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1 hour ago, Moe Szyslak said:

I smoked that synthetic weed shit once and ended up in jail then the mental hospital. When in the mental hospital i thought the techs were trying to steal my thoughts and dreams cause they were trump supporters so i jumped out a plexi glass window in my underwear and ran away. I figured out i had all my shit and clothes at the hospital, so i went back and they let me come back in.



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Eh.  Took for first time about an hour ago.  Maybe felt something at first, now not so much.  Guy gave me 3 samples, this one is for like calming/relaxation.  Other 2 are more for pain management but he said one is for daytime, sativa effect, the other for night, indica effect.  Got some for the pooch to try too.  Other than for anti inflammatory properties I don't know why I don't stick to shmoking weeds, not sure I get this.

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33 minutes ago, lord_casek said:

I use a bunch of different cannabinoids. CBD, CGB, CBN, and CBC. Ask me anything?
Btw: If you are drug tested at work do not use CBD. You'll pop for THC. 


As much as you're willing, would be interested what you take each one for and what effect it gives/has. 


I'll experiment a little but weed seems better thus far.  I had smoked weed earlier today, but what I had today for CBD just seemed like a short lasting feeling somewhat similar to THC edibles/tinctures I've had, at least as far as physical sensation.


Interested mainly in healing properties, definitely caught my attention seeing the Diaz brothers head straight for the CBD after fights.  Also full disclosure I really bought it today to give to my dog but figured this was a good intro for me to try it too.

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42 minutes ago, One Man Banned said:


As much as you're willing, would be interested what you take each one for and what effect it gives/has. 


I'll experiment a little but weed seems better thus far.  I had smoked weed earlier today, but what I had today for CBD just seemed like a short lasting feeling somewhat similar to THC edibles/tinctures I've had, at least as far as physical sensation.


Interested mainly in healing properties, definitely caught my attention seeing the Diaz brothers head straight for the CBD after fights.  Also full disclosure I really bought it today to give to my dog but figured this was a good intro for me to try it too.

Sure. CBN for sleep. It's a slow, relaxing feeling. CBG for anxiety calming. CBC to enhance THC highs. 
Long term CBD use is when you'll see the best results. After about two weeks of consistent use you'll


Edited by lord_casek
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I was just making fun @One Man Banned - you would have thought that CBD is rather calming / relaxing rather than amping you up.


I really am no expert at all on this stuff.

Tried a few things, alas here (in Germany) shit is so super weak / potent stuff so ridicilously expensive that nobody really bothers (read: they're just smoking proper weed instead : ) - reading through this thread gave me the impression that you have much nicer (more potent) stuff in the states.

What I did gather as well is that you do have to take CBD for a few weeks to really get sensitive to it.

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