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other terrible adults....


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My friends hot roommate is always staying in her room and being a shut in...she is normally really fun and funny, works in a old record store etc...nice bitch at times



I've known her for a few months and thought we might be on the level of rape joke humour?






Few people were about to eat dinner together and she came home as were sitting down...."I'm like yo come eat!" Shes like "naw son, paused a CSI and would rather watch a shitty murder plot"....before it even registered i was like "or shitty rape scenario?"..........stone faced not even a smile she walks away.....my friend and i are laughing at how awkward that just was as she walks by again........stone faced......



Pretty sure she hates me

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, its the first day of my weekend and decided to take my kid to the park down the street. Normal suburban dad shit. There was a group of about 6 moms there with a gaggle of kids between the ages of 2-4, and they are just letting them run wild, not watching them. Whatever not my problem. The kids started chasing the ducks around the duck pond, no big deal right? Except in with the ducks are a couple of Canadian Geese. So I tell the moms "Those ducks will just run away, but those geese won't back down" and they look at me like I just called them all fucking cunts. "I'm just saying, those geese can draw blood on a grown man". Their response? "They will be fine". Not 20 fucking seconds later one of their kids starts screaming bloody murder and runs over to where those bitches are sitting with blood gushing down his face. Sure as shit one of the geese "goosed" him on the cheek, not a 1/4" from his left eye. He had a 3/4" crescent shaped gash, down to the white meat. This is the part where most people say "I was the bigger man and just walked away" but I don't have that in me. I stood up, said "I just told you fucking dumb bitches, and now that kid is going to carry a fucking scar on his face for the rest of his life, because you all are too fucking lazy and self-absorbed to watch him". I collected my son and left. You just can't help some people.

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I've been taking a back seat on things recently. Only thing I've done since my last post was give someone's kid a clean rag to wipe down the windows they put their fingers all over. They'd just been washed, shit costs money.


Mum gave me the stare and took little Timmy outside, left her goods on the counter and just bailed.


Only just now typing this I've realised they stole my fucking microfibre cloth. FUCK!

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the bitch at the snack store was a complete rude bitch last week.


i told her she was a rude bitch to her face (in portuguese of course with my gringo accent) and she acted shocked and whispered some shit to her mother (the owner). I never went back there.


well actually I did go back this weekend to spray paint a huge penis on their roll down gate.


that will teach them.

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Ok, its the first day of my weekend and decided to take my kid to the park down the street. Normal suburban dad shit. There was a group of about 6 moms there with a gaggle of kids between the ages of 2-4, and they are just letting them run wild, not watching them. Whatever not my problem. The kids started chasing the ducks around the duck pond, no big deal right? Except in with the ducks are a couple of Canadian Geese. So I tell the moms "Those ducks will just run away, but those geese won't back down" and they look at me like I just called them all fucking cunts. "I'm just saying, those geese can draw blood on a grown man". Their response? "They will be fine". Not 20 fucking seconds later one of their kids starts screaming bloody murder and runs over to where those bitches are sitting with blood gushing down his face. Sure as shit one of the geese "goosed" him on the cheek, not a 1/4" from his left eye. He had a 3/4" crescent shaped gash, down to the white meat. This is the part where most people say "I was the bigger man and just walked away" but I don't have that in me. I stood up, said "I just told you fucking dumb bitches, and now that kid is going to carry a fucking scar on his face for the rest of his life, because you all are too fucking lazy and self-absorbed to watch him". I collected my son and left. You just can't help some people.


good story.


youre right about the eye patch.

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  • 5 months later...

I Had to register a new name, I'm Frate Raper......



I have been fucking with my girls facebook when ever she leaves it open. We all do it.



She lost her shit and told me to stop.


I've sense stop posting weird shit and started liking weird shit......


Her mom calls her to ask her why were swinging and going to bondage clubs:)

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i punched a goose that was chasing after my neice when i took her out fishing, some guy gets all pissed like i'm some animal abuser and next thing you know i'm punching him. my neice was crying and i was afraid she was gonna tell her mom. so i did the "i'll get you ice cream if your don't tell your mom" trick. worked like a charm lol and fuck that old guy he can kiss my ass.

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i punched a goose that was chasing after my neice when i took her out fishing, some guy gets all pissed like i'm some animal abuser and next thing you know i'm punching him. my neice was crying and i was afraid she was gonna tell her mom. so i did the "i'll get you ice cream if your don't tell your mom" trick. worked like a charm lol and fuck that old guy he can kiss my ass.





The goose is loose!!

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not something that i actually feel bad about, but it was some grimy shit;


went to see a DJ called subfocus, took a decent amount of mdma and power-chewed some gum for about 6 hours. got home, mates crashed in my bed, ended up fucking my roommate because i had to sleep in her room (this is around 8am). as i found out--the acidity of a chick's vagina and old, old gum cause that shit to fall apart...all over girl's snatch as i'm going down on her. ended up fucking her but with pretty severe pill dick (like trying to wiggle a raw hotdog through a keyhole), woke up the next morning with bits of gum in my pubes (tried spitting all of it down the gap between her bed and the wall, guess i didn't get all of it).


got gum inside a girl's clunge, not like any man is going to cockblock himself by telling a girl.

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  • 4 weeks later...

my new gf is 30 and be putting stuff kids find fun like illegal fireworks in my bag whenever i'm gonna be gone for a few days. she does so i don't feel so bummed out about going to do responsible/normal things like go to work or have dinner with my parents when they're in town or babysit my nephew or other boring ass shits.

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