new temporary portable emergency wing at the hospital and the PPE sourcing is still moving forward at full pace. I believe the reasons are two-fold: firstly, as we phase down the restrictions on movement and gatherings, they have to be able to identify an outbreak at the earliest opportunity to contain it, and secondly, as you say, we're heading into winter, and that gets to the question below by Kults


12 minutes ago, Kults said:

weren’t they saying it doesn’t survive on surfaces as long in the warmer temps?

That's the early thinking but, from what I'm aware, much more experimentation needs to be done before they reach a conclusion that can't be disproved. Then, you also face the problem that in hot areas, you still have lots of cooled and air-conditioned spaces where the heat won't reduce the ability of the virus to survive outside of the host. Secondly, the heat won't stop the virus from traveling between hosts who are in close proximity as transmission won't rely on the virus passing from external surfaces, it will be able to pass directly due to interpersonal contact.


India is seeing a pretty quick increase in cases at the moment and Singapore saw it hook into its migrant worker population that all live in shitty, high-density workers' quarters and they're both high-temp, high-humidity environments.


I guess the assumption is that it will be similar to the flu virus in that it will transmit less in the warmer seasons but just as with the flu, you can still catch it at the height of summer if the conditions are right.

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I was up at Prince Edward, County, not Island unfortunately, last summer. Heard a child and his father bemoaning the lack of "Ontario Peaches" in the store and the kid asked his dad if they were the best in world. lol It was not hot but for whatever reason the lake was super warm.


Ohio is opening back up, looks like about everything by the end of the month except venues for large crowds will be open by the end of the month.




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6 hours ago, Kults said:

admittedly kinda funny. I suspect it might be warmer in winter there than summer here 

Depends where you are in the country, which is a whole continent. I live 2 hours from the ski fields and it gets fuck off cold here in winter. The coldest I've experienced here was -7c/19.4f, which I know is rather balmy compared to the cold you get in Canada and the northern part of the US.


The coldest I've ever experienced was around -20c/-4f in China and the wind was brutal. Summers here in Canberra can hang around the mid forties/113 but have gotten up to about 51/124. I think Canberra is both the hottest and coldest capital city in Australia, Darwin might get hotter. That's up north and it's hot all fucking year. The only difference is that sometimes it rains for 3 months.


That's the weather, now let's hear from Joe about what's been going on in sports today....

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1 minute ago, misteraven said:

We get -30F for days at a time. Heard record low hit something like -60F. Pretty much anything sub zero is pretty cold. 

@misteravenI always love the stereotypical Americans and Canadians how they think Australia so dangerous because of the lethal snakes, spiders, sharks, crocs, etc. For me, that^^^ shit is far more dangerous. I can step on a spider, kick a snake and avoid the sharks/crocs, etc. But you end up outside and out of luck for an hour in that kind of weather and you're dead. You can kill a spider but you can't kill the cold.

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