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When I think I have seen it all......nope


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back in the day day I found a patch a mushrooms and busted out the mushroom book to see if they were magical. They displayed more than three characteristics of the magic shrooms that grow around my way...long story short I gave them to a lab rat-esk person. who in turn gave them to a friend. That person tripped for the whole night before some very important test the day after. They were real but still wet so not as potent. I went back and they were ganked up already. later that night I had ten messages from the girls boyfriend saying I made his girl miss her test.


Why would someone who is about to take a test to see if they can even get into the firm/company/agency even fuck around the night before. I understand parting and all but some just have some whacked out priorities.


P.S. I found out later he was the one who ganked up all the rest, what a bitch on so many levels.

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i did some coke i found on the groud a while back. i found it in the vip area at a music festival so i wasnt terribly concerned. still somewhat dumb but when youre hanging out with rich people in the music industry the odds are pretty much with you.


the only other time this has happened it wasnt a given so we just gave a line to the resident drug pig to try out. you did the right thing frate raper.

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who snorts drugs they find on the ground dude?


Hes got a fucking degree in business hes a smart guy, but he snorted a powder off the ground.....i'm in shock still


I fuckin love the drugs. Regardless man. Im not saying it's anything I would personally do, but snorting coke off the ground isn't far off from snorting coke you just bought off randon corner pusher dude or coke period. Its powder, who knows what the fucks in it?

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I was standing at the bus stop

a weird guy walks up with a sweater over his shoulders

kinda like a rich prep does, but the sleeves weren't tied

and he starts mumbling shit, so i'm like whatever

next thing you know he pulls out a can of chrome, sprays it onto a sleeve

then puts the shit over his mouth and huffs

and then mumbles some more, his brain was fried from that shit.

never seen anything like it

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I have employed a lot of different types of people, and have dealt with all walks of life with out even thinking about it. As a writer you see things and do things other people don't and as an employer my graffiti career has helped out in some weird situations because I've seen it all OR so I thought.



I find drugs a few times a year, when youre outside in parks etc and on construction sites near populated areas you see shit on the ground that people have stashed or dropped, I've found allllll kinds of drugs, from acid to coke to needles filled with who knows what. People do drugs at our spots its out of the way or whatever.



I found a vile of powder today, it didn't look like coke but I wasn't sure so I call this guy over whos got some problems with drinking, hes a party pig...works hard plays hard tough guy kind of guy.


DUDE IS STOKED, tastes it, cant tell if its sugar or just damp blow, tastes it a second time, still unsure..............





I found that shit on the ground son? what the fuck is wrong with you??????






it was really bad coke




Party Pig:


The drunk slutty girl at a party

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Besides having common sense, one of the reasons why I would never do that is based on that episode of the wire when bubbles laces that vile with sodium cyanide for the custie who had been robbing him hoping he would take it and sherrod ends up blowing it with out knowing any better. That episode was fucked.

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