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For those that think there's a conspiracy, you should be seeing a video from Osama any day now. Osama just needs to pull the bullet out his brain, clean up, and find an internet connect somewhere since his "Baller Mansion" didn't seem to be updated to today's luxurys.

Burried at sea? Maybe the US has him in the freezer on the USS Vinson making its way back to the US.

The Muslim world is upset?? Holy fukin surprise there. He was a MUSLIM terrorist. Fuck em. The Egyptian Muslim voice said he should've been burried in his homeland of Saudi Arabia. Well guess what, they didn't want his corpse. FACT.

I don't expect anything less than the taliban to do something in retaliation.

The US does not forget acts against our country. We are the United States of America, not France.

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There is no official way of transliterating many Arabic words to English, especially names.


The first syllable in Osama's name phonetically in Arabic sounds more like a mix between an "O" and "U", neither a "hard O" or "hard U" sound. There is no letter in English that can make that exact sound, so the closest is picked.

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yeah br0, the seals dont play. they got guns and shit.


shenanigans goddamnit! since when does this guy deserve a proper burial? since when does the government give a shit about muslim tradition?


whether he deserves a proper burial or not is a matter of opinion.

as far as since when does the us govt care about muslim tradition? well, let me must open this up to the firing squad: this war is a war on terrorism, NOT muslims. giving him, at the very least, a traditional muslim burial was, i imagine, the govts way of solidifying their stancce that they are not anti muslim, only anti terrorist.

millions of muslims are in fact celebrating bin ladens death because he has single-handedly opened the door for ignorant americans to associate terrorism with the muslim faith, therefor creating a mass hatred for and fear of muslims all over the world when infact the only people we needed to fear were those who were actually taking part in crimes against american civilians.

it was never supposed to be anti-muslim, it only ended up that way due to an endless supply of ignorance.

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i find it a little odd that they rushed to bury him at sea as well, but if you consider the amazing amount of backlash that would have been created by the simple act of not giving him a traditional muslim burial, i'm sure you can see why they did it. or at least said that they did it. they might still have his body.


chanting usa and celebrating over 1 man's death is ridiculous though, and I am a little disgusted by it.


i guess im just peeved that in all the chatter of his death, this part (which they clearly knew was the next step) wasnt mentioned or advertised loudly until after the fact. it just creats a litttttttle bit of skepticism.

if they did in fact kill him and give him a proper burial, kudos. im jsut not going to take their word on this quite yet.

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Looks like the finally released a real picture of Osamas corpse:



































Kappa (河童?, "river-child"), alternately called Kawatarō (川太郎?, "river-boy") or Kawako (川子?, "river-child"), are legendary creatures, a type of water sprite found in Japanese folklore.[1][2] In Shintō they are considered to be one of many suijin.[3] A hair-covered variation of a Kappa is called a Hyōsube (ひょうすべ?).[4]

Kappa are similar to Scandinavian Näkki, Germanic Neck and Scottish Kelpie in that all have been used to scare children of dangers lurking in waters.




[edit] Appearance


Kappas are typically depicted as roughly humanoid in form, and about the size of a child. Their scaly, reptilian skin ranges in color from green to yellow or blue.[5][6][7] Kappas supposedly inhabit the ponds and rivers of Japan and have various features to aid them in this environment, such as webbed hands and feet.[8] They are sometimes said to smell like fish, and they can certainly swim like them. The expression kappa-no-kawa-nagare ("a kappa drowning in a river") conveys the idea that even experts make mistakes.[9] Their most notable feature is an indentation on the top of their head that holds water; this is regarded as the source of their power. This cavity must be full whenever a kappa is away from the water; if it spills, the kappa will be unable to move. Though kappas are dangerous, they are also extremely polite, and a human can outwit them by bowing deeply to them; the kappa will be obliged to return the bow, thus spilling their water and rendering them immobile.[5][6]

[edit] Behavior


220px-Kappawarning.jpg magnify-clip.png

Modern sign warning children of kappa lurking in water



Kappa are usually seen as mischievous troublemakers. Their pranks range from the relatively innocent, such as loudly passing gas or looking up women's kimonos, to the malevolent, such as drowning people and animals, kidnapping children, and raping women.[10]

As water monsters, kappa have been frequently blamed for drownings, and are often said to try to lure people to the water and pull them in with their great skill at wrestling.[10] They are sometimes said to take their victims for the purpose of eating their livers or their shirikodama (尻子玉?), a mythical ball inside the anus.[10][11][12] Even today, signs warning about kappa appear by bodies of water in some Japanese towns and villages. Kappa are also said to victimize animals, especially horses; the motif of the kappa trying to drown horses is found all over Japan.[13] In these stories, if a kappa is caught in the act, it can be made to apologize, sometimes in writing.[13]

Kappas are also known as ravishers of women. An 18th-century ukiyo-e image by Utamaro depicts kappas raping an ama diver underwater. In his Tōno Monogatari, Kunio Yanagita records a number of beliefs from the Tōno area about women being accosted and even impregnated by kappas.[14] Their offspring were said to be repulsive to behold, and were generally buried.[14]

It was believed that if confronted with a kappa there was but one mean of escape: kappas, for one reason or another, obsess over being polite, so if you were to gesture a deep bow to a kappa it would more than likely return it. In doing so, the water kept in the lilypad-like bowl on their head would spill out and the kappa would be rendered unable to leave the bowed position until the bowl was refilled with water from the river in which it lived. If a human were to refill it, it was believed the kappa would serve them for all eternity.[10]

Kappa are not entirely antagonistic to humankind, however. They are curious of human civilization, and they can understand and speak Japanese. They thus sometimes challenge those they encounter to various tests of skill, such as shogi or sumo wrestling.[2] They may even befriend human beings in exchange for gifts and offerings, especially cucumbers, the only food kappa are known to enjoy more than human children. Japanese parents sometimes write the names of their children (or themselves) on cucumbers and toss them into waters believed to be infested with kappa in order to mollify the creatures and allow the family to bathe.[15] There is even a kind of cucumber-filled sushi roll named for the kappa, the kappamaki.[10]

Once befriended, kappa have been known to perform any number of tasks for human beings, such as helping farmers irrigate their land. They are also highly knowledgeable of medicine, and legend states that they taught the art of bone setting to humankind.[10][16][17] Due to these benevolent aspects, some shrines are dedicated to the worship of particularly helpful kappa.[18] Kappa may also be tricked into helping people. Their deep sense of decorum will not allow them to break an oath, for example; so if a human being can dupe a kappa into promising to help him, the kappa has no choice but to follow through.













THATS ALL..dont really give a shit about obama or anything..but just figured i'd share what the fuck that picture is


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i cant believe no ones mentioned this. on top of the whole bury em within 24 hours thing... where the fuck do you think they would have buried him if not at sea? the diplomatic shitstorm over what country would be willing to accept his body would be crazy. throw him off a boat. call it traditional.

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YAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA i like that thing even more now!!!!!!



Their pranks range from the relatively innocent, such as loudly passing gas or looking up women's kimonos, to the malevolent, such as drowning people and animals, kidnapping children, and raping women.[10]





loudly passing gas

loudly passing gas

loudly passing gas

loudly passing gas

loudly passing gas

loudly passing gas

loudly passing gas

loudly passing gas

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