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At the Drive In and Refused to reunite at Coachella

Reuben Kinkaid

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I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand I find reunion shows stupid and a vain attempt to capture the magic that has long since gone. On the other hand sweet holy hell this are two of the greatest bands of all time and I would probably kick myself forever if I didn't witness it.

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i think its cool.

refused 'this just might be the truth' was one of my first hardcore albums and i never got the chance to see them.


will i go to coachella? absolutely not. i hate fests and i hate 'music people.'

but i would be super amped if either band does a full tour.

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Wow for once I'm not the only jaded asshole... Fuck fests. Music sounds like shit and if ur not side by side with some toy hipster it's a smelly crust bag white with dreads...

Best I can hope for is both sets get good quality leaks...

ATDI won't do a tour though, they would just play songs and tour as Mars Volta...

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I guess Refused has been asked to play for a few years now and basically said its not worth it to them unless the price is right. So Im kinda wondering how much they will make. lol.


One of the things they said about this time around is wanting to do The Shape of Punk to Come "justice"

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only thing i dont like about fests is the $ sometimes, other than that i dont understand the hatred for fests. i hate most people around me whether im at a small show or a fest. every fest i've been to the music sounds fine.


and i'd much rather have this...

I find reunion shows stupid and a vain attempt to capture the magic that has long since gone.


than this...

I guess Refused has been asked to play for a few years now and basically said its not worth it to them unless the price is right. So Im kinda wondering how much they will make. lol.


i can listen to both bands, but never really cared about either.

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I'm considering going just sunday to see ATDI, might be my last chance


The reason behind your damn username hah.. You better fucking go if you were ever a huge fan.




I remember I always told myself if there were two bands I would like to go back and see it would be Led Zeppelin and At The Drive-In.... Not saying they're on the same level at all but on a personal fan level of bands I've missed outta my era.

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