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War in the middle east and intervention debate

Hua Guofang

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Just now, NightmareOnElmStreet said:

Also, where is a good radio or news station to listen in on all this bullshit? Obviously none of your average places, like npr? Would like to be informed. 

None that I know of that don’t put their biased spin on it

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1 hour ago, Hua Guofang said:

@misteraven- in response, I Was being pretty self indulgent with my response. Of course the website is not fucked, I still come here and still post away.


Although, I do think there isn't much appetite for questioning assumptions and reading information. It's more about picking a position because you like it and defending it regardless of what is put in front of you. It's also apparently bad to say you don't have a position on something because you don't know enough about it or question others on their positions. IF you come up with something that undermines some one else's position, you get accused of posting fake news, etc. There's not a lot of good faith discussion here, to be honest. Although, as much as @Mercerand I annoy each other I think discussions with him are worthwhile because it's an actual discussion, not an effort to win internet points and name calling.



Anyway, enough whingy complainy from me. I want to ask you why you think the right/conservatives are the underdog when they are in control in:

- the US

- Australia

- the UK

- Brazil

- Poland

- Hungary

- Turkey

-  Sweden

- Philippines

and are on the ascent in so many other countries such as France, Netherlands, Denmark, etc. etc. You will find that conservative media are usually the highest rating of the traditional mediums in these countries as well.


Of course, we may debate what right/conservative means as I tend to focus more on the social element and you likely focus on the economic and small govt perspectives.

Fair enough, though I'll respond to the second paragraph by saying it probably didn't start that way. I think people's appetites became well satiated after a couple threads like this and likely turned sour when it repeatedly works against their own positions and perhaps bias. If nothing else, it can sometimes be overwhelming to follow along. It's a lot to digest and we don't have the benefit of your education and professional experience, which you've mentioned is directly related. That's not to say to not keep on with it. I think it'll be an amazing record to look back on all these conversations in the future and see what ends up panning out. It also goes far to elevate the IQ of a lot of these threads for those that are interested in something to actually think about, rather than just consume, which is so often the case. Personally I miss news when it was just presented as fact like in the Walter Cronkite era rather than the dumbed down, spoon fed, agenda driven, click bait bullshit editorial that is currently passed off as news these days.


Note that most my comments / positions are specific and limited to the USA unless I call out otherwise. I lived in Germany for a year, but can't claim I know German culture. As much as I read up on other countries and cultures or might have friends in those places, I couldn't say I really understand the nuance their perspectives, social consciousness or cultural conversations as I lack the context that can only come from being well integrated into those cultures and often, native.


That being said, as far as the USA... Being conservative is almost reaching a point of being socially unacceptable. In some places, it is for most intents and purposes. The red MAGA hat is regularly called out as being the modern dat Clan hood and its rare to not hear conservative / republican not uttered in the same sentence as racist. In places like NYC and LA, people are so worked up into a froth over what's happening with American politics, ironically with little understanding of any of it, significant current news, or the content and consequence of either, that arguments far outweigh any other form of communication. Main exception to it is when speaking into an echo chamber, which is essentially what those cities have become. Meanwhile, the vast majority of the social conversation here, from social media, to MSM, to Hollywood, prattles on endlessly or otherwise reinforces the narrative that conservatives are either straight up greedy racists hell bent on destroying the planet or misguided souls with their heads up their proverbial asses. It truly is bizarre and pretty incredible to see to what lengths the narrative goes to reinforce that idea. Somehow white men should all be guilty for their privilege, setup sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants, as well as the best amenities of a civil society including free healthcare, education and housing, that being financially successful is evidence that you took advantage of your fellow man, etc, etc. This is drummed on endlessly, day after day starting with about the mid point of Obama's first administration. Now it all but permeates most of America and what used to be seen as an outlying extreme left position, is actually a fairly centrist position.


And I'm talking in terms of a social perspective here with left / right being defined as where the boundaries seem to lie today, rather than the ideologies that classically defined them.

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44 minutes ago, NightmareOnElmStreet said:

Came in for one quick question....Politic nerds.....on a scale of 1 - 10, 10 being dead, how close are we (in the states, on American soil)...???

