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seriously i went there thinking it was stupid i saw on some site people were hyping it and all but i just thought it was some cheese special effects but i sat threw it and honestly it mind fucked me like im trying to hope in a machine and just be a avatar and who ever did the graphics and all the efffects is a god......

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Saw it again with some friends a few days ago and one of my friends thinks that this movie will bring in a whole new generation of star wars geeks...except for avatar. He is in love with the main girl. He called up his girlfriend and told her if it was between you and her he would pick her. Hahaha he told her to be more like the 10 ft blue alien from the movie. He went out today and bought the book they made on it (describing all the plants and animals and planet and crap) and I don't think he has ever once purchased a book.


Anyways good movie...i liked it

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just got back from it. this movie was dances with wolves except in 3D with blue cat people. Totally predictable, but awesome visual stimulus. Does it live up to the hype?-NO. Is it a fun movie experience?-YES.


basically if it wasn't in 3d, this movie would've been boring.


I said this almost word for word today. If it wasn't in 3d it would have been super boring. The visuals kept you immersed in the world they created, but the storyline was weak.

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The critics who hated this movie reaffirm my belief that "professional" critics can go shove a stick up their ass. On rotten tomatoes some random bitch gave it a rotten and got slayed after people saw she gave gi joe and transformers 2 a fresh.


go see this movie, try to look beyond the story, there were some serious underlying messages in that film.


That movie was cordless phone status...OF THE HOOK! I had never seen a movie in 3d, I felt like I was IN the fucking movie like half the time. And like others have said, it's seriously one of the best movies i've ever seen.


Also it seems a lot of people don't recognize or care to recognize the messages in this movie, which is unfortunate because the movie has awesome subliminol messages that are easy to see for the viewers who really watched it with an open mind.

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I went and saw 'Dances with Fern Gully' today, stories weaker than the cliches and 2 dimensional characters it rests on but fuck is it visually good. Ignore the story, watch it for the eye candy. The 3d thing is alright, but did it feel like you were in the movie? No. Maybe on an IMAX sized screen it would. Some creepy Roy Orbison convention vibes though looking around the cinema...


I'd like to see something specifically made with this 3d technology in mind, things coming into and leaving the frame kind of fucks up the illusion in a lot of this film.

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I'll go back on some of my bashing, since one of my friends got me to agree to see it in IMAX 3d tonight while stoned as all hell.


It's a total fucking spectacle. Past the point of a movie and into a giant showcase for what money, technology, and huge crew of amazing computer nerds can do these days. Pretty much what Witty said. Visually, it was impressive as hell. I still stand by the fact that the previews on a normal TV look like shit, and i can't imagine it being anywhere near as enjoyable in a normal theater experience and watching at home would be pretty worthless unless you're on some home theater shit. Overall, i could've done with 98% less dialogue and 98% more battle scenes, but i'd say most people will derive some serious enjoyment out of it in IMAX 3D, even if it is purely visual satisfaction. It was too long and i could've gone for a few joint/cigarette breaks though. Not being stoned for the entire movie and my eyes completely drying out from the shitty 3d glasses are probably my two main gripes, since i went into it expecting nothing out of the plot.

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I'll go back on some of my bashing, since one of my friends got me to agree to see it in IMAX 3d tonight while stoned as all hell.


It's a total fucking spectacle. Past the point of a movie and into a giant showcase for what money, technology, and huge crew of amazing computer nerds can do these days. Pretty much what Witty said. Visually, it was impressive as hell. I still stand by the fact that the previews on a normal TV look like shit, and i can't imagine it being anywhere near as enjoyable in a normal theater experience and watching at home would be pretty worthless unless you're on some home theater shit. Overall, i could've done with 98% less dialogue and 98% more battle scenes, but i'd say most people will derive some serious enjoyment out of it in IMAX 3D, even if it is purely visual satisfaction. It was too long and i could've gone for a few joint/cigarette breaks though. Not being stoned for the entire movie and my eyes completely drying out from the shitty 3d glasses are probably my two main gripes, since i went into it expecting nothing out of the plot.


It is really sad that you people can't look beyond the obvious in this movie. yes this movie's story was predictable, but there is so much more to this than cool visuals and blue bitches.


This movie portrays the evils of colonization perfectly. It also shows how big business and corporations can literally screw an entire people over royally. If you didn't feel anything when the giant tree was destroyed you missed out quite frankly. This movie is epic even when watching on the internet with craptacular quality. I suggest the people who thought this movie was nothing more than an overpriced tech demo, seriously try watching this movie again with an open mind...


EDIT: i originally was supposed to see this high out of my fucking mind, but i saw it sober and im glad i did, this movie was epic and the story is truly compelling. Honestly, people who didn't enjoy this movie have no imagination. This shit brought me back to the first time i saw fantasia...FUCKING EPIC, POINT BLANK.


EDIT 2: you're one of the many problems facing modern day cinema, people like to see shit go boom more than trying to see some real shit.

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i said this in the D9 thread...


"I'm with the whole avatar creatures looking too disney. Granted, they were supposed to be portrayed like this to show their innocence and beauty blahblahblah in some way. But District 9 just did way more for me mentally and emotionally. I thought contrasting how disgusting the aliens looked to their yearning for acceptance and a normal life (like all refugees, there lies the metaphor), and how they were ignored, their lives completely devalued. The last 30 minutes of D9 had me guessing, standing up out of my seat, back down in my seat wanting to cry (nh), while the last 30 minutes of Avatar tried to pull some heartstrings, but was too predictable in the end."


And the CGI was more convincing and well done to me, on a whole, in D9. Avatar's CGI, albeit a little corny, was painstakingly detailed, so much respect is deserved.


Whatever, Best CGI, Best Sci Fi flick of the year, Best Makeup...basically my favorite movie of the year was Star Trek."


I just feel that District 9 had a more solid and pertinent message to be sending to the viewing public, which is understanding the other and how they live, and learning about the importance of all human life. To me, saying the Avatar had a great epic message about colonization and raping the earth, cool, but I'd rather really scare the shit out of myself and watch The Awful Truth. Get mad if you want, but I feel like saying Avatar's message was more poignant than D9's, is like saying global warming is more of an issue than genocide and injustice. Face it, we're not gonna solve global warming fast enough, we're fucked, so we might as well learn how to see the other side of humanity and strive to change it. Sorry y'all /endrant.

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EDIT 2: you're one of the many problems facing modern day cinema, people like to see shit go boom more than trying to see some real shit.


so you're telling me you would have rather sit through Avatar, than a screening of T2?


Doubt it.


There was a lot of boom to that, plus a great fucking story with drastic implications of human and technological progression. Kind of ironic considering Cameron busted his nut on this deal all for progressing visual technology, and basically recycling old films themes (Dances With Wolves, Fern Gully).


Cameron could've done way more with the plot. He took his time developing a new camera, new mo-cap technology, new this, new that....except a new thematic idea.


Peter Jackson has never slid in my opinion. From the Frighteners, To the Lord of the Ring movies, to D9, he's only progressed. Meanwhile Cameron was sitting on stacks of cash from Titanic doing his own thing, which I'm not knocking him for bc the technology is sick, but, I feel he compromised his integrity a little with this move.

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