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People who sleep with clothes on.


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lol ^ i sleep in my underwear.. thats about it.



The best feeling of falling asleep is when your naked and your all bundled up with a warm blanket against ur skin


best feeling is not having to rely on a blanket, but the warmth of the naked chick next to you. then its sexy time with bad breath at sun up. followed by eggs.

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Even if it's like 20 below outside anything more than boxers and a beater will make me wake up mad sweaty in the middle of the night, and I'll have to take it off. It's like peeling an orange.


This is about 300 times worse if a lady friend is in bed with me. I dunno how I'll stand to get married or move in with anyone, I can't stand sleeping with other people.

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In my own bed I sleep naked every night. Its been great lately. Theres a window right next to my bed and i leave it open at night and its been getting down to like 50 or high 40s. Sleeping like a baby...


The only time i sleep with anything on is if im over someone elses

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these are my pj pants, ignore this faggot though

also good to go outside in, when youre lazy & only going around the block



not trying to shit on anyones lifestyle, but sleeping nude dirties bedsheets real quick

even if you shower right before, youd sweat in your sleep & mix that funk with the shower moistness

resulting in mold is the best case scenario for sleeping in the nude

not down


i dont mind getting bum-status dirty if i know its coming my way & have dressed accordingly, but fuck getting ink on my nice clothes, even if its ironic & selfish


*edit - if you sleep in the nude, i hope you shower or have not taken a shit since the last time youve showered. otherwise, youre wiping the far outside of your crusty unwashed asshole & shitflaking all over your sheets & yourself

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