As @Hua Guofangtouched on, their ability to partake in kinetic warfare, especially in the classical sense, is limited. They like to tout their military might, but as @Kultsmentioned, its largely just posturing (chest thumping). They're a significant presence within that theater (middle east), but lack the technology to do much more than overwhelm non-state based fighters versus going up against organized state military. I'd suspect that they do have a nuclear ability, even if it was handed to them, but would probably have a tough time even reaching Israel, if at all. Meanwhile Israel is probably sitting around twitching, eager to see how this plays out and if the USA will step up before finding an excuse to turn Iran into an irradiated glass parking lot. That's not to say that Iran has no play or isn't a threat, but as crazy as they seem to come off, they no doubt learned from Saddam's mistake and are unlikely to go up against the USA in a conventional war. My guess is they're both trying to save face, while also exploring the edges of the American resolve, with the hopes of using it to rally support for their own cause and action. They have support from Russia, China and even Europe, but not enough that they can likely drag any of those guys into this. But likewise, the USA won't have much support either, particularly since we're going into a full term of Trump bashing. All this being said, the two consequences I foresee is that we're already running a 1 trillion a year annual deficit and last thing the USA can afford is another war. At the same time, the war is hardly more than a number on a spread sheet that is not only unsustainable, but unlikely to ever be paid back. Also, since so much war is outsourced, a lot of the economy will prosper and the trickledown will probably have more impact than the resulting instability of global markets, that'll tank other segments. The wild card will be how Iran will likely be used as a pawn for some of America's enemies to wage unconventional war against the USA. No doubt Russia and North Korea have the technical ability to crash most of the American power grid, probably hack Wall Street and cripple significant swaths of American infrastructure from a keyboard. I could see this happening, if even for some hard proof of concept from those that think they can. Further, Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism, so I'm sure they'll find innovative new ways to flex on that. I'm sure they can pull the resources to bring that to American shores and I'd be surprised if it doesn't happen if this continues to ramp up. Again, they'll get support by proxy players that can't stand the USA either. I'd imagine that beyond cyber warfare, they could muster the ability to detonate a dirty bomb. Quite possible with enough help, they could fire off an EMP or maybe a few of them, all of which would devastate the American economy and lead to far more American death than a conventional land war.


That's my own opinion on it. Not quite as clean as giving you a 1 - 10 answer.

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3 minutes ago, misteraven said:

 I'd suspect that they do have a nuclear ability, even if it was handed to them, but would probably have a tough time even reaching Israel, if at all. Meanwhile Israel is probably sitting around twitching, eager to see how this plays out and if the USA will step up before finding an excuse to turn Iran into an irradiated glass parking lot.

This. Theyve been itching for it for decades, this is their shot and no one would bat an eye if it was provoked, its arguably coming to that.

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*As @Mercermentioned, hopefully we don't get sucked into a land assault. I'm thinking unlikely based upon how we kicked this off and the fact that Trump seems to have no issue skipping the foreplay and just having at it. Though a huge roll out like the first two middle east war is a hell of a showcase of American might, it also takes tremendous resolve and coordination that is deeply rooted in cooperation. He doesn't have that under this political climate and short of Iran popping off some shit in NYC and even then, probably never will. Way easier to have a couple twenty somethings fly in Reapers from half way around the world and coordinate a strategic air assault since assaulting Iran is about as challenging as shooting fish in a barrel once the gloves come off.


Just sayin'... Merica!



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I think the fact that @NightmareOnElmStreetasked us where to find good info is a clear sign that we're not just being wankers here.  @Hua Guofang


In regards to The Young Turks (TYT), they've been shown to say incredibly ridiculous stuff in the past.


One thing you can do on Youtube, where I consume most of my news, is you can choose to have Youtube never suggest a channel to you again.  If you go through and get rid of a few of the bad news channels (washington post, huffington post, cnn, tyt, buzzfeed, etc) you will have a much better time finding facts and news that's worth consuming.  MANY of the leftist channels focus heavily on disparaging the conservatives as Raven pointed out.


They also participate in a type of lying called lying by omission.  This is the kind of lie, as I'm sure you're well aware, that is done by NOT telling the WHOLE truth.  They will chop up interviews and sound bytes to skew things that people say a certain way.  They purposefully leave out very pertinent details of things people say to make them sound bad or insensitive.  It can be quite shocking when you see the full interview vs what some of these news networks push and realize how biased they made their story to spin their perspective and attempt to get others to believe it.  Further, it works..... there are people out in society that believe the bs these networks spread.


So, my suggestion to you is, watch a lot of news from different networks.  Anyone paying attention will be able to pick out the inflammatory news vs. those that are just trying to tell it like it is.  It's kind of like you have to go to that work get together the first time to figure out who the people you shouldn't hang out with at work are..... so go ahead and check out the different networks, but keep it in the back of your head that there is a high probability that you're being bullshitted or told something that aligns with their own political bias.


