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Pffft peyote.


I don't drink bitch drinks. What is that shit these days? 30%alc/v?? For the price it is a waste of money. And also, I was moreso taking the piss out of you calling it 'SoCo'. If you look back thru this thread Im sure you will find someone else called it this hipster inspired term and as such was ridiculed about it


Better off drinking wine. I need a beer....

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I took tonight off cuz I went HARD last night, and ended up puking stomach bile all morning til about 4 this afternoon. Actually, I still have a fuckin splitting headache.


Tomorrow my boy Chris gets home from 3 months in basic training. Not only that, but it's my last weekend of freedom so shit is gunna be wild.


Tomorrow night we're gunna get smashed at my criib, hit some faggy club that my boy hooked us up with VIP for (cuz Chris is a club fag on the low haha), then to the stirp club after


Friday night we're having a wild party at my crib


Saturday night we're gettin fucked up, hittin the club I got fired from, hopefully causing mad trouble there, then hitting a party at a mad expensive hotel downtown


Sunday shall be spent goin out to dinner with a few friends and my family since it's my last day before house arrest, then I'mma prolly have a few birds over and just stay up til court in the morning when I hafta go turn myself in. I'm hoping that, combined with a box of Nyquil, will let me just sleep through my day in jail, otherwise I'mma be bored as a muthafucka

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You can't hate on mauler he is the most well rounded team alco member... I was going pretty hard almost on some high class mauler steeze but I had to stop drinking because those big bottles of grey goose every week get wicked expensive...


When summer comes i am gonna start up again. I just don't think i like drinking by myself as much in the winters i dont know why...

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It is cold, snow covered and raining.


I quit doing drugs so none of that or those friends.


Bitches fucked me over too, so no love from the ladies tonight.


I'm sitting here with a case of Corona and a bag of limes pretending it is summer.


I haven't gotten drunk since New Years and I think I'm just going to drink until I blackout and light my house on fire tonight because I am really on some nervous breakdown type shit.


Fuck niggas.



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My oparyt was fycjin WILD, definately the bets one we've thrown yet


Ma dbitches and muthaufckas everywhereeee, i almost beef with a couple of Damu niggas over some old shit but it got swuahesed right before shit popped off, then more fun, lots of alcohol, me and a few homiesd got put down with another crew for some reaosn, which is suually not our steez but fuck it


Around 2 the cops shwed up and thre bout 50 people out, I have fucke dup legal situation so i bounced too, and my 2 roomates were supposed to stay and admit to living her ebut they dippedtoo sdo the cops searched the house a bit but everything that needed to be hidden wa shidden alreayd. i'ms till pretty tight sboutbthat, but fuck it


I just ate a microwaveable pizz, now I'mma gte some sleep

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I bought soem Pilsner Urquell tonight.

I swear this never used to be only 4.4% acl/v.

I can't be bothered going out and I have a headache.

I need a job so I can get back to the high class shit to which I was accustomed. Knowing you have to scrimp and buy cheap shit has curbed my urge to get shitfaced maggot.

Oh well things will change in time I guess.

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last night there was free belvedere drinks at a RZA show i went to in brooklyn. I was takin em on the rocks, no mixer. Posted up at the bar, slam, refill, repeat. When the promo ended(all out of belvedere), I started ripping budweisers.


next thing i know, its over and i'm knee deep in a brawl with some raging HGH guidos in a pizza place nearby, all over the rights to a chair at a table. my boy used that very chair to crack one of those dudes across the grill. They had already insulted the staff, so we kinda had the place on our side. It was a whirlwind of flying pizza and blood, lasting about 1 minute.


we scrapped it out for the win, with the guidos threatening to shoot us as we all ran from the approaching 5-0.


which proves that having steroid muscles and not knowing how to use them=fail.

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I decided to share my last sunday. I went to a chilli cookoff in alameda where I got to judge for free. I took that shit very seriously. My stomach ended up not agreeing with me after 19 chilli samples and about half my body wieght in free drinks. I don't got that many pics but shit was super fun. My back still hurts from when my cuzzo and I were slap boxin hella drunk and he dipped me outback onto the concrete.


I started the day listening to ghostface



Started here in the am to give my tummy a pre-emptive strike.



HHHmmmmmm Kraut dogs.



Walked into here 30 min later.



Events almost happening. It was a chilli cookoff in alameda so a bunch of older heads. But I'm a real G and real G's feel comfortable in any social situation.



First drink. Shot of Jame-o and delrium. Trust I didnt pay.



Crock pots of my two favorites. 15 and 17



Here's my setup to judging. I take my shit seriously when it comes to chilli cookoff.



More judging and more drinks.



Well I'm horrible at getting more flicks when I'm drunk cause I think at that last picture I'm about 20 vodka tonics in. No joke.


When the chilli contest ended my friends shookoff and my cousin and I went barhopping. Still got free drinks due to him being an old bartender at scobies. I then proceeded to make an ass out of myself by almost pulling a 45 year old blonde couger. I drove home and crashed. I woke up with a couple of bills on my dresser, a half ball, and a small bottle of beano. Needless to say I was useless at work when I arrived at 3:30 in the am.



PS number 17 won...

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