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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear hatorihanzo,

today i was with a couple buddies they were smoking on the balcony there was a spider and a web they were high and watched a spider wrap up a moth for thirty minutes. as soon as the spider was done they grabbed another moth and threw it on the web and watched it again.. that is all


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Hatori & everyone else talking about spider friends.


I have many spider friends. You could almost call me the "crazy spider lady."


These are my favorites.



I feed my buddies grasshoppers and watch them wrap them up and eventually eat them.


My co-worker killed one in front of me, knowing that I love them, so I didn't talk to her for 3 days.


I also love my little tiny baby geckos that live with me at home.



friend of the hated,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear face


you look haggard

maybe the booze fuelled late nights are catching up

put some cucumbers on those eyes


dear fists of rage,


more trying to fight in bars

you got yourself banned from the newport and paramount in one night

no big loss

but still

two less drinking holes in a town that has few to offer



you guys need to be in good shape as i have tons and tons of work next week

fucking summer

i shall rewar

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Vaj,

Its cool you have leopard geckos. I truly am not a big fan of them I prefer bearded dragons and monitors. My friend used to have this columbian black and white tegu that hated everything that moved and it made me happy watching it jumping towards peoples faces to attack them. This makes no sense and I am hungover.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo



They tell me bedtime stories of their hard times back in Greece, and how happy they are to be with me now.

Yes its in Greek. Thing is we're so close and in tune with each others emotions, it doesn't matter. We understand each other perfectly.

Love has no language.


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo



I have to be up at 6. But I've had an eventful day for the most part. (Between 12oz sessions)


Also when girls say its time for bed, that means "I should be in bed within an hour."


I'm really going now.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo



I have to be up at 6. But I've had an eventful day for the most part. (Between 12oz sessions)


Also when girls say its time for bed, that means "I should be in bed within an hour."


I'm really going now.







I vote you take the day off of work (play hookie)...


because its Columbus day...and you shoulda had it off anyways.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Customersofhollywoodvideo,


Please believe I got the last copy of Knocked Up at home bitch! I've had it for three weeks! If you want me to return it, then buy me a goddamned Cherry Pepsi when you come to rent the movies you don't really want in the first place. Don't bitch at me that we don't carry enough copies in stock. We've got twenty....plenty.


The look on your little yuppie face when I tell you that I have the last copy is priceless...keep it up.


Faithfully yours,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear 12oz Family,


Its been a productive day, i must say. Il treasure this day indeed. Im tired, have to wake my ass up 6 in the monin. You all have nice day, night, morning, wat eva.




Tranc......(New Name In progress) or not.......

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo




I vote you take the day off of work (play hookie)...


because its Columbus day...and you shoulda had it off anyways.







On the program I use daily when we have days off, that day on the calendar turns blue.


Apparently so does every holiday.


Up until Friday I thought we had today off. I wasn't scheduling anything and I almost made plans for a trip to Austin.


Here I am, at work.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo




On the program I use daily when we have days off, that day on the calendar turns blue.


Apparently so does every holiday.


Up until Friday I thought we had today off. I wasn't scheduling anything and I almost made plans for a trip to Austin.


Here I am, at work.






do they have whattaburgers in austin?....i need to plan a triip out there if they do..

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo




slipping up and not following the rules is ok every once in a while. if i do it.


I probably won't ever click on that link. I'm just THAT lazy.


Whataburger is freaking amazing. We've had this conversation. They're open 24 hours and they have awesome breakfast that they sell 12 hours a day.



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