An example is how many of the shit networks are acting like we did something bad by killing this general guy.  They were calling the terrorists that were doing terrorist type activities at the US embassy "mourners" and "protestors".  See how calling a fucking ass hole a mourner or protestor makes it sound like they have some right to be there and what they're doing is justified?  That's the kind of shit those news networks do that you should be very wary of.  Also, there are many brainwashed people that will side with those news networks and they refuse to do what I just suggested to you by watching all sides of the news.  They watch one side and only know that one side, that's a poor position to be in if you intend to understand anything from all facets.

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1 minute ago, misteraven said:

*As @Mercermentioned, hopefully we don't get sucked into a land assault. I'm thinking unlikely based upon how we kicked this off and the fact that Trump seems to have no issue skipping the foreplay and just having at it. Though a huge roll out like the first two middle east war is a hell of a showcase of American might, it also takes tremendous resolve and coordination that is deeply rooted in cooperation. He doesn't have that under this political climate and short of Iran popping off some shit in NYC and even then, probably never will. Way easier to have a couple twenty somethings fly in Reapers from half way around the world and coordinate a strategic air assault since assaulting Iran is about as challenging as shooting fish in a barrel once the gloves come off.


Just sayin'... Merica!



Iran is like that snotty kid that keeps poking you, then cries foul when you tire of it and slam him into a wall full force.

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34 minutes ago, misteraven said:

Personally I miss news when it was just presented as fact like in the Walter Cronkite era rather than the dumbed down, spoon fed, agenda driven, click bait bullshit editorial that is currently passed off as news these days.

This. I'm always surprised when current journalists give folks like Walter Cronkite, David Brinkley, and Tom Brokaw so much credit for the way they did their jobs, and then are not inspired by how they did their jobs. I suppose that's not what the modern day citizen wants though (seems biased news is preferred). 

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@Hua Guofanganother thing you can do that is more effective than watching news is simply watching the c-span streams. in case you aren't familiar, most congressional hearing are live streamed. You'd me amazed at the differences in take away between watching the debates straight from the horses mouth versus getting the summary and then being fed your takeaway as is so common with typical 'news'. Probably your best since you seem to have a lot of context for what they're debating on.

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 @Dirty_habiTThere’s plenty of right wing news sources that spend half their time going on about liberals this and dems that. Before you even say it i know, you think the left does it way more than the right, haha. It’s the same on both sides my dude. 


In terms of situations like this @NightmareOnElmStreetthere’s really no right or easy answer. You have to take it all on, remember each source has a bias most likely, and then, most importantly i’d say, is remember that war sells. The mass media made this situation seem far more escalated and sewed deep panic in many people through their headlines and wording. This situation has a Noam Chomsky book written all over it.. 


Weeding out the opinions and sticking to factual information is tough, so try to steer clear of nonsense and stick to the “Iran dropped x amount of bombs, and the US did this..” information. 

I’ve even listened to Alex Jones briefly on this subject. Listened to Ben Shapiro’s podcast, read FOX and NY Post stories.. then flipped to read NY Times, BBC, Popular Front podcast.. whatever sources google and duck duck go produce..

I stay away from anything tv, or video related. I try to read for the majority and podcasts for the rest.

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4 minutes ago, abrasivesaint said:

@Dirty_habiTThere’s plenty of right wing news sources that spend half their time going on about liberals this and dems that. Before you even say it i know, you think the left does it way more than the right, haha. It’s the same on both sides my dude. 

Not untrue, but MSM is overwhelmingly liberal in the USA. Not even sure we have an overtly conservative major newspaper to push back on the NYT and Washington Post. Also, FOX is clearly conservative, but comparing that to MSNBC, CNN and even NBC and CBS most of the time... There's really no balance at all. I'd also argue that for most scheduled content shows, FOX is fairly centrist. They certainly have their wing nut conservative hosts as well, but then again... Rachel Maddow.


Either way, its not at all balanced when judged per network, but also when judged as a whole.

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I’d agree with that. There’s definitely more left MSM sources on tv. I honestly couldn’t tell you the last time i have seen television news that wasn’t in a waiting room or some shit. I don’t have cable. So maybe because i’m more reading and hearing my news through podcasts i come across more of the right wing stuff and it seems more prevalent in the mainstream.   @misteraven

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Here's a perfect example of why I like this particular show.... again I only watch it on youtube, i don't actually turn the tv on to see this program.


They talk about liberal vs. conservative in a very dignifying way.  This, to me, says that they aren't in the business of simply bashing someone because they're on the opposite team, they praise Ricky Gervais for what he did and clearly state several times in this clip how he's a liberal.  I, too, like Ricky Gervais after what he did on the golden globes the other night.  Shit was amazing, I'd high five the fuck out of that dude /no homo.


