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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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while back...



Wake up. Freezing outside.



Go to work.



Go to parent's house and eat gravy bread.



Give dad cigarettes



Thrifting with sister to help build her "club house".





Completion. Fancy fence lining palm tree ambiance.



20 dolla dolla.







Not pictured is me saving the crap out of my brother's dog phil.

My mom's dog steve bullies him and she had the poor little guy

by the throat. I leapt and snatched and then I got bit.






another for good measure.



Get coffee.



Guy finally found this in his pocket.



Christmas lights



Go home and

put sandwich in hair.



Battle scars. Remove nail polish



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nothing intresting lately


took out the caddi after months in the driveway



went to work. finally caught the rat thats been in my shop shitting everywhere.






then we got our land rover back after it was stolen bout 2 months ago.



customer's car



puerto rican plates



lunch time. i like how my mexican people spell.



this guy went to auto zone, and bought every plastic/chrome stick-on they had and put it on his car



later that night. met up with the girl. i aint seen her in a few days, i told her to suprise me with an outfit and she did. lol



was trynna zoom in on a cleavage shot, but she moved out the way. kinda...



saw this avertisment in the bathroom in front of the urinal.


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Pearl in cambridge (boston) is going out of business as well.

I was hoping the same.


Pearl art was a staple of my youth.



i spoke to the guys at the pearl in s.f. they said that pearl is closing more than half their stores, also said

the one in atlanta was already closed, if you live near one, hit it up when it starts closing, they do

50-75% off everything. i got a $350 easel for less than a bill, sucks they're closed now though.

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Bored at work (should be working

on terrible/awkward looking valentine gift)

I am just going to post this past week instead.

Had family come in from out of town.



Get of work. Go straight to my mom's to

do the family dinner thing.



My brother always helps out with the cooking.

We have dubbed him the future cook for fambam get togethers.



Extend table.



My mom got her this for her birthday or something:

B: So you went shopping with her.

A: Yeah. She um...told me I only had an 80 dollar limit.

She bought me some shoes too...but thats about it.

After that she spent like two hundred dollars on a new outfit for herself.

B: That sounds about right.



pre dinner smoke.



????, Decide kitchen is too crazy and




Hang out with phil.



Another ciggy break. Expected compliants from younger sister:

C: Do you know what Coey is doing to that damn lasagna.

A: It smells pretty good.

C: Yeah whatever. She's putting spinach in there-

B: I like spinach.

C: You dont count. I was sitting there watching her and I started to notice

she wasnt putting any damn cheese in there. I thought maybe

she forgot that cheese is an important part of lasagna...so I tell her

hey man whats up with the cheese you going to put that in later or something?

And you know what the hell she says she says 'I am not putting any cheese in the lasagna."

I says "WHAT. You aint putting no cheese in the lasagna. Thats like eating

patatoes with no gravy-"

B: People do that-

C: So then I tell her I dont think thats such a good idea ya know. And she tells me

to get the hell out. (puts hand to head) I dunno guys. I think this lasagna might

be a fail.








Clean dishes:

D: OH my gosh someone take a picture Banana is cleaning

It's gonna snow tomorrow.

(goes in hysterics-grabs camera)

What made you decide to clean today....

B: I always d-

D: Clean this dishwasher too hita. And dont forget the

pots and pans.

B: But the-

D: The stove too. Dont forget the stove.



Movie. Then home and sleep. ^arch nemesis



Wake up. We were all suppose to go

to Winchester mansion but we all woke up too late. So

instead I plan to go to DMV to replace lost ID.

Get there and see swarms of people trying to get in.

I decide tomorrow will be better (still waiting to replace Id).



Go to mom's house to round everyone up.



They were all still getting ready.



wait around.







Almost every picture I have of this guy he's doing something stupid.

He's always throwing up his hands, bugging his eyes, and being a nuisance:



B: ...why are you wearing that shirt.

E: (scream talks) I thought we were going to the haunted house in


B: oh...

I have to think for about five seconds:

1. Where did he get this shirt?

2. Is this cute that he decided to wear a shirt that identifies

with this outing?

3. How did he get this shirt?

4. Has he ever been to winchester before? No.

5. Why did he decide to buy this shirt if he has never

gone to winchester?


I lost interest after all the above was wondered.


Conversation numero dos while waiting around:

E: What the hell are you wearing?

B: What do you mean what the hell am I wearing?

(aunt raises eyebrow's and gains interest in conversation)

E: Well...your going minature golfing for chrisakes. Why you

wearing that dopey looking dress.

B:...(thinking) Aunt sissy.

G: Dont look at me. He's your father.

E: I mean your going to be playing golf. What the hells going to

happen when you have to bend down or something?

B: I've got stockings on.

E: All I am saying is its going to get cold. And those dopey looking

stockings aint going to do anything for you.



Him and my sister rode in my car:

D: Banana take a picture of me wearing your stupid hat.

B: It's not stupid.

C: (grabs camera).


