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everyday life tips and tricks


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when ordering food anywhere be nice to your waiter person, less likely that shit will happen/ more likely you will get extra stuff

this works extra well at subway/dairy queen


This always works for me whenever I go to starbucks or any fast food place.

I use to get a free drink every time I would go to the starbucks that was in my neighborhood because I got along so well with the workers there.

I'm pretty sure this was said a while back as well but honesty does go a long way.

Not too long ago I was at taco bell and the person giving us our food in the drive thru gave me something I didn't order and gave it to me anyways because I was honest with him.

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if you drive an old car, always have a socket set in the trunk.


macguiver shit. here's a few tips i've used on my rust bucket:


PANTY HOSE - can be used for approximately 15 miles as a replacement for your serpentine belt. your belt snaps, tie a secure knot in the leggings of some panty hose and replace the belt with the panty hose, this will get you to your nearest gas station. this saved me from getting raped and murdered outside Huntsville state prison on I-45.


CEREAL BOXES... the CARDBOARD BOX PART - will work as a gasket to most of your bolt on engine parts. ie, your water pump gasket. simply cut out the cardboard into the shape of the gasket, double up on the cardboard and install. it will work for a good while. nigga rig at its best. (not to be used if you're too poor to afford real cereal, not that malt o meal in a bag by your feet, mouth destroyer cereal... cap'n crunch or wheaties, real shit comes in boxes)

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what you observe is what you observe. look at things in life and others directly, not through any cloud of prejudice, curtain of fear or the interpretation of another.



separating the false from the true brings about understanding. there are a lot of false and fragmented data around. get to the root.



learning is productive when it is applied. wisdom, of course, can be pursued for its own sake. however, one never really knows if he is wise or not until he sees the results of trying to apply it.


one spirit one love. you get what you give. so try to treat others as you'd want them to treat you.

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Dryer sheets... keep one in the back pocket you don't use... axe and other things just mask the spray...maybe use a little after...

take the dryer sheet and rub it on the inside of your shirt, rub your pants(nh), your hands and your hair. pop in a piece of gum in and you dont smell like smoke.

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If you fucked up with something at the job, home, etc., and you know someone you shouldn't be pissing off, will get pissed off.


Blame the incident on someone else, and get real super fuckin' mad. Then that person will be like...oh man, this cat is really pissed! I can't even act mad, I gotta calm his ass down.


I do this shit like once a week, never had a fail yet.

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^Why you fuckin up so much in the first place?

read this thread, don't type in it.:lol:













































:cool: you peep? ha.

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don't leave your phone on your lap while driving. when you get out of the car you'll risk it being dropped on the cement.


happens at least a few times a day...


"The art of good business is being a good middleman....bye bye" - putting people and commodities together = money


"buy low, sell high, till i see hells gate"


"quality over quantity, nothing feels worse than sitting on 10k worth of garbage"

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keep a screwdriver with you at all times, same with adjustable wrench and razor. (assuming you dont drive and keep all your shit in a backpack instead of a car), make loads of connections with people in high places (its how i ate lunch for free every single day during summer break.), be willing to accommodate, shave you head, dont let people see your eyes, stay quiet, if you speak only when you have something really smart/funny to say then people will think your really smart/funny.




and nsmb....



why did you have pantyhose with you?...

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You boiled potatoes but find out they're still raw? Already drained the boiling hot water? Everything else is ready to be served?


While still hot, wrap all the potatoes together in a sheet of aluminium foil and let them rest while doing other shit in the kitchen and carrying food to the table. they should be cooked in a minute or two

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