Watch this if you can stomach watching fox news for five minutes, it won't disappoint you.





edit: also sorry for the off topic, I'll try to not stray too far anymore.

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You mean that plane that crashed outside of Tehran amidst Iran firing missiles into neighboring countries in retaliation for a military general being killed that happened to have his body being paraded around Tehran in one of the most tense situations in recent history may have been shot down? 

That plane?


Technical issue. 

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Those missiles were a strange move, purposely designed to allow them to tuck their tail, but claim a “great victory” lol to their people without harming a single person. Doubt it’s over but I’m guessing there will be deescalation. Although I’ve been on a plane all day, haven’t checked twitter yet so who knows.

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God damn. Thanks guys. Lot to take in there but i appreciate it. I definitely don’t believe any media is feeding out the whole truth, ever, even though I sounded a tad ridiculous with my opening question. That said, I like the fact you dudes stay unbiased to which side says what. That’s the reason I came in here from jump. Had to initially ask myself, “Where can I go find out wtf is goin on with these lunatics in raw form?” 12OONTZ forever. But in all seriousness, how in the fuck do you niggas have the time to watch full on court hearings and create your own damn narratives for the situation at hand?? I’ll take the YouTube suggestion for sure though. @Dirty_habiTI 1000% notice how easy it is to spot a chopped up sound bite on really any form of news. I’ve always known that shit is wild manipulated. hence why it’s tuff to find a good source for a guy who is absolutely not watching any sort of hearing. I’ve watched some of the debates leading up to the new year and i like hearing interviews of all the candidates but i can’t see myself doing much more than that. So i reckon i will stay partially uninformed and consider 12oz a good second base for what i need to know 😂 How dumb does that sound? Don’t answer that. 


Hey, on a side note, I did read some of the early pages of this thread. Whole lotta grown man knowledge beef. 

It seems like there has most definitely been a shift in tone around here. I like it. Seems to me that everything is pretty much the same. Niggas just got old and far more educated, which actually makes me feel odd for still using my preferred lingo, but fuck y’all. The information, the content, the banter..It’s all generally unchanged imo. I’m just thankful  to have a space I can either look or sound retarded in and still gain real life knowledge bombs if I have the interest. S/O to this place. 



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6 minutes ago, Mercer said:

Those missiles were a strange move, purposely designed to allow them to tuck their tail, but claim a “great victory” lol to their people without harming a single person. Doubt it’s over but I’m guessing there will be deescalation. Although I’ve been on a plane all day, haven’t checked twitter yet so who knows.

We can kill their number 2 and they can destroy a few of our sheds 


Pretty legit 

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2 minutes ago, NightmareOnElmStreet said:

God damn. Thanks guys. Lot to take in there but i appreciate it. I definitely don’t believe any media is feeding out the whole truth, ever, even though I sounded a tad ridiculous with my opening question. That said, I like the fact you dudes stay unbiased to which side says what. That’s the reason I came in here from jump. Had to initially ask myself, “Where can I go find out wtf is goin on with these lunatics in raw form?” 12OONTZ forever. But in all seriousness, how in the fuck do you niggas have the time to watch full on court hearings and create your own damn narratives for the situation at hand?? I’ll take the YouTube suggestion for sure though. @Dirty_habiTI 1000% notice how easy it is to spot a chopped up sound bite on really any form of news. I’ve always known that shit is wild manipulated. hence why it’s tuff to find a good source for a guy who is absolutely not watching any sort of hearing. I’ve watched some of the debates leading up to the new year and i like hearing interviews of all the candidates but i can’t see myself doing much more than that. So i reckon i will stay partially uninformed and consider 12oz a good second base for what i need to know 😂 How dumb does that sound? Don’t answer that. 


Hey, on a side note, I did read some of the early pages of this thread. Whole lotta grown man knowledge beef. 

It seems like there has most definitely been a shift in tone around here. I like it. Seems to me that everything is pretty much the same. Niggas just got old and far more educated, which actually makes me feel odd for still using my preferred lingo, but fuck y’all. The information, the content, the banter..It’s all generally unchanged imo. I’m just thankful  to have a space I can either look or sound retarded in and still gain real life knowledge bombs if I have the interest. S/O to this place. 



This should be pinned as top comment 

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5 hours ago, Kults said:

We can kill their number 2 and they can destroy a few of our sheds 


Pretty legit 

Agree that the US got the better end of this (so far), but Iranian targetting seems to have been on point and hit well within the base (as opposed to some of the crap in the media saying they hit empty sand). Not clear what was in these hangars. Would be interesting if these were the specific hangars where the drones that targetted QS were being housed as that would indicate a level of intelligence on behalf of Iran.





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