*Pink floyd comes on stereo.

D: (starts singing) MOOOOONEY! SJAKDA.

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Decided to go miniature golfing.







Nerds went straight here.







Thinks miniature golf is baseball.





Apple doesnt fall far from the tree.







Gives up.





Kept score.



Best bud handshake.



Lots of standing around.






Revolution. YES.



B: Aunt sissy I am cold...

G: Oh you are hm. Didnt your daddy tell you it was going to be


B: (whimpers) yeeeeah...I didnt listen.

G: (sighs) Here weenie we can share my sweater.

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Miniature golf mishaps.



Decided to quit early. Second place is the first loser.

(*Got second place)





Go on this scary thing. You weren’t allowed to yell.

So I did a lot of muffled eeeeks.






Intended to go in softball pitch went into fastball pitch instead.

I only hit two. And those two hits took the life outta me.

Made my hands all shaky and stupid.





Played air hockey. Found out I am king of air hockey.



Go home for bbq.



go to grocery store to pick up extras and





Id like to meet him^









Share chips with padre. He/they share hooligan stories:

E: First time I got locked up your aunt sissy was the one to save my ass.

F: What happened.

E: Check this out right (<always opening line for story) I was playing baseball for

another town. Cuz ya know I was living there at the

time instead of del norte. Keep in mind del norte is

a puny town. I didnt think it was a big deal...but apparently it

was. The other guys thought I was a trader or something.

They hung around after the game was over and starting talking all this shit-

B: How old were you?

E: What was it Linda...15?


G: Yeah round there.

E: So these guys right hanging around circling me telling

me you traitor this (waves hands around). Talking all kinds

of shit right. Here I was coming home thinking I was going to

get a welcoming. Nope. I got knocked upside my head

from five different guys. Thankfully Linda was nearby and

saw what was happening...Linda why the hell where you

at that game anyway?

G: Party.

E: Oh ok. Well so Linda comes around with a bat and jumps of Dave Hernandez's car-

G: I stole that car.

E: Yeah Linda had a habit of stealing cars.

D: Should we be telling the kids this story.


E: Dont worry ma. It gets better. So she jumps off this car,swear

she did some back flip batman robin shit off this car right,

and WHAM nails those assholes. So then me and Linda go back to back

trying to fight off all these huge baseball players.

Then the cops come and they scatter. And Linda with all her

golden wisdom started to get smart with the

police, calling them sons of bitches. So they take us in.

Mom wouldn’t come get us so they locked us up.

D: Your damn right I wouldn’t. You put yourself there.

I was going to teach you a lesson.

A: How’d that work out for you.

D: (pauses-laughs) Guess it didn’t do a damn bit of good.

G: That place was so filthy-piss on the walls,blood, rats-and I was barefoot.


G: I just stood there and (imitates a shiver).

B: Why were you barefoot?

G: Well ya know it was summer. So I use to walk around with no shoes on.

G: I cleaned out this one little square right. And I stayed in that

little square cept the lady they locked up with

me-Dorothy Ann-first time I met her actually, we use to

party together-she kept telling me to knock her out.

I says to her no I am not gonna knock you out.

So then she starts banging her head against the

wall-found out right there where all the blood on the

walls was coming from. I finally got out of my little square

and called the cop over. I says to them 'she wants me

to knock her out, but I am not gonna.' He didnt believe

me so I had to stay there longer. So I get out about

midnight and my damn car is gone.

Dean took it to a party. So I have to walk 3 miles

to get my damn car, barefooted, its freezing cuz

its Colorado, and all I got on is a skimpy top.

I get to that party and all my beer is drank and pot was smoked-

E: (laughs) She was really mad about that.



D: EEEEE this one time your aunt Margie got locked up....Her

husband was a drunk. So he'd come home and beat the

crap out of her. Finally one day she decides she's not

going to take it anymore so she calls the cops. They put

Joe in the cop car, shackle him up (moves hands dramatically)

and then she climbs in next to him and starts beating him

over the head with a lil garden shovel. The cops pull her

out and tell her 'lady he's not crazy you are.'

So they lock her up. (Starts laughing).

Then she goes to jail and there’s this big

ol' prostitute there. She says to Margaret she

says" if you tell them you're on your period

they give you a big handful of tampons and

you can stuff them into your pillow to make it softer.

So she calls the guard over tells him she's on

her period and makes a nice little pillow for herself.

EEEEE she was so mad when she got out.

Never called the cops again. That Joe was a mean one.

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Then most of them go home and we do more sitting about that fire.

This little guy jumped in the fire. It took us about a split second

to realize 'oh crap the dog just jumped into the fire.'

He hopped out himself and didnt appear to suffer

any damage. He's kind of an ugly dog.

The owners that had him before my aunt

smashed his face into a door. So his face is all crooked

and he snores weird.



He's also got ugly little grinch feet.

Little guy is so tragic it makes your heart melt.



Do this whole thing.





Then put sandwich stuff in her hair.




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