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"W00t" Is Merriam-Webster's Word Of The Year

After School Special

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Merriam-Webster are wordsmiths of the highest order. So much so they put out a dictionary every once in a while. You may know this. What you may not know is that they recently held an online poll, asking for the "word that best sums up 2007". That word would be their "Word of the Year". This year's winner? W00t, which was described by MW as "a hybrid of letters and numbers used by gamers as an exclamation of happiness". If w00t best sums up 2007, 2007 must be destroyed. Right away.





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too bad "w00t" aka "woot" came out in 1996 on the AOL Hacking Scene along with "hax" "haxor" "noob" "newb" "leet" "leeto burrito" "roxy" "rox" etc...


but people don't know their shit and think it's a counterstrike term.



jupz z0n we be haxing teh gibson in dax 9d6 and stuntin on fo0s with our DED accounts

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They do this every year. It's an online poll, which I guess tends to attract an overall geek-heavy response, so the winner is usually something ridiculous, like "bling" or "D'oh".


In similar news, Greenpeace just held an online poll to name this whale they were trying to rescue-- and the winner (with 78% of the vote) was "Mr Splashy Pants".



You guys ever see that movie Idiocracy?

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this reminds me of this guy, wooooooooo woooooooooooooo!

Can anyone please give me a wav or mp3 file of the audio from this?


I tried getting the .flv file, then it wouldn't let the audio be transfered to Cubase in that format, then Premiere wouldn't recognise the file type (flv) to change to avi or mpeg so I could rip the audio in Cubase.


Any help appreciated thanks.

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