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the un official workout thread


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this thread has too much ridiculous side chatter.


maybe I should unsubscribe it....


Lol wut. Thats the reason I read this thread. 90% of it is broscience so its basically worthless unless you want to brag about how rad you are in the gym, which admittedly I've done.

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ralphy, you should start doing various exercises with kettle bells and med balls.

shit gets super brutal, but seriously effective.


I don't work out to lose weight, but just because I want to get super fit.

So far, doing cross-fit type routines works a million times better than spending 60+ minutes on the elliptical or bike.

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Fellas, who in here can recommend a really good pre-workout curse? Cause Ive built up a tolerance when it comes to NO-xplode and Im totally UMAD about it.


I heard Jack3d is good but it doesn't have that 'muscle pump' that No-xplode gives you, and that it's only a 'metal focus' type of curse. Man, I dont fucking know.


i take jacked before hitting the gym and a protein drink afterwards, jacked is pretty good it'll have you pumped up for quite a while but once it rubs off you're pretty much drained.

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First I dont believe in training in a fight style unless you are going for the sport. (Or in my case, part of your job) Other then that why would a grown man feel the need to "drop" someone? I mean really, I haven't been in a fight since highschool...and I have never been in a place were I would need to "drop someone"?


Maybe you shouldnt hang out in shitty places


this is just silly.


self defense is self defense. it doesnt matter what method, technique or tools/implements are used to defend yourself. they are all legitimate. wouldnt you want to know how to 'drop' someone your life was in danger or physical harm/GBH was eminent?


i have never had a need to use a life preserver but they are on the boat. i havent ever really needed a seat belt, but i wear one. having a skill necessary to defend yourself is just the same as those examples.


if i remember you are .mil... and this has always been my one pet peeve with current or past serving. and i deal with an ass ton of SOF dudes, MARSOC, etc

a certain percentage of .mil or le always feel the need to tell mere mundanes that they have no 'use' for various techniques, tools, weapons, knowledge, equipment, etc. its quite nerve racking.

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I've lost 20 lbs in the last month, which puts me a 275lbs.....

In 7 months I turn 30, I am wondering if I can get down to 240lbs by then.


That's definitely a reachable goal. If you're consistent with your exercise and are eating right (smaller meals more frequently, DON'T skip breakfast) you should be good.


Yes, cardio is essential to losing weight, but remember the more muscle you have the more fat you're burning while resting. Keep us updated.


I'm kind of trying to put on some weight right now. I'm at about 217lbs and am looking to get up to about 235lbs. I'm just curious about how much more I should be eating a day to get there since I obviously want that extra food to go to muscle growth rather than fat.

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Whats the deal with Creatine? That shit work? Does it fuck up your body?


its a supplement. its safe. helps with muscle 'growth' and some people say it increases their strength. take it. it cant hurt.


Also does drinking a protein shake before a workout do anything? What should be taken pre-workout?


this is a huge debate.

they idea is to get protein sucked into your muscles after you crush them in a work out/get in an anabolic state. the debate is the timing. some say pre work out is best. others say post work out.

drink at both times if you are worried about optimal muscle uptake.

if you are feeling frisky, drink a nitric oxide supplement before your work out, like white flood or no explode. other people swear by the sugared up creatine products as well. they definitely taste better. you can mix green matrix and white flood together and you have a great tasting pre workout drink and you'll be fueled up like a mofo for your work out... atleast for a couple or three weeks till you get used to the mix.


I'm kind of trying to put on some weight right now. I'm at about 217lbs and am looking to get up to about 235lbs. I'm just curious about how much more I should be eating a day to get there since I obviously want that extra food to go to muscle growth rather than fat.


many old schoolers argue that drinking a gallon of milk a day is the easiest way to add the extra calories needed to put weight on.

you are gonna need about 500 extra calories a day to gain a pound a week. it can be pretty hard to count calories (it is for me anyway) so its all guess work. eat what you think is 500 more calories a day. if you eat much more than this, you'll get noticeably 'fatter' instead of 'bigger' in the muscle sense. after a month if you are just looking fat cut back on the carbs a bit and keep going. unless you want to make it your life, you are gonna increase your body fat percentage when bulking. its just the way it is for the majority of people out there. granted some genetic freaks who were born with 6 packs might be able to keep their fat low during a bulk, but most cant. if you want to be 235 lean, you are gonna have to go to like 260 then cut fat down to 235. still you might end up @ 225 or 215 depending how lean you want to be, how lean you are now and how fat you got on the bulk.

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Couple questions here...


Whats the deal with Creatine? That shit work? Does it fuck up your body?


