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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Huge Danger,

I don't believe for a second that you have been on the streets this last week.

I do believe that you have been being held hostage in their apartment.

None of that matters now.

Tomorrow I am coming to rescue you.

I've missed you more than you will ever know.

Be prepared to get showered with affection.


Yo Momma.


Dear Dude,


That's all.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Glade & Wizard Plug ins,


You suck. Seriously. Retire for christs sake.

I would rather smell my fat co-workers shit than my fat co-workers shit mixed with apple spice.

Get with the times. Chodeburger.



hating you.

the VAJ that works dangerously close to the bathroom.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear gjug06,


theres a blast from the past. how goes it.





Dear Mar,


Everything is... ok, minus the fact that I have to get a biopsy on the left jug. How are you mar, tell me everything.


Dear Young Life,


Thanks, I havent even experienced everything yet!




-Mapstar skeet skeet

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear cheap BIC disposables,

If i wanted to get a terrible shave that felt like i was rubbing my face with a cheese grater, i would've gone into the kitchen. I have no idea how this 4 pack came into my posession, but i sure as hell will never be buying more of you.





Dear cold weather,

I don't love you.

Without love,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Rain,

Please go away by 10pm. I mean I love you and all but I am supposed to go drinking with friends and don't feel like getting soaked in your shitty weather. But atleast you are raining on the our football team and ruining everyones time at the game.

Loving but hating you,

Rain enthusiast.

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear good friend:

When you come by my house I will destroy you in rummy and Mancala. I hope we do not go through any of our political discussions tonight it only ends up with you yelling at me telling me I am un American and that I should move some where were I have to wear a veil-ish type thing over my head all the time. Lets keep tonight based on cards and African chess cuz I am good at that and not so good at debating with a nincompoop who justifies taking advantage of indigenous countries and whipping them clean of all their natural resources as getting shit done.

your bff-Bananerz


dear philip the dog:


You are so funny eating my cigarettes. So cute. We are a perfect pair when I take you on walks I can smoke and you can eat the filter. I am sure this is not good for you but I am not here to judge. I smoke too. We will grow old together and breathe out of oxygen tanks and I will smoke through the hole in my neck you will probably have to have someone chew the filter for you and then eat it.

<3 blessed- B.Fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cali-g

like 120-150 It was plant with open faced princess cut. I wanted to get fangs becuase they are funny but decided that was doing to much. May'be one day I will get another one but the hyphy scene is ridiculous where I live and I honestly dont think I live close enough to the bay for everyone to be into as much as they are. Now everyone with teeth is on that shit. I still miss it though.


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