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Michael Vick Gets Pwned


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They were trying to clown him on Yahoo news for showing up in his prison jumpsuit.

Saying that that's why he got slammed.

Last I checked, once you're in jail you have no choice how to dress for court. They just put you on the bus and bring you to court in your jumpsuit.


Fucking idiots.


no way yo.

you can change before you go to court most anywhere in the states especially for a trial.

they just get your lawyer to bring your suit and you change in some transition room.


on a side note...fuck vick i hope he gets stabbed for being so stupid as to try and defend his stupid ass views (which are illegal) on tv and in interviews. just as diumb as when Dr. Kevorkian tried to defend himself for helping with suicides. his dumbass deserves what he gets and more.

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As much as I hope he rots in hell for being a dog killing piece of shit, I still think it's real fucked up they pushed it as far as they did with the jail time


If he was some random nigga from the block he woulda ended up with probation, maybe a 90 day bid

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if anything michael vick owned the system


dude beat all kinds of charges, and even more possible ones. with all the illegal activity involved with the dog fighting (gmbling, animal cruelty, drugs, etc) he's lucky as fuck to get off like that.

HUGE win for Vick. HUGE fuckin L for PITA and animal lovers everywhere


and in my opinion, dude shouldnt be persecuted for his culture. Im not saying what he did was right, or that he shouldnt be punished, but people blow this shit out of proportion.


he pits 2 dogs against each other. one dies, one lives.

everyday humans put themselves against deer, and other animals. one dies, one lives


can someone explain to me the difference between a dog killing a dog, and a man killing a deer, and explain to me why one is ok and one is not?

you make the dogs fight, one HAS to die.....thats fucked up right?

you MAKE the deer partake in hunting, it doesnt have a choice either.... but thats accepted why?

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As much as I hope he rots in hell for being a dog killing piece of shit, I still think it's real fucked up they pushed it as far as they did with the jail time


If he was some random nigga from the block he woulda ended up with probation, maybe a 90 day bid

nah they did Vick proper


a random nigga from the block aint supposed to know better


a millionaire nigga is definitely supposed to know better

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