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Congress Clears Historic Health Care Bill


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arguing about this shit is retarded.

america is the only first world country without nationalized health care. it's not because we're smarter than everyone else, it's because we're controlled by the insurance industry. if they were about to making a killing off of this, they wouldnt have fought it so hard.

this plan wont be perfect, but it'll be a step into the 21st century.

about fucking time.


and anyone who doesnt think youre already paying for illegals, the uninsured, those with chronic diseases, diabetes, hypertension, etc have no clue how our health care system works. even if you dont have insurance, you're still paying for the care of those that do.

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Oh there's going to be some tears and tantrums over this shit.


Looking forward to all the "OMG, were turning into Soviet Cubans, Obama hates America" and all that top notch shit.


I don't know how it compares to the US but I've been super fucking happy to have used Australia's health system when I've been hit by cars, stacked my motorbike, come a cropper, whatever.




Well done House of Reps, good luck to you United States.

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Guest NeverBeenBetter

The government makes you have car insurance... but somehow people are flipping out about this... Fuck that. Im all over it. Can't wait to be able to go to the doctor again.

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Guest NeverBeenBetter

I feel like everyone who argues about this shit hasn't been to a different country that has nationalized health care... Mexico has fucking better health care than us.


Everyone is retarded but me, im sure of it.

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So how does one get coverage if they're broke and dealing with pre-existing conditions?


If you are broke the government will provide you with Medicare

If you have a job you employer will have to insure you or pay a fine

No one can now deny you because of pre-existing conditions


That is what I read, I may be wrong

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If you are broke the government will provide you with Medicare

If you have a job you employer will have to insure you or pay a fine

No one can now deny you because of pre-existing conditions


That is what I read, I may be wrong


I argued about this for about an hour on facebook,before coming across this..


:( :( :( :( :( :(

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I don't know how it compares to the US but I've been super fucking happy to have used Australia's health system when I've been hit by cars, stacked my motorbike, come a cropper, whatever.


explain what the fuck 'come a cropper means you annoying dipshit.


as for the news, Obama doin his thang i see. good shit. it aint all gravy but the positives farrr outway the negatives.


maybe its time i went juan valdez on the 49th and rotate south for awhile.

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So even though I don't have insurance because I haven't been to a hospital since I was about six, this is supposed to be good for me by making me pay for insurance I don't need?


Sure, it'll be nice when I get into a car crash and break a couple bones, but until then I'll be paying for not going to the hospital.






However, I am pretty happy about the student loan bill included in it. Even though I'm not sure how the two are related.

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explain what the fuck 'come a cropper means you annoying dipshit.



Hahaha, some one is in tears because they got negged. :lol: :lol:


Classic COS.


refer to tango 24's post for an explanation, ya big sook!!






I have just experienced the Chinese health care system via my girl. After the rage subsides I might relay how totally fucked up it is. Nutshell; developed world prices for hospital service and conditions an Amazonian fucking tribesman wouldn't envy.

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marry a canadian??:confused:




If you are broke the government will provide you with Medicare

If you have a job you employer will have to insure you or pay a fine

No one can now deny you because of pre-existing conditions


That is what I read, I may be wrong


I'm probably going to get yelled at for saying this...normally I'm all about smaller government but health care has been treated as a commodity in the US for far too long.


However, I'm going to hedge my bets. There's too much money at stake and one can only imagine the deals and promises that were made to get this passed.

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Yeah, implementing this without it being shouted down for every bump and wrinkle in the implementing process is going to be harder than getting senate and rep approval in the first place.


As per any policy in your average two party system the anti crowd will be picking apart the implementation of this policy and every fucking crack and stutter will be blown up all over the TV with a big red FAIL stamp on it. Sometimes you can have a good and workable policy that needs to be implemented, assessed, reformulated, re-implemented, assessed, reformul....... until the end product is the best result possible. However the opposition won't let it get that far and turn public opinion against it before the cake is cooked.


Not saying that this is a good policy, I don't know the details. But it is definitely a top candidate for an early death due to the buzzards.

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30 years ago Reagen told the American people that the road to prosperity was to stop paying for niggers to have babies. Some people bought that line of thinking and now even the poor have latched on, hook, line and sinker. Just another twist.

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there are so many misconceptions. it's just sad.


i'm glad it finally passed though. i watched insurance companies make decisions about what care my ma was allowed to get for fucking YEARS> then paramedics killed her.


our health care blows donkey nuts. something had to change.

it still disgusts me that it's a for-crazy-profits-at-any-cost industry, like everything else in this hellhole.

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After 33 years of no health care, I finally get it from work this year and this happens.



















Isn't it ironic?


































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I feel like everyone who argues about this shit hasn't been to a different country that has nationalized health care... Mexico has fucking better health care than us.


Everyone is retarded but me, im sure of it.


When I explained how I had to pay 2000$ out of pocket before my health care was covered by insurance to a dutch friend, she almost fell out of her fucking chair. The only people who on some SOCIALISM ZOMG COMMUNISM shit, are fucking fags that grew up in some cold war brainwash shit where they think Russian people are worse then Satan.

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So when do I get my FREE health care, and what does that include? Do I get dental? What's my co-pay going to be? How much will come from my taxes? What about emergency room visits or prescription drugs? How about vision? Old 4 eyes needs to get his nerd back in check.


hahaha seriously.. I dont think its going to be that great. I mean the government helps provide health care for its military and one of my friends in the army says hed rather do his own surgery at home then to trust what they provide.

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