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tell me something embarrasing about yourself

Spruce Lee

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That shit story is great.


As for embarrassing stories, I have really stopped getting embarrassed at anything anymore. Being in the Army and living with guys alot, you just stopped being embarrassed about stuff./NO HOMO


BTW, i am sure i have something i am embarrassed about, but nothing comes to mind right now.

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I did call and leave a message on my brothers voicemail the other night when i was drunk saying 'you are just mad that I laughed at you when you told grandma you came out of the closet" and then proceeded to spread that rumor throughout my family and friends.


he is refusing to talk to me and I think that is funny as hell. I am not embarrassed about it, but it was funny.

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k so i feel like we're all friends so i don't have a problem sharing.........hey by the way i think its really neat that everyone can share such intimate things here with eachother....


ok, so.....


i don't know why, but for like a year now i've been getting boners like.....ALL THE TIME...and for like no reason. so when im at school its tottaly annoying. anyways...... its a pain in the neck. its tottalty normal(i mean its happened on occasion) that somtimes when im with my family we'll be out doing somthing together and like lets say its time to get out of the car....ill finnaly get out and they will see i have a boner. its happened so many times now that they just say somthing like ''uh oh, its ok hunny we can wait in the car a little longer''. or like one time at the mall me and my mom were sitting down at the food court eating and i had a boner through the whole meal, and when we finished i could exactly say anything like hey, can we sit longer, so when we got up she saw my boner and she just said ''oh.....ok, um just sit back down hunny its ok''. the worst time was durring christmas last year infront of my whole family, but i dont wanna get into that one.




anyone else have this problem.

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also this is kinda emberessing to say, but like the last couple weeks ive been listening to leslie hall a lot, and i know shes kinda joking, but i like a lot of her beats and stuff.


so anyways last week i was in the shower and i was singing sokme of her lnes. i guess i was singing real loud but i didnt realize. so later when i got dressed and went dowstairs for breakfast my dad asked me what i was singing......


i showed him her music video on youtube and he gave me the most emberessed to be my father, discusted look ever. not that he ment his emotions in his expressions to come out to me, but i could just tell what he was thinking. but he didnt say anything for the rest of the morning.


this issong i was singing and the video i showed my dad.....


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also this is kinda emberessing to say, but like the last couple weeks ive been listening to leslie hall a lot, and i know shes kinda joking, but i like a lot of her beats and stuff.


so anyways last week i was in the shower and i was singing sokme of her lnes. i guess i was singing real loud but i didnt realize. so later when i got dressed and went dowstairs for breakfast my dad asked me what i was singing......


i showed him her music video on youtube and he gave me the most emberessed to be my father, discusted look ever. not that he ment his emotions in his expressions to come out to me, but i could just tell what he was thinking. but he didnt say anything for the rest of the morning.


this issong i was singing and the video i showed my dad.....



i love that. it's so awesome!!!!

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