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Also, threads that stay on topic tend to be boring.


I think another awesome part of this forum is how a thread's topic will change 6 or 7 times, seamlessly

Off topic shit has a time and place, but it sucks when every single thread on the first page just digresses into the same 5 or 6 arguments after like 10 posts, regardless of if the thread had potential to be good or not. I'm all for the occasional trainwrecking of idiotic threads, but when a good thread turns into the 400000000th argument about snitching or how all cops deserve to die or a debate about pants, it gets tired.

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I'm fine with the name changes, they are hilarious most of the time.


But the constant bickering (about nothing, really) and thread trashing I can do without. And I'll admit, though sometimes completely ignorant, DAO could contribute to some civil conversation. But once provoked, that's all she wrote. Only thing I don't like about him is that he negapropped me.


I like the oontz. Perhaps I should invest in this VIP membership.



And for the rec: member since October 2000.

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being one of the oldest running members on here i can say that i come on here to laugh and talk some shit. i dont come in here expecting some intellectual deep meaningful shit but when there is some, few and far between the LOLs, then its refreshing. i dont expect it you know...back in the day i could follow what was going on but now if i skip a day or two of CH0 i miss pages and pages of funny shit, drama and stupid events. it makes my head spin how much shit goes on in here but thats kinda cool... but to think that this is a place for scholars and meaningful shit is kinda odd way to look at it. its a forum based around writing names on walls with spraypaint. i mean wtf? some of you mods take it waaaay to serious... seeks you really need to chill the fuck out. perma banning DAO who is one of the most contributing members is dumb. yea the kid is anoying at times but he generates traffic, its kinda like the Howard Stern theory. what will this ass do next. im not some rah rah fan boy and i dont know the guy in real life, im just saying he is one of the few members that make me wanna read and lighten up my day.

i mean your right this place has changed and its not the small family it used to be. i recall when kids got CALLED THE FUCK OUT FOR BITING and now its just some dick stroking lets all be friends love fest. putting fools on ignore is a fantastic way to make the forum how you want it, much like changing the station if the radio station sucks...

hell even VIP was fresh for like two months now aside from one or two threads that place is full of toys and nondescripts too. but they pay the bills so its ok to fly? if your gonna let the VIP get over run by asshats then some people, as stupid as they are, deserve to live in here too. i know its "not a democracy" but im trying to go off or your logic of cleaning house is all. if your gonna ban kids for being argumentative dickweeds then i say take the random toys and nobodys out of VIP and stop handing out shit to kids for contest BS. VIP should be earned and a place to let loose a little but thats not "good for business either".

ill quit now, i already rambled enough...

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Seeking doesn't respect me.

I don't respect seeking.

We argue.

We come to an understanding.

We argue again, inevitably.

We hate each other.



this and teh oontz and fb are really the only places im on


rest of net is pretty much boring


yeah i argue and talk my fair share of shit


but since i came here in 2004


ive seen it become a preschool


sometime its funny as hell-ie:dao


but that gets boring


then its irl shits-ie:adams block


^^never in my net life have i seen a forum come together and crush an enemy that rightfully deserved it


i didnt pay my 18 dollars to be on here and just talk shit


ive met friends and confidants thru here


that i wouldnt have on the street


its sounds ghey but yeah i love this site


first thing i come to when i log on


show me another forum where you can argue with a mod


and get a "real talk" response


and 99% of the time not get banned


my 2 cents trying to make a dollar

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being one of the oldest running members on here i can say that i come on here to laugh and talk some shit. i dont come in here expecting some intellectual deep meaningful shit but when there is some, few and far between the LOLs, then its refreshing. i dont expect it you know...back in the day i could follow what was going on but now if i skip a day or two of CH0 i miss pages and pages of funny shit, drama and stupid events. it makes my head spin how much shit goes on in here but thats kinda cool... but to think that this is a place for scholars and meaningful shit is kinda odd way to look at it. its a forum based around writing names on walls with spraypaint. i mean wtf? some of you mods take it waaaay to serious... seeks you really need to chill the fuck out. perma banning DAO who is one of the most contributing members is dumb. yea the kid is anoying at times but he generates traffic, its kinda like the Howard Stern theory. what will this ass do next. im not some rah rah fan boy and i dont know the guy in real life, im just saying he is one of the few members that make me wanna read and lighten up my day.

i mean your right this place has changed and its not the small family it used to be. i recall when kids got CALLED THE FUCK OUT FOR BITING and now its just some dick stroking lets all be friends love fest. putting fools on ignore is a fantastic way to make the forum how you want it, much like changing the station if the radio station sucks...

hell even VIP was fresh for like two months now aside from one or two threads that place is full of toys and nondescripts too. but they pay the bills so its ok to fly? if your gonna let the VIP get over run by asshats then some people, as stupid as they are, deserve to live in here too. i know its "not a democracy" but im trying to go off or your logic of cleaning house is all. if your gonna ban kids for being argumentative dickweeds then i say take the random toys and nobodys out of VIP and stop handing out shit to kids for contest BS. VIP should be earned and a place to let loose a little but thats not "good for business either".

ill quit now, i already rambled enough...



From what I know Seeking just carried out the ban. Wasn't his decision exclusively.

Somehow I think he likes being "that asshole", but that isn't relevant.


One thing we could all do if we don't want to see the contests giving VIP to douches who don't pay: CLICK THE FUCKING ADS. It helps 12oz, you might see something you like and buy it, and it helps 12oz.


Do a click through, it takes a few minutes of your time that you're already wasting on 12oz

so it's no big deal.


I'm going to see "Armored" because of an ad on here. I'll be baked out of my mind but still going.

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Well i just spent the last 15 minutes reading all of the posts so far,and everyone has valid points on here it seems like.But isnt that how it goes?I mean...who really gives a FUCK who the moderators ban,there will be more DAO/TWINK kids that step right into those twos spots.I dont think the people who have been checking out 12oz for a while are going anywhere...this shit flows in you faggots blood and you know it...all the little school girl drama will play out like it always does...

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anyone who thinks we're attempting to turn ch0 into a library is fucking retarded.


as harvey said, threads will always evolve and take on lives of their own, that's fine. shit doesnt have to stay on topic, shit doesnt have to be intelligent, but when you can look at the last poster in a thread and instantly know that it's a de evolved into childish name calling and dumb shit, what's the point? and that happens so often these days, there's really no point in coming here unless that's the sort of thing you're into, inwhich case, sorry, but we're not interested in your business.


i didnt start this thread to listen to anyone complain about our decision, nor to be commended for it, but simply to explain our actions so they would be understood. whether you agree or disagree, know that it wasnt some petty disagreement or personal vendetta, it was about the direction of the forum, and what we feel is best for it, and for everyone that supports it. if you think it was better than ever, well, im sorry to rob you of that, but you folks are in the minority.


if ive learned anything while here, it's that at the end of the day none of this really matters. it is indeed just the internet, and it's a way to blow off steam, relax, bullshit, etc. but at a certain point, things can get so disrupted that it's not even a fun place to do that, and i/we feel that that's what has happened.


please, cease with the arguing of the matter. move on get over it. if we're taking things 'too seriously' by trying to maintain a bit of control, then complaining about our actions is also taking things 'too seriously'. it's just the internet right? why you so mad?

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Id like to take this time to say thank you for running this site. Im glad to be a part of an ever evolving documentation on the world wide graffiti scene. That alone is enough to keep me coming back, but there are other niche threads that are always on point. Day in Pies, Great Pictures (mostly), Hot/Thick/Redhead threads, etc. Plus the entire Untitled section. There is always good content on here.


And click the ads.

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