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No I find myself enjoying music  I grew up with but a lot of newer stuff is just wack or reminds me of something else.

Don't get me wrong there is recent stuff I like GLK, Flying Lotus etc but generally new music will not resonate with me as much as stuff I've grown up with 

Its just not as important anymore. If I had to name my 10 favourite albums I'd be hard pushed to put anything in from the last 10 years at least.

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2 hours ago, Brink said:

Eh, I don't necessarily agree. Finding music on the internet is great if you know how/where to look. Many extremely talented bands/artists that could never be found otherwise now have sites like soundcloud where they can share their music for free. No need to spend money to press a record, or record a demo on a cassette. Especially on the international scale, we now have so much more access to music from different places, its great. 

You described something that I believe has also allowed a FLOOD of mediocrity into the scene.  It's good and bad at the same time.  It's just like the idea that the internet has given EVERY idiot a megaphone with anonymity.  There's a ton of armchair _________'s now and one of the things that fits there is "musician".  I can understand what @Decyferonmeant.  Most "good" new music I end up liking is electronic in nature which, even though it changes a bit over the years, the sounds are largely the same and the style is largely the same.  I'm not putting a genre on a pedestal by saying that, I'm just relating the experience I've had with "new" music that I've enjoyed.  It hasn't been from the hip hop genre lately though.

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I feel like some of the crap rap phase may have also started when people who otherwise would have received little play took their drug $$$ and financed their own careers (and then also put out their even crappier friend's albums too).  Granted they reached an American Idol level of fame, but it was really more regional fame.  Thinking of some of the South/Midwest 'rappers.'


Also unsure that the difference in music is because it's not made for me or that kids these days simply suck.  Music definitely goes through periods where it has different meaning, value, message, etc.  60's are the best example when you look at how much changed in 10 years time.  A lot of the anger and discontent is absent from today's music but I think these things are cyclical and musicians will find that voice again.

Some music seems to transcend generations and other demographics, like The Beatles.  Rap to me has always been much more fickle though.  The list of rap albums that can still hold their own 10+ years later is a pretty short list comparatively.


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On 9/25/2018 at 10:20 PM, Dirty_habiT said:

I just looked over Foucault's wiki page.  He seems to be a French Philosopher but without reading about him a lot more deeply I wouldn't know his shortcomings or merits.  Would you care to expand more on what you said?  This thread, again, doesn't have to be about music.


Oh oh oh and.... PAGE 2!!!

To continue on from Mercer, I find his writing needlessly dense and when I’m done I’m still not sure what the point was. 


If reading Foucault is about the journey, great. If it’s about the message, fail. 




I still still love my pre 1990s hip hop the best. They were my high school bombing days so it has all the culture and the memories for me. 

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On 9/22/2018 at 10:08 AM, Dirty_habiT said:

Wtf is up with "new music".  I'm trying real hard to not seem crusty here.  I "discovered" some videos the other day on Diplo's youtube channel that really made me wonder what the heck is going on with music.


Lil Pump

Trippy Red

Little Xan


Their songs are very simple in terms of lyrical technicality, not that that's some measure of good music.... but I remember watching Scribble Jam videos where people with actual skills were trying to defeat eachother.  These new songs have the same word rhyming at the end of ever line and they same the same sentence multiple times and this constitutes a "song".  (For instance Trippy Red says in "wish" - i can't feel my face, i can't feel my face, i can't feel my face, i can't feel my face."  Like we get it dude, you're going to stroke out from a cocaine induced heart attack at 35.


I don't get the "whisper rap" or the people that sound like they've never taken a singing class in their life.  Again, i'm trying real hard to not be crotchety here about this but it really seems like our standards have just fallen through the floor that I thought was rock bottom.  Can someone give me some insight as to what it is the kiddos are finding so fascinating about this genre?

I'd bet money that most kids into this music, without looking it up, couldn't name 3 of the elements of hip hop.  If anyone else has anything else they're not understanding and need broken down for them, please ask here.  This doesn't just have to be about my new young person music question.

It's unreal...I'm starting to think the new gen are all retards or something (no offense to the mentally challenged). Your rant above has been said by me for the last 6 years to anyone who will listen...which isn't many at this point....but what happened to shit like this.


"fuck batman and robin, cause I'm robbing with a bat man"

" Dead in the middle of Little Italy little did we know that we riddled two middlemen who didn’t do diddly" 

"I jack, I rob, I sin, I'm Jackie Robinson, except when I run base I dodge the pen"


and why do they all look like Rainbow Brite?



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I believe you're right.... the music is simple and it appeals to people that are also simple and cannot be bothered to actually listen.  It plays on the short attention spans of society, especially the young people.  If you notice the songs make a very simple line then leave a big pause without words while they "line up" for the next beat that they're going to use the same word to rhyme at the end of.  It's like completely thoughtless and what is even sadder is most of it's written.  Anyone knows that freestyling typically has to be smart and "fast" to be on point.  You can't trip up your words and leave long pauses before your next line while you think about what you're going to say, you had to have already thought of that before you get there so you can continue with the flow.


I think I just nailed it, these guys have no flow.  It's abrasive and reminds me of the angsty goth/emo kid music that was listened to in the 90s/early 2000s rock genre.

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I know 2 people who have Amazon Prime and I'm really unsure the difference other than I believe they get free shipping and it ships in 2 days?

Real question I have about it is what's in it for Amazon?  Can't help but think it's a bit of a ploy to get people signed up and ordering stuff while at the same time allowing Amazon to collect more info on their user's habits, interests, etc.

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A friend of mine is obsessed with Pops. He orders em off amazon with prime then claims he never got the package and they usually send him doubles. Or when his box is mangled he claims for a second one. Not sure how prime works, I don't really use Amazon but assuming he gets away with all that shit because of it.

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Pops like... soda pops?  I think Prime is expensive.  It's a good thing Google and Amazon aren't the same company, if they were you wouldn't be able to search google for products and find them cheaper with shipping than you can get them on Prime.  I don't know if I'm wrong about this but I thought Prime meant you get 2 day shipping for free on anything that says "Prime".... but now it seems like there are many products marked Prime but they don't have 2 day shipping.  Or it will have an option at checkout to add 2 day shipping for an additional fee.

The collecting info on your habits for marketing purposes is definitely something they do, but I cannot see them selling their info to any other company because it'd make more sense to use it for their own purposes.  So, in that regard it may not be such a bad thing.  I, for instance, like that youtube will suggest to me things that I already like.  It makes finding new stuff easy when it relates my browsing habits to other peoples' that have similar viewing habits.  It's a double edged sword really with data collection.

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Prime is free shipping, free returns, and free return shipping if you order prime from amazon with amazon prime. My wife is the big online shopper, I am more prone to brick and mortar, but for me the ease of return is a must to buy online so I like prime for that. 



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