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wait, what the fuck just happened? does it end with tony looking up and a black screen showing for 6 seconds and the credits come on or did the uploader fuck it up?


...still, that last table scene was just awesome, like wow....yeah.... [/color]


thats what happened to me....


shit blacked out while his daughter was in the way in and they were eating onion rings.



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It might of very well been that tony got wacked.In the episode before that they showed the flashback of tony talking to bobby and saying "i bet you dont even hear it when you get wacked, everything just turns black" and since the show is all about tony's point of view,they showed meadow walking in,maybe the russian walked out of the bathroom and clipped him.

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At first I was disappointed during the 6pm showing, but after I had a few hours to think about it, then rewatch it at 9, I figured out what happened.



The VIEWER was whacked, not Tony. Tony had a discussion w/ Bobby about dying, and supposedly all you see is black and hear nothing.



Some think this was supposed to signify Tony getting killed, but it is not that simple or cheesy.



The last few minutes in the Diner scene, the tension is mounting for the viewer. You see time is running out, you are eyeing everyone in the restaurant. Everytime the door bell jingles you look up.


This is the world of Tony, never knowing when someone is gunna whack you, constant anxiety.


However, Tony was pretty calm during that scene. The only one who was anxious is the viewer, and while WE spent all of our time focusing on Tony, BAM, lights out, we got whacked.



The last scene is not Tony looking at the door thru his eyes, it is looking at Tony thru our eyes. Life goes on for The Family, there will be a tomorrow, but the viewer will not get to follow the exploits of the Soprano family, we were killed off.



I like it.

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It might of very well been that tony got wacked.In the episode before that they showed the flashback of tony talking to bobby and saying "i bet you dont even hear it when you get wacked, everything just turns black" and since the show is all about tony's point of view,they showed meadow walking in,maybe the russian walked out of the bathroom and clipped him.




this is what i thought too, but im starting to lsee what drue is saying.



regardlesss i didn't like it.

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This was taken off of another board.

I don't know if I totally agree,

but it's an interesting take nonetheless.

Kinda goes with what Drue_Down said but slightly different.



"He was killed....


in fact, the ending was genius if you've paid attention to the show or are just a fan of well developed well thought out plots that all tie together and have the memory of a champ to remember it all


the ending was simple, he got killed, but let me tell yall why and explain in detail... There was 3 people in the room total who had a reason to kill tony.....


the two black guys, they were paid before to kill tony but he was only shot in the ear, this was in one of the earlier seasons,


also in the earlier seasons, the trucker who was sitting at the bar stool, who the camera kept focusing in on, is Nikki leotardo, Phil Leotardos nephew, he was in one of the early season episodes where Phil and Tony have a sit down....


heres where the genius comes in....


When tonys walking in the diner,you see the camera focus on him, then it switches to his perspective, and you see him looking @ the booth hes gonna sit at...


then the camera switches back to tonys face, then it once again switches to his perspective, and it shows him looking @ the door and looking @ the people come in..... Everytime the door opens the Chimes sound....... Carmela walks in, Chimes, AJ walks in Chimes, this when Meadows parallel parking, still trying to get inside the restaurant....


at this point the camera switches back to the trucker who goes in the bathroom......


Then it goes to a scene where meadow finally parks and starts running in the diner....


the doors about to open, Tony looks up....


and No Chimes......................


No Music............


Everything just goes black...............


In one of the early episodes of the sopranos, tonys talking with bobby about what it must feel like to die..


Bobby says "at the end, you probably dont hear anything, everything just goes black"



part of that was revisited in the second to last episode during the last seconds of it, when tonys about to go to sleep and he flashes back to the memory of him and bobby on the boat... "You probably dont hear anything everything just goes black"



so in the end, the Journey song was playing, the chimes on the door sounded but when meadow came in, the guy in the trucker hat came out and killed tony...


its the reason you aint hear, or see shit when he died.... it was from his perspective.... and everything went black, then the credits rolled."

