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Job Thread/Career Change/underpaid grunts/work sucks

Sleazeside Heights

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So I've been having a problem with work in general lately. It mostly boils down to me hitting a mental wall and not giving a shit anymore. I'm going to be leaving the jobs I work at pretty soon and trying to find something new again. I loathe that search and interview process, it's all so phony. Problem is, there's nothing much that I can find I really want to be doing that relates to getting paid for it. Most of all I want a place I don't dread going into every day, and are cool with me dressing very casual. It needs to be pretty lax, because I cannot handle a fast-paced work environment, or much stress in general. I'd like to be able to do something somewhat hands-on, working on projects, etc.


Without experience, and lacking skills it could be tough to get something to break into. I went to college and all that, but a degree doesn't really do much these days.


So the only ideas I've been kicking around are maybe building/painting stage sets. Working at a printing/screening place, even though I don't know shit about it...I would love to be a buffman actually, get paid to look at graff all day. maybe a garbage man...but i'd have to take the civil service test, put on a waiting list, and i hear those jobs are hard to get. Maybe work at a record store, but I've been out of the loop on what shit kids listen to these days. Maybe a skate shop would be pretty chill.


I looked up this list of jobs for lazy people, which was pretty great:



my favoritesfrom that:


#7 Library worker: Running a library takes a lot of organization and dedication, but if you're an assistant sitting at a desk waiting to check people out, you may find that you also get to be plenty lazy.


#17 Bookstore employee: Working at a small bookstore probably means that you won't see a lot of traffic in your store day in and day out, especially if you only work during the week. It's also a quiet atmosphere that's perfect for sitting down and drinking coffee. Leave the financial headaches to the store owner.


#20 Gift shop employee: Small gift shops, even if they're successful, don't get a lot of hustle and bustle all year round, ever day of the week. You'll probably find yourself with extra time to read a book or stare off into space in between helping out customers at the register.


#43 Play a corpse: TV shows like CSI, Law and Order, Cold Case, and others need actors to play corpses. All you do is lie there and be still!


#54 Barista: Working at a coffee shop often means that you can have tattoos, different colored hair, wear comfortable shoes, and talk about cool music or literature. As long as you don't get the super early shift, this could be a great job for you.


#81 Casting director: A casting director could be a great job for someone who loves to judge others. You may have to see thousands of actors before you pick extras or supporting roles, but you get to pass judgment on each one as you sit on your butt.



so there's my starting point. What do you nurgas advise to look into? What do you do, do you love it? hate it? Desperately looking to quit every day?




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my nurga. i'm in the saaaaame boat. only i'm not really lazy, like what i do, but don't really have anything to quit at the moment. however. i've been looking into a lot of decently paid alternatives. heres some that i think could be straight.



local class a truck driving. really good money. but fuck running around the country.


carpet cleaning man. sometime theres uniforms though.


cable guy. could be awesome. tons of milfs.


warehouse shit. good money. funny hours. nothing crazy.


city jobs. hard to get into. but ill money and a rad change of pace.




anyone feel free to chime in and son me.

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i'm still at my first job, been at it for almost 8 months. without giving away too much info i assist the elderly. it's pretty much basic carpentry and the money is pretty decent for a young 20 something with not much responsibility.


the things i hate though is that there are tons of rules and regulations and we're always having inspections we need to prepare for. we got a new boss about 2 months ago that's a complete dickhead. starting the 20th of this month my hours are gonna be cut in half but i'm not too broke up about it.

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Lately I've been getting gigs cleaning out basements and garages...which can be awesome if you get to keep some of the cool shit you find, lame if your client watches "Antiques Roadshow" and thinks all of their crap is worth something. Definitely lame if you're cleaning up after a packrat, the cool shit factor is usually minimal then.


I get hooked up through a couple friends who do hauling....it's not steady but it's all right. There's no season per se, you'd think spring would be money time but everyone's going on vacation. Seems like fall is a big time for cleanouts...people get these ideas when students come back to town to rent out their extra space then realize how much of a headache/money pit it is, especially if they want to do it to code (80% of the in-laws I see are shady as fuck, done with whatever materials they can get for cheap/free and botttom-feeder labor). Sometimes students hook it up, but for the most part they're a bad bet and will welsh on payment by saying something like "Well, just keep whatever we left behind! There's good stuff here!" and thinking that's good enough (note- some cities won't take Ikea furniture at the dump, so it can be a real hassle and it's not like we want that shit). Okay...I'll just grab your laptop and cell phone there, now what were you saying?


I'm looking to get back into legal work somehow...I'm going to be volunteering with Just Cause and a tenant's union in SF to do eviction defense within the next couple weeks, hopefully that will put me in line to get some paying work in the field.

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Shai anyone BMXs you come across... HOLLA...!!!



That whole job shit is for suckers. Just be self employed, no boss to give you shit, make your own hours, never have to worry about calling in sick or being late for work. Just get paid to do what you want to do.


^^^ Persian Rug dealer :D

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I've picked up shifts for a small bookstore..it's not awful but nowhere near as cool as you would think. The pay is depressing, especially when you realize your boss is barely making it and by paying you really is taking food out of his own mouth...plus the wingnut factor should be taken into consideration. Half of your "customers" usually went to school with the owner and feel entitled to sit around and go off about whatever the fuck at you, and you can't kick them out because it's not worth the hassle coming or going.


