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Police killed my friend


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you guys are so touchy about death especially about people you don't know, never met, dropping RIP bullshit all the time.


but love clowning on the living every chance you get.


stop acting like you guys are so compassionate, hands across america, volunteering in third world countries at a leper colony

and actually care about some moron who shoplifts at a wallmart with a gun.


people die every day..i give less than a fuck. one less person driving on the street, in front of me in the grocery line,

blabbing at work about how their best friends sister's next door neighbor's fiance is dying of cancer. i give less than a fuck.


i care about my family and friends, and don't pretend that my heart even skips a beat at the thought of strangers dying.


besides it sound like the original poster just happens to work with a guy that happened to be shot for being a moron.

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I wish another one of Forsit's spastic friends got killed instead of my sweet crack addicted angel, Amy.


Weird how you follow me around and constantly talk all this shit.


I don't understand how he allegedly pulled a gun from his ankle while running. And if he stopped, why 11 shots were necessary because he wasn't moving

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I don't understand how he allegedly pulled a gun from his ankle while running. And if he stopped, why 11 shots were necessary because he wasn't moving


Exactly, I even tried to recreate this just so I wouldnt sound like a retard. Its not impossible, but dashing at full speed from someone and trying to grab at your ankle surely slows you down.


The theory he might of reached to toss it is plausible and he got caught up in the moment, but if he had planned on drawing it which I find hard to believe he would reach for a gun to pull on two officers facing his back, then he obvious wasnt going to be taken alive.


And again, what constitutes alot?

Well in a fire fight whatever is neccesary, but this was one scrub running away from two officers in a Wal-Mart parkinglot that could of been full of people. 11 shots is unexceptable by any means of anyone in Law enforcement, thats far too many strays that could of wound up in some redneck mom or nurga child.


If you cant shoot a suspect in a few shots that couldnt of been that far in front of them since hes running with a fucking gun on his ankle, then you are unfit for duty.

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Not at all. I don't believe that part for one second. How can someone run and pull a pistol from a holster at their ankle? And he wouldn't stop and start shooting cops. That's not him at all.


He probably twisted his ankle while running from the pigs, and that's why he grabbed his ankle.

I'm sure they planted a gun on him afterwards.


Edit-> If he was wearing an ankle holster, then wouldn't the gun have come loose and flew off while he was running?

I mean, I've never worn an ankle holster but I wouldn't imagine it being very effective against the weight of the gun jerking back and forth while running at full speed.


Food for thought.

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for a bunch of dudes who fancy themselves as criminals, y'all sure turn into a bunch of bitches when it comes to using force.


i don't own guns so i can feel cool, i own guns incase i have to protect myself. if someone pulls one on me, or acts like they're pulling one on me, i'm putting every round i have straight through them. I'm not stopping after the first couple just to check the status, I'm gonna overdo it the first time to insure my safety. that's how EVERYONE is taught to act in a life or death self defense situation.




How funny would it be if Seeking got pulled over on his motorcycle, and the cop saw his gun on his hip and decided to dump his clip into him.


And then some faggot on 12oz trolled his RIP thread with "that's what the shit bag gets for pulling his gun on a cop. The cop said he pulled it out and pointed it at him. The news article said so, and so it's so."


Maybe it wouldn't be funny to some of you, but I'd laugh.

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its unfortunate that someone died.

its unfortunate that someone was living in a manner that lead them to such a death. no winners here. a cop, who is a human being, now has to live with the fact that he took someones life. and maybe y'all, with your teen angst and love for slogan-esq simplicity think that he was stoked on it, or that he'll be celebrating with beer and brautworst but i assure you thats not the case. for every case of police abuse, there are 100,000 cases of robberies, muggings, assaults, rapes, etc. no one holds rallies to scream 'fuck the criminals' even though they affect us 1,000x's more than any crooked cop ever will. i do not leave my house fearing the police, i leave it fearing the hood rats in the projects half a mile from my house. and while i by no means believe police abuse is acceptable, i understand the position they're put in when they do their job. their primary concern, just as you or mine would be, is self preservation. occasionally they take it way, way, way too far. occasionally they may make a bad decision. maybe this kid was just reaching for his gun to throw it. totally likely scenario. but if he reached for a gun, no matter the circumstances, it's understandable the police would respond as if he intended to shoot them. if I'm in a confrontation with someone and they reach for a gun, i'm going to assume my life is in jeopardy and I'm gonna act accordingly, just as the police did. maybe they could have shot him once in the leg, but what if he managed to get off a shot and now the officers partner is dead. totally a plausible scenario.


none of us know the facts here. we know what was reported, which is what I'm responding to. i don't just blindly assume that cops plant guns on people in broad day light in order to shoot them for shoplifting an iPod, because that does not even begin to make any kind of logical sense to me. its much more logical that someone who had fallen on bad luck set in motion a string of unfortunate events that spiraled out of control. the fact it happened sucks, but I'm not gonna blame the cop, I'm gonna blame the criminal, because without a crime, the cops are eating donuts minding their own business, which is how i like to keep my life.

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Edit-> If he was wearing an ankle holster, then wouldn't the gun have come loose and flew off while he was running?

I mean, I've never worn an ankle holster but I wouldn't imagine it being very effective against the weight of the gun jerking back and forth while running at full speed.


Food for thought.



Unless he had the gun duct taped to his ankle, the ankle holster is designed to do the exact opposite of what you think it does. Unless the gun was too big for the holster, it would have stayed snug in place no matter how hard he ran.



And Forsit --I'm sorry for your loss and all, but if he was carrying a gun on him while shop lifting, check one against him. If he really did lean down with cops in pursuit, check two against him. I mean common sense says either "keep running" or "put hands on head and get another count against you for being stupid."

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a cop, who is a human being, now has to live with the fact that he took someones life.




He dumped his fucking clip on him.

That pussy is most likely getting high fives from all his boys at a drunken cop party as I type this.



i don't just blindly assume that cops plant guns on people in broad day light in order to shoot them for shoplifting an iPod, because that does not even begin to make any kind of logical sense to me.


I don't think anybody thinks they hemmed him up before chasing him and strapped a gun to his ankle then told him to run.

The logical theory is that they probably put it on him after gunning him down for making them run.

Of course it's perfectly possible that he really was strapped and did try to pull that shit over getting chased for shoplifting, but them planting the gun on him after gunning him down for running actually makes a lot more logical sense in the real world.

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I didn't read that cop shot the dude eleven times. I read that he shot AT the dude eleven times. Handguns are hard to shoot at a moving target, no?

wait, i thought he was a STOPPED target though, reaching for his gun?


this is the part that doesnt make sense to me. if dude really was stopped, why did it take 11 shots to hit him. also wanna know if he was shot in the front or back

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so its that black and white?


we hate cops or we love 'em?



this whole plant a gun thing is fucking stupid.

in afghanistan you carry a throw away AK to put on dead hajis.

in federal way you don't. i'm 20 minutes from that place and its NOT any sort of place where police carry weapons like that. thats just outrageous. its the burbs, not a real city.

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Cops are always wrong, no matter the circumstances. Not one cop in the history of the profession has ever been in the right, regardless of the situation.


Slip the magazine in and dump the catalogue on them till the brochure goes click.

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