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OVERTIME? how many hours, what days? im doing 4 hours today and im thinking i might work 8 saturday. i need to start saving for a new car.




I get two hours of OT a day right now working 7 - 5. I start my new gig on jan 16th, and I will be making 4 hours of OT per shift, working 7 - 7. OT is double bubble here, and on stats its triple time.

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i've been putting in OT every week since August.

give or take 3-4 weekends off.


for awhile i was getting 25-35 hours of OT when the holidays came (vet's, thanksgiving)


i'd work fridays, saturdays, sundays 5 hours a day.

29 days a month status

but to be honest i just went to sleep in my work vehicle.

plus i was home by 10am when the wife was just getting up.

so i still had weekends free to do stuff.


i was making some serious bank and accumulating some serious comp time.

i was also taking alot of time off which started fuckin up my OT.


it takes a toll after a couple months.

i started to feel lazy and i got sick.

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I usually take OT when I can, but I try not to go over 60 hours cuz that's when you really start getting assraped by the tax man.


When we had inventory at my store I was doin 70-80 hour weeks for 6 weeks straight, and still taking my 2 days off so I was squeezing all that into 5 days which really sucked. While that was goin on I was also working 2 nights a week at a club, and yeah....when all was said and done I was drained and sick as a muthafucka

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