Volunteering at a library was way more fun, but they are notorious for not buying the cow when they can get the milk for free.

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'Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life ' -Confucius


True to the word. Or, you accept working for $$ so you can have a life you like outside of work. If I wanted to look at graf all day I'd work for the railroad. Harder work than it may seem, but it beats many other jobs by miles. Realistically, I think if you work at a non-challenging job it will be hard to maintain satisfaction with your work over the long haul.


That's my 'beneficial' contribution for you assholes keeping track, lol.


That being said, I get these great e-mails of how you can increase your penis size. Grow a big dick, become a porn star, and fuck bitches all day until you die of AIDS at a decent age. Don't go out like Ron Jeremy, getting fatter and hairier every day as you age closer to impotency.

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I've picked up shifts for a small bookstore..it's not awful but nowhere near as cool as you would think. The pay is depressing, especially when you realize your boss is barely making it and by paying you really is taking food out of his own mouth...plus the wingnut factor should be taken into consideration. Half of your "customers" usually went to school with the owner and feel entitled to sit around and go off about whatever the fuck at you, and you can't kick them out because it's not worth the hassle coming or going.


Volunteering at a library was way more fun, but they are notorious for not buying the cow when they can get the milk for free.


I hear you, but a job is a job, and I haven't come across anything yet that I actually think I would wake up actively looking forward to every day. Unless it's trimming weed and getting paid 6 figures a year with full benefits and getting paid absurd royalties from porn for no reason at all. I should probably move to California for that. I just fuck with books man. I'd like to try it.


My degrees mean I won't ever make much money anyway, unless I get some awesome break.

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my job is retarded repetitive and obnoxious but i'm an independent contractor so i get to work from home and pretty much set my own goals and hours. the pay is decent. i've never met my boss or anyone that i "work with" and besides talking to clients on the phone, my human contact is generally limited to my family and friends. that being said, i kinda hate it and have been considering a change.


i also am the owner/operator of a dessert catering business as well. writing your own paycheck is great and all but when shit hits the fan, you're the only one that is to blame.


if you're looking for a change of pace, i'd suggest cable installer or mailman. my buddy just got hired as a mailman. he said the hours are great and it's easy. then again, if you live in fucking minnesota or some state where it's cold 9 months of the year, it probably sucks.


i've also been constipated the last three days. not fun.

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Unless it's trimming weed and getting paid 6 figures a year with full benefits and getting paid absurd royalties from porn for no reason at all.


As I was reading this I was going "What? What? WHAT?" Then I got to the end and it all made sense.


If you have English/related degrees (I'm guessing) have you considered teaching? Not fly by night "TEACH ENGLISH IN SOVIET JAPAN!" stuff, but real teaching.

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if you're looking for a change of pace, i'd suggest cable installer or mailman. my buddy just got hired as a mailman. he said the hours are great and it's easy. then again, if you live in fucking minnesota or some state where it's cold 9 months of the year, it probably sucks.


Have you ever read "Post Office" by Charles Bukowski? Anyone who has delivered anything for a living will tell you that it's the closest thing to being there.

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Actually, I know several people who have led exciting lives by teaching English in other countries. You won't be making millions, but they get to ball hot foreign chicks and get up like crazy in foreign lands.

This thread also makes me think of someone I know who always works odd but interesting jobs, none probably lasts more than a year. Never fully satisfied. But, from my perspective, their moving around so much and working different jobs has caused them to lead a much more interesting life than all those people who work the same job every day 9 to 5 like a drone.

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To answer your question OP, I work in the trades. The only real requirement is that I show up everyday, and fix something if and when it breaks, which is maybe twice a week. The pay is very good, the hours are good, I'm treated very well. I can be indoors or outdoors as much or as little as I want. It's a comfortable setup, some days I feel very fortunate. Some I'm bored to tears and think about doing something else.

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I enjoy my work but have come to find that it is very tied to the economy, the recent recession knocked the shit out of my industry and having gone through some long stretches of unemployment I am not sure I would follow the same path again.


I am a land surveyor and have worked primarily on commercial and heavy civil/industry construction projects.


Before I got into doing this I was a gardener and worked for myself, one thing that I have come to appreciate about self employment in hindsight is that you reap what you sow instead of just passing it along to the employer.


During the recent downturn I bought a 14 foot box truck with the idea of starting a small moving company, ended up getting a job and the truck has been parked since. Now I am unemployed again and waiting to see what happens in the spring, if I am unable to find work I think I will go for the moving thing full bore.


A funny thing about work is that it changes who you are, maybe not in the most fundamental sense but in a very real way it ends up changing your world view. An example of this is a person who is in sales will often "sell" everything in their life to the point where they do not take others input because their default is to sell their idea. There are lots of other examples but this was the easiest I could think of to type out.


Best of luck in your search, I was pretty discouraged when I was looking for work in 2010, getting turned down for positions paying less than half of what I am used to.

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you had sex at the library?


Sure, hasn't everybody?


What I meant was that they are more than happy to take you up on the offer of free labor as long as possible...and when you ask for a job, they'll tell you there's no paid work available. Which may or may not be true...in wealthier communities that line is bullshit, more often than not.

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