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RIP michael jackson


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I have mixed feelings about him. I acknowledge his contribution to music and I really like his early stuff, but his later years, especially the whole child molesting thing, leave him a bit tarnished.


I definitely think he wasn't in his right mind for most of his life. I guess that what a screwy family and fame — not just regular fame but "virtually everyone on the planet knows who the fuck you are" fame — will do to you.


If he's innocent of the child molesting charges then I hope he rests in peace.


If not then I hope the truth is revealed and it is forever tied to his legacy.

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It wasn't one kid, there was more than one kid who stepped foreward.

Even people close to him were admitting he had problems not jerking off kids.

There is no way in hell anyone innocent would shell out millions on a my word against his type case.

I'd fight that shit to the bitter end and clear my name save some bread.


Dude was probably the best singer/dancer ever before he fell off IMO.

Molesting children cancels out that shit in my book though, sorry.

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this can sum up pretty much every post in this thread. thanks DAO. seriously.

mother fuckin word.


RIP MJ!! When I was a kid I refused to go to bed unless I could watch my We Are The World VHS, my family to this day still teases me about it. I found it on vinyl a couple years ago and copped it, Im glad I did.


MJ's music was golden, hell, it still is. I was singing along to Billy Jean on the radio, came home to a text message from my wife saying he's dead, and its fuckin sad. I don't personally know MJ, so I can't really comment on him personally. We could argue all day about whether he was a chi-mo or not, but in the end, he's still the king and always will be.

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As most people probably have already said, his early solo stuff and Jackson 5 is true golden era and he was amazing, had he died then I would have been maybe sad.


Legend or no legend tho, i believe he fiddled with those kids so fuck him - burn in hell

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Cardiac arrest my ass, the guy was a ticking bomb. I bet he had all sorts of problems we didnt know about. Add those up with the ones we were aware of, and there you go, theres nothing to be surprised of.

I'm surprised he didnt die sooner.

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Shit !! I still can't believe he's gone. Another big part of my childhood died /NoPEDO yesterday.


By coincidence i was watching for the x times the southpark episode with him on MTV exactly at the same hour he's supposed to have passed away. And today MTV is only playing videoclips.


RIP Bambi.



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