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i thought it was a dope episode. basically i think the ending is that everyone is happy and everything is normal. typical sopranos episode not flashy. phil getting his head crushed was the dope. this was by far one of the only good episodes of this last season.

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I can't edit my previous post.. so here is an addition:


The last scene is not Tony looking at the door thru his eyes, it is looking at Tony thru our eyes. We did not see the door thru Tony’s eyes then have it cut to black, we are staring at Tony and it cuts to black.



Life goes on for The Family, there will be a tomorrow, but the viewer will not get to follow the exploits of the Soprano family, we were killed off.


This has always been the essence of the show. "Real life." Not everything works itself out, there are a lot of loose ends. In the end, life goes on, there was no need to wrap everything up. In fact if they did, it would have been a lame ending, simply because it would have been unrealistic, basically, impossible, and a horrible reflection on life.


There was not going to be a big blowout at the end, because life does not work that way. Sure many things happened in the last few episodes, and sure more will come in the future. (but we will not get to see it)


What we got was a glimpse in time, a snapshot of Tony & his family. The show was always about life as mobster, everyday stuff. Dealing w/ your family, your stupid probs in life, highs and lows, and a lot of boring drama.


It did, in a way, have a happy ending. Tony gets out of therapy that was not helping him, AJ went from emo to a jr. Tony, Meadow is going to become a lawyer, prob get married and have a boring life. The wifey is flipping another house, which is her passion. The NJ situation was worked out, and the FED turned out to be a crooked scumbag just like Tony, as if he is a part of the crew too. Tony's sister will finally get $ for doing nothing.


Phil got his.


The End.




***** THE VIEWER is not a real character (I should not have to explain this) We were not physically sitting in the diner, nobody in the diner had a reason to kill us, but we were watching his life, the whole time..... And just like getting whacked in real life, you may know something might happen, but you never know when it is coming.


That was the surprise ending, we were waiting (distracted) for Tony to get killed, and surprise, somebody for some reason pulled the plug on us.

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i feel like i broke up with a woman i have been with for almost 10 years....

and i like where Drue went with it... more so than my previous conclusion:

the whole "i bet you dont even hear it when it happens, everything just goes black"

i like thinking of it in drues light, a lot more than thinking tony got popped.

but who knows.... I JUST WANT MORE!!!

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Tony's dead. (Sorry but this is going to be a long comment.)


A) First episode of this season Bobby says you don't hear it when you're shot.


B) Second to last episode of this season, Tony flashes to Bobby saying you don't hear it when you're shot.


C) The entire story arc was about Tony - when Tony's gone, the arc is done.


D) In the diner, every time someone walked through the door, the perspective changed to Tony's as he looked up


E) After the last bell jingle, just as the perspective changed to Tony's everything went black and silent - as though the person whose perspective we were to shift to was no longer alive


F) The cat was a reminder that Tony killed Chris, and had Adriana killed. The cat was a reminder that Tony's a bad guy - who has it coming.


G) There was so much symmetry between Phil's execution in front of his family and Tony's last moments


H) We all know how much Godfather III ruined the Godfather movies. I think the focus on Meadow was a reference to the Godfather. David Chase didn't end it the way Godfather III ended. This time the boss gets killed.


I) Every other episode ended in music during the credits. This one had no music because Tony's dead.


J) Episode titles have always meant something. This episode's title referred to Bobby's gift of the gun to Tony. When he gave it to him he made the comment about how everything would just go silent when you were shot.


K) The ending was so incredibly brilliant. We all felt what it was like to be Tony in those final five minutes. We all felt nervous, anxious, just as he must have felt. After being absorbed into Tony's experience, we were left with silence and blackness like death because...


Tony is dead.

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i hate when series end like that.... fucking lame-o.


i can appreciate the hypothesis of the viewer getting killed off, which is extremely clever, but god damnit i wanted him to die, or 30 other people to, or him to get his brains blown out while fucking carmela for the first time in years, somethinggggggggggggggggg.




thats what i would have done, had carmela kill him while she was on top riding him, get this, to death.


that would have been ill.

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