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How does it feel to die?

Harvey Wallbanger

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I've seen death in just about every form , formerly working as an EMT in Cleveland . 4 years later and I still can't get a lot of what I saw and was a part of out of my head . In some ways I still kind of smirk thinking about how stupid the human race can possibly be . Common sense thrown out the window , or better yet someone's head cut-off through a car window .


I'm not a morbid person by any stretch , but I'm also not easily shocked as some would be . It goes with the territory of whatever job you have in the EMS field . I still have my " scrapbook " of some of the most ridiculous , amazing , depressing and funny things that happened on the job . One day maybe I'll scan the images and let you all decide just what the fuck happened to the person/s .

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I won't say most , but a lot of people do . Like this guy in the ghetto that ran into a pole on a sport-bike...he looked just like Ol' Dirty Bastard..a picture was a must , even if his head was decapitated from his body . He was even smiling which made it slightly eerie .

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burning to death is one of my biggest fears.

drowing too.

fuck that noise.


If youre born to hang youll never drown. You can live by that.


What was that speach in Waking Life about how the brain produces a whopping dose of chemicals, similar to sleep, seconds before you die? The idea then is if seonds in reality can feel like hours while you sleep, dieing wouldnt be so bad.

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a family freind of mine got really drunk and passed out in a ditch (seattle winter) and was pronounced dead at the hospital.. they were doing a final check in the mourge and found a faint heart beat...


he still has the small scar on his big toe from the toe tag.

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i always thought the worst way to die would be by getting eaten alive by sharks


1- your gettin chomped on by a shark

2- your bleeding todeath (probably missing a limb or major chunk of abdomen)

3- at the same time your inhaling water like a drowning 2 year old


being locked in a burning car would be a shitty way to die also....

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a family freind of mine got really drunk and passed out in a ditch (seattle winter) and was pronounced dead at the hospital.. they were doing a final check in the mourge and found a faint heart beat...


he still has the small scar on his big toe from the toe tag.


damn....lucky bastard.


i just lost someone to suicide, hung himself. its a shock, totally out of character, i still cant believe it.


makes me wonder how ill go, hopefully naturally ad surrounded by loved ones

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burning to death is one of my biggest fears.

drowing too.

fuck that noise.

An employee who used to work for my mother's business had a husband who was suffering from chronic depression and one day he called his family out to his backyard and he had covered himself in petrol and burned himself to death. I could not think of a worse way to die.


being locked in a burning car would be a shitty way to die also....


I've had a similar experience where I thought I could have died. This was about 4 months ago and it was a moderately hot day and I was in a locked car but I didnt know that when the car is locked from the out side you cannot open the car from the inside and I was fine for about 10 minutes tried to sleep then all of a sudden I started to sweat and needed a drink real bad and started gasping for air. I tried hitting the horn but it did not work and I just felt dizzy as fuck and I couldnt scream for help. Then when someone finally came to open the car I got out and had a sip of the persons water bottle and apparently I just fell backwards and landed on my head. I woke up like 10 mins after on the ground with about 10 people standing around me. Being in a locked car is the fucking worst.




The best way to die would be flying an un-pressurized air plane to high altitude, because your brain assumes how much oxygen your getting via the amount of co2 you inhale and the co2 is unchanged so you don't notice your slowly dying of hypoxia + it is a feeling of mild intoxication/euphoria and is apparently a pleasant feeling.


There was a test done where a pilot would fly a plane to high altitude without a secondary supply of oxygen and journal what was happening and the worse he was getting the more confidence he was having that every thing was fine. His hand writing was all over the joint aswell haha

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The closest I've felt to death is when I've had panic attacks, usually induced by weed smoke. Those are not fun. Also, riding in airplanes. Being packed in like sardines with other people in an aircraft 6 miles above the ground, all the while a powerful company is in control of your life while you're in the air. I'm white knuckle 60% of the time when on a plane. I feel like I'm leaving grooves in the armrest with my fingers.

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I love taking off, and landing is even better because you touch the fucking ground. I've taken a liking to getting loaded on flights, especially first class. I'm just way too on edge to pass out.

Next time I'll try some pills.


And having weed before flying isn't worth it because the high will be gone by the time I pass through security. If it holds over, than I'll definitely flip the fuck out on the flight.

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