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symbols...can you get me a job where you work?



actually, we desperately need a good post-doc right now. so yes, if you have a PhD in neuroscience or computational biology.


as for what i hope will be my next gig, it'll be just me and the bosslady tearing up the molecules.

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If you know your shit, qualify, and know how to carry yourself, guaranteed there are 5 others that have been/will be interviewed just like you.

Being able at some point to bring the conversation into specifics about the company/department you're interviewing for is a plus.

Knowing as much as possible about the company or department and what exactly they do and how they do it always helps get to that convo and peaks the interest of the interviewers at least.

Interviewing someone is boring as fuck, if you have an engaging conversation during said interview that candidate stands out.


Interviews are boring...I make the woman have sex with me!

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so i was watching the local news last night and they were actually doing a story on people getting botox to look younger to land jobs during interviews..


then they talked to a job adviser and were asking him what he thought about that.


he then proceeded to give tips about what people really need to do during a job interview..


some of the tips i remember included:


dress to impress

be courteous

know about the job you are applying for

ask questions and seem interested and enthusiastic about the job youre applying for

dont leave out any dates to try and hide timelines and hide your age (doesnt really apply to us younger folk)

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know about the job you are applying for

ask questions and seem interested and enthusiastic about the job youre applying for



Those are two of my key points in an interview


I usually ask "What do YOU like best about working here?"




I usually go into a job with the mentality that i dont give a fuck just because it lets me loosen up and not be so uptight it works for me

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1. Don't BS your resume - know how to twist things instead of lying. You can take many things and make them sound more important by your verbiage. If you outright lie about dumb shit and get called out then your chances are ruined.


2. Be confident, well-spoken and look them in the eye when speaking. I've learned that when I speak clearly with an authoritative voice and make constant eye contact, people take me very seriously even when I'm telling them completely wrong info. Also, don't tap your leg or give out any signs of anxiety or restlessness.


3. Definitely know a lot about the company and what you can do for them.


4. Don't be OVERLY fake. You want to be very courteous and charming, but you don't want to seem like you're blowing smoke up their asses either.


5. Make a connection with them that leaves you stuck in their mind and more unique than the rest. Whether it be a hobby you share or just something you've done in the past that is very notable, make yourself stand out!



It's good to study NLP and all of the psychological/subconscious processes that take place when you're interacting with someone. You can use it to your advantage, as I have for years. I didn't find out there was an actual name for it until I was talking to someone at work about how I've done different things to make the outcome of a situation or interaction end in my favor and he told me all about it.

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Don't talk shit about your past places of employment, co-workers or supervisors.





You would not believe how many people lost out on jobs at this job fair in Seoul run by this Japanese company looking for teachers, because the idiots couldn't stop talking shit on their Korean bosses when asked why they wanted to move to Japan. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, especially since the interviewer was obviously looking for an answer that had to do with interest in Japanese culture or something to that effect.

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  • 4 weeks later...
i got a job interview today. im nervous as fuck. i know im good for the job, just not so good at interviews. worste part is im doing some horrible farts.


dont fart... or you'll loose the job for sure.

read the thread over. TWICE. and you should be all set.

biggest thing. dont fart. fucking hate when people fart in my office..

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Be aware that interviews for the public sector can be entirely different than in business. I went to my first public sector interview last month and was totally caught off guard.


In my industry the interview usually consists of talking about the work, bs'ing and swapping stories. The public sector job had lots of questions that I had not given any thought to, such as "tell me about a experience working with someone who was different than you in a way that caused difficulties and how you resolved it?"


Main tip: DO NOT LIE ABOUT ANYTHING ON YOUR APPLICATION, A friend was recently terminated from a job when it was uncovered that she did not mention a traffic ticket in the criminal conviction portion. She did not read the fine print that said include everything and assumed that traffic did not count.


Try to be positive and confident going into it.


Good Luck everyone

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Sure, they are not so bad but can be a little shocking when you first enter the room. There are sometimes power dynamics at play and it can be hard to figure out who is really making the call on hiring.


From my experience there will be people there who do not really understand what it is that you do but have a position of overall authority in the company. Charm will get you farther with them than the person who actually does know what you do and will be directing your work.


I think the best way to approach it internally is to view it as a meeting, relax and try to smile.


The last interview I went on was in a airport and showing up it felt like I was getting ready to hop on a plane and get the fuck out. That helped in putting me in a good headspace for the interview but unfortunately I got the dread "overqualified for this position" which is a bummer.

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I have always been really good in interviews, it has kinda made me lazy in some jobs because I have just thought 'fuck it I will walk into another job'.


Best tip for a job interview is just to remain calm, they need to sell you the job as much as you need to sell yourself to get it.


Don't over prepare, it is so obvious, do a small bit of background work on the company and job role and then just have a few competency based answers to the typical sort of questions that they ask you, and just go in and be yourself.

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Anyone have any experience with group interviews?


Make sure that you don't dominate the group scenario, most of the time a group interview is to judge team players, watch out for the quiet ones in the group and invite them to give their opinions.


Don't argue with anyone even if they are completely wrong, it is all about being diplomatic. Always try to incorporate other peoples responses into your answers to show you have been paying attention.


While you should dominate a group interview, you should aim to be the top 2 or 3 of people contributing. Just try and include everyone.

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