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Travel Log - Hunting, Hitchhiking, Painting & Getting Dirty: Traveling Across America


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I am planning a trip through Europe, just backpacking and couchsurfing, I will definately hit you up if you are down to host a wayward traveler for a few days!! I would love to paint in Berlin, if you want to get down, there is a guy in Germany that writes the same name as me, the only other guy I can find that has the same name. I have talked to him several times on the web and set him up once with the people I do graff for here in SF when they went to Berlin to do a booth at a festival.


Let's kick it in GERMANY!! I will keep you updated & give you 6 or so month's notice. Hollar!



Good to hear you're planning to come to Berlin, you may like it here!


I'm not sure if I'll be around, I'm actually making plans to leave town.


But keep me updated when you're going to be here, maybe I can arrange a couch for you.


You should visit Berlin in the summertime, especially if you want to do art stuff.




Aw man that squirrel...

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We are getting kicked out of our place in Berkeley so if anyone is looking for roommates let me know!


Context: My landlord is 87 years old and I can't put up with her anymore. I set up a hammock in the woods behind the house and she flipped out. Set off the alarm system to wake me up at 7:30 am to discuss how I'd been colonizing the property. yechh...




If only she had seen any of the shit I've been doing here the past six months... hahahahaa.... a HAMMOCK!! HA!



Accidently sliced open the abdomen barrier. It worked out OK though. I should've gutted it before skinning, but it's pretty much all the same in the end.




Stick a foot on the back legs & pull that shit off like a sweater






Removing entrails & finishing the skinning of the back end





keeping the fur & feet safe

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Very busy lately... just moved to Oakland, caught a little charge, picking up some gigs, about to head to northern cali to trim up in the super deep woods at Mt. Shasta. no electricity, beautiful view, kicking it in a little tiny house with a wood stove again, typewriting and trimming 12 hrs a day. I will post up some good natural beauty flicks when I get back in a week. I managed to save my skiff and the engine, it's bundled on top of my car smelling up the parking lot like old marine rotgut, but I found a guy who'll keep it safe at his sailboat in Berkeley. Hope everyone is doing well. HOLLARRRRR!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Spent a couple weeks in Humboldt County...


Beautiful spot tucked up sixteen miles of dirt road in the mountains. Day in, day out, dawn to dusk trimming herbs. Primo audio book territory. A couple Cormac Mcarthy's and some of George R.R. Martin. Nights spent nestled around a campfire, talking shit and sipping beer. Running about in the moonlight.



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KeepItRail, brother you get the life-time achievement award from me.


Although they managed to rustle me into the 9-5 life for the time being, i'm brushing up on skills and stashing cash so in the not too distant future I can take an adventure like yours.


Safe travels and if you ever roll through VA, holler!

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  • 1 month later...

Tier: (t'eeyr) : I meet new writers on the reg. 90% of em write for the wrong reasons. Not in tiers case. He writes not only to crush the cities and ALL fucking utility boxes that gets in his way! Next thing you know...fucking Maury Pouvich comes tapdancing down the street looking bangin' ass super fly CC,,,,It was then and only then, when Maury realized,,,his soulmate was a vandal at heart:





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And better cropping & image size for sure.


Joshua Tree, LA, BLM land, shotguns and the hollywood strip.


I'm about to head down through Souther California, Nevada, Texas, Mississippi, and on thru Tennessee come a week or two. Anyone along for the ride?



JT is great

I just got back from a wknd of camping and rock climbing there

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