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I'd assume in Australia if you told the cop you were drunk he would just say,


"You call that drunk? THIS IS DRUNK"


Then chug a bottle of JD and pass out.











in Australia, if you get done but your just a little bit over the blood alcohol limit they still have to give you a blood test (which is the official one) at the cop shop. often people sober up enough before this gets done. is it the same there?

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Where I'm from your second DUI is an automatic year.

My boy was sentanced to two years and ended up picking up an extra year on top of that because his girl put her hand on his leg when she came to see him. Not his dick... his leg.

They gave him an extra year for that shit. So basically my mans did 3 years on some DUI shit.


I'm surprized I never caught one myself. Last time I got busted I was slurring like a motherfucker and the cop actually threatened to give me a "doowie" if I said one more word. I obviously didn't say another word. I also got pulled over when I was 19 drunk as a skunk, with a suspended liscense, driving a stolen car... and still managed to talk my way out of it without my liscense or the plates even being ran. And was told to have a good night and be carefull driving home. That was a long time ago though. Shit aint like that nowadays.

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There is also the fact that if you don't submit to a DUI test, the worst they can do is throw you in jail and take your license away. If you get a DUI, you'll FOR SURE get that, plus hella fines, classes, and bullshit.




In my state its automatic 90 day suspension and driving classes for saying no to a dui test or dont blow. Possesion of alcohol as a minor is auto 150 days suspension and driving classes. Dui is 90day suspension and classes how the fuck does that work?


I got possesion of alcohol as a minor...



DONT PUT YOUR HANDS IN YOUR POCKETS OR BEHIND YOUR BACK IN FRONT OF THE JUDGE!!! They dont like that... I had no clue the judge was like "Havent you ever been to court before?!" I just looked around I was the only one in the place with a collard shirt slacks looking like I didnt just rob a convienece store. I just was like "Uhhh no never...?" He was like "hahaha oh" then proceeded to ram me in the ass with $350 fine and suspension of my license....

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yea i couldnt believe it. although the only reason I got that was because I am a good actor and they forgot to bloodtest me after my caraccident... If the ambulance is there they dont make you "blow." They expect the doctors to do the blood test afterwards. I was wasted and fell asleep at the wheel. Woke up as I am doing 75mph straight into a tree and flipped my 00 maxima (i reccomend this car to anyone the way this car was built saved my life I should be dead)









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I hope you don't live in Texas....

I met a lady once workin on her third time in jail for DUI. She was starting out her 20 year sentence.

The average cost of a DUI in Tarrant county is $12,000


Of course you need lawyer dumbass. But yeah, you're fucked anyway.

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DONT PUT YOUR HANDS IN YOUR POCKETS OR BEHIND YOUR BACK IN FRONT OF THE JUDGE!!! They dont like that... I had no clue the judge was like "Havent you ever been to court before?!" I just looked around I was the only one in the place with a collard shirt slacks looking like I didnt just rob a convienece store. I just was like "Uhhh no never...?" He was like "hahaha oh" then proceeded to ram me in the ass with $350 fine and suspension of my license....


Comedy. Especially the spelling of "collared," but all around very funny.

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  • 1 year later...

A pig pulled me over for a faulty light, and i had only three cups of beer off a pitcher. He pulled me over two hours after i drank.


I was honest. Told em I only had three along time ago. He made me walk in a straight light while counting, balance on one foot counting, and the idiot still try to get me with the breathalizer. I was below the limit.


If you had a few, but still in focus, dont lie. Just be honest. You lie, shit gets worst.

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always get a lawyer. 1 way or the other you u gonna pay out.

bottom line. a public defender dont give a fuck about you. If

you settle for a court appointed you will be made to pay im

more irritating ways.

DUI is pretty straigt foreward. Usually not much to contest

but with jammed up courts a payed lawyer can threaten to

take your case to trial. Generally speaking prosecuters dont

want to do that for petty minor cases. It takes time and costs

money. In doing this he can negotiate you more favorable

terms and conditions

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^ that's more or less true. I don't know how it is in the states but if you have a barrister in Australia they get a significant amount of respect even from judges. To be honest I've found that this can make quite an impact on your case. I've found a lot of them here are also familiar with alot of judges on a first name basis. That shit helps.

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this could be way off but worth thinking on.

plenty of judges get they start as attorneys.

what does you getting a court appointed represent.

that you are not willing or unable to pay for an attorney.

Whats an xattorney going to think about a guy

thats not willing to pay an attorney

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I got a dui in Oakland..Talked to about 5 lawyers until i found one that was cool. He got it reduced to a reckless driving. Community service, AA class, and the lawyer was a little over 5 g's .. Shit sucks, Oh yeah DONT blow...




i spent 3 grand and all mine got reduced to was DWAI


but they also took off a lot of other extra charges that were on there (one of which was violation of probation)

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A pig pulled me over for a faulty light, and i had only three cups of beer off a pitcher. He pulled me over two hours after i drank.


I was honest. Told em I only had three along time ago. He made me walk in a straight light while counting, balance on one foot counting, and the idiot still try to get me with the breathalizer. I was below the limit.


If you had a few, but still in focus, dont lie. Just be honest. You lie, shit gets worst.


Stupidest thing I've ever heard.


Me and my people have pretty good systems worked out for when we get pulled over drunk, and it's resulted in us being let go HAMMERED many times/none of us having a DUI (knock on wood)


The simplest and most effective one is when you get pulled over and the driver is drunk, one of the passengers has to act BELIGERENTLY drunk, and take the attention away from the driver.


Another good one for you guys is if you get pulled over drunk just act like you got in a huge fight with you girl, and you've been driving around aimlessly, crying. Woman problems seem to be the one issue cops can relate to other normal humans on

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