The first 20 pages of google are product pages and study reports for creatine payed for by the companies producing them. There are adverse affects in taking creatine in some people, including diarrhea, nausea, muscle cramps, muscle spasms, abnormal heart rhythms, and kidney failure. FOr most if it's taken in small incremental doses, it's completely safe, but that doesn't mean you'll see a performance increase.


Creatine is needed for phosphocreatine, which is your muscles' main source of energy in times of anaerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise differs from aerobic exercise because it only lasts 8-30 seconds. It is a power/strength exercise. No oxygen is used in anaerobic exercise. A sprinter can literally hold his breath in a 500 yard dash since no oxygen is needed. (Aerobic exercise uses glucose. This is when you're breathing, blood is pumping to your muscles, and that blood glucose is fueling your muscles.) Athletes will take creatine monohydrate to provide their muscles with more energy during anaerobic exercises. These are power/strength exercises, like a sprint, or a play in american football. These football athletes generally have poor aerobic strength who start to get winded if plays last more than 8 seconds. Creatine monohydrate is simply creatine that's been formulated for easier absorption than regular creatine.


If you're still not sure if you need creatine because you dont know if you'll be needing anaerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise does not improve cardiovascular health, but it can lead to musclular hypertrophy. Muscular hypertrophy is the increase of muscle cell size, muscle mass and increase mitochondria. Mitochondria are what burns fat into fuel, so the more lean muscle mass you have, the easier your body will use fat as a fuel source.


Aerobic exercise leads to muscular hypertrophy too, but it's far more rare. This hypertrophy is from an increase of total blood volume (stronger heart muscles, more capillaries, etc.) which provide more nutrients to the muscles and allows them grow. It also maintains lean muscle tissue, which increases your metabolic rate, and your body's glucose uptake and efficiency. (Hence why diabetics are urged to exercise)



Also does drinking a protein shake before a workout do anything? What should be taken pre-workout?


Since my post was appreciated I thought i'd just say for the record that it's not a complete piece of information when it comes to protein needs. The suggestion is an average person needs .8 grams of protein per kilogram, and athletes need 1.2 to 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight.


So do you need to consume protein shakes?


Say you've got a couch potato who weighs 70 kgs, I think that's about 150..155 in pounds, and he uses 2000 calories a day, and eats a diet which consists of 12% protein-- which is not unusual. That is to say he would consume about 240 calories of protein. There's 4 kilocals per gram of protein so that's 60 grams of protein, which when you divide that by his weight he has about .85 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight. So he's right where he needs to be.


Say you've got an athlete who weighs the same and uses 3k cals per day. On the same diet, but just eating more of it, he's getting 360 calories of protein, or 90 grams. That's 1.3 grams per kilo of bodyweight.


So nutritional science says, no you dont need protein shakes. You should just be eating more, which a lot of coaches have a hard time convincing their athletes to do. And the amount of protein used for energy is small. (You can't use protein as a stand-alone energy source.)

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Don't put the pre and post workout meals on a pedestal compared to your other meals. You should be eating like that ALL the time. Well, not just peanut butter, milk and bananas, but that's a good start. The wider variety of whole foods you eat the less a chance of nutrient deficiency and the healthier you'll be.


Also a good idea is to weigh yourself before and after working out. The weight loss is water, which you need to replenish. (One of the reasons why laxatives are fucking horrible for weightloss programs. All they're losing is water and fiber.) Some people confuse this with fat loss. Weighing yourself is not how you check fat loss. Theres pinching methods and things for percentages, but reality is the best way to check fat loss is to look in a mirror. If people are working out they'll gain weight faster than losing it because muscle's like 5 times heavier or some shit. What else... Rule of thumb is to drink a half a cup of water every 15 minutes for workouts lasting longer than 30 minutes.


Oh and for fools trying to lose stomach fat I just read that aerobic exercise is the way to go. IF you look at anybody who performs aerobic sports, swimming, running, tennis etc, they have no guts. Its not a coincidence. The only way you may NOT be able to lose stomach fat is if you have a beer belly, which isnt fat at all, but scar tissue. You'll be able to tell whether it scar tissue because it'll be hardened and calcified.





No theres no way of getting rid of that. Except a liver transplant.

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Race anyway.



the next two weeks theres races for top 7 (which i am not in) so coach is asically ignoring the 70+ people who arent top 7 and telling us to run 2-3 and ive been doing 2 in 13:30 every day, so im thinking il use this as a "build up your tolerance so you can start picking up the pace a lot sooner then everyone else" period.

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