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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Bones Brigade,

How is it possible for one group of dudes to shred so hard?

Your music rips my face off.

In the good way.

Thanks for making me love life.


Thrash City Rocker


Dear dudes,

I love you.

Making out rules.

Getting free beer rules even more.

Sleep-over pizza thrash parties are my new favorite hobby.


On The Prowl.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Weekend,

you sucked ass....

and i have a feeling your going

to bring mad drama in the upcoming future...


not looking forward to it,




Dear Mom,

if you dont get from the back of my shoulder

watching what im typing, yelling to get off every 15 seconds,

your catching an elbow to the grill..... REAL TALK...

your not helping.... at all....



"if you tired be quiet and go to sleep ho"


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear me,

how come everytime christmas break comes up, the day before school is let out there is something really stressful you have to make it through

this year its pretty lame and you better stop procrastinating and ask for some help

hopefully, some shit will come up and you will get out of it

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Mom,

if you dont get from the back of my shoulder

watching what im typing, yelling to get off every 15 seconds,

your catching an elbow to the grill..... REAL TALK...

your not helping.... at all....



"if you tired be quiet and go to sleep ho"





Dear Tails,


Dude, relax.


Disrespecting your mom is not cool.


I understand that you don't like people standing over your shoulder...and neither do I.



But its her house.



"If you don't like it be quiet and move out ho"


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear pickles-


Please stop making everything taste like you.

I mean, I love you.

But I don't like pickle flavored brownies.




PS....whats the deal with you only being a movie theater snack down here?

Is it because yankees don't appreciate you?

You are a fantastic snack at a movie.

Its time they learned.

I'll take the idea with me and make millions.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo




why you gotta be like that? tryin to wake my ass up wayyy to early so i 'get to' please you before you go to your crummy job? dont try and play like i dont put out, but i AINT your on call girl, who drops everything whenever you feel like gettin down. shit doesnt work that way.






-pissed off and offended



Damn boy



you just dont get it do you? stop disrespecting me, stop making me feel like i dont deserve you (when we both know its the other way around), get a fucking JOB, and for god sakes dont look at personal sites for hos in seattle. as if i didnt lack trust in you allready... wow. ive never met someone who made me feel as horrible as you do.



ps. if you are gonna look at skeezy websites for hos in seattle on MY computer, try to not leave your window open.







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