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Remember when yall donated to that junkie...?

Earthworm Jim

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yo no offence or anything but suck it up and get that money..

i was workin manual labor not too long ago stacking 50lb bags of flour

all day long with nothing but mexicans who spoke NO type of english...

but fuck it though it was a check every week and a workout in its own little way..

if i wouldnt have lost it i'd still probably be there.. but hey it is what it is..

just do what you gotta do and do whatever job you can to get money in your pocket..

save and invest wisely so you can get ya ged test and all that good stuff..

if shit was that easy i'd be askin for "donations" left and right too

but everyone got their own bills and shit to pay for so gotta go get it on ya own...

good luck though keep doin ya thang..

but fuck that im on the job hunt myself and im like 1200 in debt...

shits fuckin whack...

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I don't think I've ever had my resume checked properly, for high school shit or old employment. I usually chuck down a few mates numbers for references and they never get called up.

Just apply for anything bro, I was out of work for a while and after emailing off resumes every day and sometimes multiple times to the same people I got an interview. Dressed up nicely and the next day I had a job.

I Never passed high school, have no previous experience in that area, but 2 months later I got a new contract for a full time position. Not amazing money but it's a job and it pays for shit.

Go an apply for retail jobs, cafes, bars, anything. Most places hire some extra staff around now anyway in the lead up to Christmas (dunno if it's the same in the states but they do here). And if you get a job and work hard they'll probably keep you on for longer. Just keep applying for everything and do your Mexican day labour in the meantime.

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So somebody donated $500 to CoogiCondom and $60 E.W. Jim within a day of asking.


Not bad pickins 'round these parts.






































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A GED isn't gonna help you out. Hell, an Associates from a CC won't even help you out.


If you're not too old, learn a trade. The world needs carpenters, plumbers, electricians, etc etc.


Stick with landscaping even. Could be worse.....


Best advice so far. Wht do you plan on doing with that ged? Using it to start a camp fire? Get a ged then go to some college i suppose for some years. You sound like you need to get shit going better for you right now

All pretty decent jobs if yiu like building shit or fixing things for people. Good money too. Good luck. Youll need it.

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my advice is to stick up a number of convinience stores and then once your eventually caught and sent to jail you can get your GED free. hopefully by the time you're released the job market will have picked up, not that that matters, your a convicted felon and no ones going to hire you, but thats a good thing. the crushing poverty you'll endure by being a jobless excon will put you in the right financial state to apply for all kinds of college grants, your a minority right? becuase that totally helps also. then all you got to do is score high on your tests..


i can only assume tbecause you are getting a ged that you arent very bright, so your only option is to befriend an asian person and then hold him for ransom in your basement like some josef fritzel shit, forcing him to help you cheat in exchange for his freedom, once your into college dispose of said captive and party your way through college like the rest of america. then once you get your degree you can commence getting mad paper y0 and ball out of control. because thats what colleg is all about, making more money so you can then spend it wrecklessly on crystale and shit. thats what weezy did.


thats how i would do it anyways..

I have to take back my statement... this is obviously plan A. Do it to it.

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Howabout donating to this broke motherfucker so I can get my GED and get a job that doesn't involve manual labor? How much you love me 12oz?


dude who cares what job you have. atleast you have a job. the fuck you do with your paycheck money? im in the same job situation and it's a bitch but you gotta handle buisness homie. you can't rely on other people OR family. i dropped out and don't have a ged, shit i have nothing. but that's what happends when you enter high school.

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Yeah I dont know how you couldnt make enough to get by if you dont have tuition debt.


I was making $10 an hour at 14 working manual labor, did it till I was 19 and by that time I was making guap. If I didnt pay tuition and go to school id still be making pretty dope money for a youngin and by now would probably have my own crew and gig.


But then again im not a scrawny bitch with my hand out, and I have some sense of ambition.

If you're not willing to work and you're not clever/innovative then you're just going to have to get use to living like a derelict.


Like someone already said, be happy to have a job and if you're getting chumped on your pay thats no one elses fault. You either use your head or youll be using your hands for the rest of your days. Whether its a shovel or sticking it out for quarters

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So you dropped out of school to take care of your sick mother because your older sister didn't.


Is your mom better?


Did your sister finish school, does she have a good paying job?


Where's your dad, maybe hit him up for cash?


Moms had a hysterectomy, shes back at work as of very recent. She's got stacks of medical bills to pay now so I'll continue to help her with my paychecks til she's caught up. Sister works part time at a pizza shop and doesn't contribute much because shes a raging cunt.


What most of you aren't getting is, I don't want my GED to get a better job, I know they don't check that shit, I need it so I can enroll in college, because they do check that shit. Setting up the test tomorrow and starting classes hopefully by January. I'm not some jobless chump begging for change, I asked for a favor, got it, gonna do something with it, and I'll wake up in the morning and continue working my ass off like I do every day...

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bro. there is not 1 single job anywhere that is going to check if you actually have your high school diploma.


just throw that shit on your resume.


This. I have my GED, but I attended three years of a really good high school before dropping out, so I've always just put down that I graduated from there. I would imagine only the CIA actually looks into that shit.


My boy is currently in the midst of an ongoing beef with his fiance, where he tells her he won't marry her unless she at least gets her GED. You can tell he's having some serious second thoughts haha

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Since your mom's out of the woods with that shit, tell her not to waste her money paying the medical bills.

Nobody does that shit anyways.


The economy's crashing, and the medical industry is one of many reasons why.

So it's their own fault when they get stiffed for their ridiculous bills.


Tell her to hang on to that money. She's probably gonna need it.

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