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I extend myself out with a gift..


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So a friend of mine from my old residence is having trouble. She has the hardest times seeing the shit that lay within such people. In other words she has a hard time picking good people for friends. Shes recently become troubled with this chick whos a drama fiend. Ive worked with this chick and shes been a groupy band chick and can be childish but totally survives on Drama.


Shes 20...so this isnt some teenage request. (I know its not that old)


Anyways I know the CH0 ontz loves to have fun with things and I was wondering if I were to post the digits to her number would you all shower her a " good time. "


I can promise this is just and shes nothing but a bitch and her troubles she deals out are towards good peeps. Ontz peeps.

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All you need to know about life is retained in those four walls. You will notice that one of your personalities is seduced by the illusions of grandeur

the gold packet of king size with a regal insignia, an attractive implication towards grandeur and wealth,

the subtle suggestion that cigarettes are indeed your royal and loyal friends, and that, Pete, is a lie.


Your other personality is trying to draw your attention to the flip side of the discussion,

written in boring bold black and white, it's a statement that these neat little soldiers of death and in fact trying to kill you and that,

Pete, is the truth.


Oh, beauty is a beguiling call to death and

i'm addicted to the sweet pitch of its siren.

That that starts sweet ends bitter, and that which starts bitter ends sweet.

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yer gonna post a "friends" phone number on the internet to get pranked by channel zero?













































i like your style. now post that shit before i change my mind.

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haha dont bash me damn. I have the number and Im trying to find a good photo.


Shes the one on the left....




have your fun and please harass the crap out of her...please reek havoc. Drama seeking hooker.


727 459 9299


damn son. smashola.

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Shes smashable but crazy. Those certain chicks you smash then they never leave you alone and if you stop the attention towards them they go crazy and start shit every which way etc etc.


Ill try to get some better pics so all the ones requesting zeh tits can be happy.


Any one else do anything besides Manute...sheesh CH0 got soft on me.

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