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Well in that case...


Dear IR,


I live in the UK, I'm almost 100% certain there are no spiders like that here. Thankfully.


- grd



Dear Miss Symbols,


sorry, but it really was a them or me situation. I have no desire to eat spiders in my sleep so they had to go. I do feel kinda bad about it but not so much so it will stop me in the future.





Dear Twitter,


that was an interesting read.


- me



Dear Friday,


FUCK YEAH, I propose we get wasted and make some bad decisions.



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Dear dreas,


iI'm a bit tsipy. It was so wwerid cos I felt fine but now not soi much. BUT yay

My boys sare AWESOME!! Clwb was AWESONE!!





you owe me anifty



Dearr eastsnowflakes

I can't quitre understand right now. Tomorrow fo sho I will do my bestestest to furnish you with an answer



hic :) sleeeeep

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word, i was eeking at that thing that was posted. wowzers.

anyway, how's the money situation? you had to get a boiler or some shit? get plane tickets.







dear dogs


you're lazy and awesome

and i lubb you



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Dear grd,


I like how your past two posts sync up with one another. Points for continuity.




Dear shitty television, Corona, and piffweed,


I'm glad I could host for you this evening, you're pretty entertaining all things considered.




Dear 4th of July,


I guess I'll be celebrating tomorrow after work. Massive amounts of alcohol+friends+extreme fatigue will no doubt result in some fun. The past two 4th's have been dope, hopefully you measure up.



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dear Noes


harm the owner it is his fault more than the dogs, but I did post some suggestions


dear 12oz spider scaredy cats


it is just a spider, although I did just scare the hel outta my wife by pointing out a huge spider walking towards here

knight in shining armour moment


happy to not be scared of spiders



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dear oontzers of the dear thread,


how was your weekends?


mine consisted of shooting off about $2-3000 worth of fireworks on a beach with a roughly 200+ people, eating incredible food all weekend, bar hopping, hard boozing and a fight with bouncers/bar owners/random heros for denying 20 or so fun loving, money spending patrons access to a bar we go to all the time in the summer, and in their "off" season.


the fireworks we're fucking awesome, some shits called tornado bombs someone got 30 of for 15 bucks, which were basically just loud ass bangs and flashes. the other shit was a lot of the big box kinds that shoot off like 12 single big fireworks, like 3 huge ones at once, or that shoot off like 4 sets of 12 in a row.


then came out the mortars. myself and my wasted ass friend were in charge of those. the first one he tries to set off.. he burns the shit out of his hand and drops it from like a foot above the actual launcher. it lands in the sand, i realize he missed it, grab him and we took off running. thing explodes and the crowd gets showered in colorful flaming bits, yelling all sorts of "AAHHH"s "OH MY GOD"s and "WHAT THE FUUUCK"s, my leg got burned in like 4 different spots and was bleeding from 2 little wounds, nothing serious so we lol'd and went back down.. the 2nd one he was dropping in correctly, but tried to drop it in upside down, so i was in charge from there on out and all went smooth.


then we gather all the boxes and shit and set a 10 ft fire. as we're standing there 2 of my friends uncles takes one of the mortars and tosses into the fire and runs away giggling like a schoolgirl, we follow. same thing happens, crowd screams as they get showered in flaming colorful bits, except this explosion was a lot closer than the mishap we had and this time i got blasted in the chest by something.. no harm so we continued to lol. cops come racing down the beach, throw sand on our fire as we stand around yelling at them for being freedom hating pussys. they drive off and lurk in the shadows, i find 3 mortars left behind, light them in whip them down the beach for final and biggest round of showering the crowd with firework bits, and apparently that was the line for the cops. we got swarmed, 50 people take off running, some poor bastard that wasnt with us got speared by goldberg and a couple knees to the head as the rest of us ran back to the house and went about our night.


firework session was a fun one.



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dear cags


sounds awesome!

my weekend was nowhere near that exciting but hey, for me these days that's good.

just some painting, dog time.. chillin.

and really, ready for this houseguest to find something better to do than sit in my guest room and prevent me from working on my sewing projects.






dear houseguest,

you seem to have a fucking ton of money, and you've been online shopping.

why do you just stay in this city all the time? and do nothing/go nowhere except occasionally, the grocery store or local bar??

we're close to a lot of shit, a lot of cities, lots of transportation options

what happened to your 4 days in nyc? why not go to chicago by yourself? how bout rent a car and drive it anywhere?

you flew all the way to the states from oz, to watch southpark on your computer in my extra bedroom??



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dear symbols,


sounds like a good old fashioned relaxing weekend though. sounds like your houseguest is wasting what could be their good time too ha. if i'm going on a trip anywhere i hardly keep my phone on me. nevermind thinking about sitting in a room watching a tv show. i never understand shit like that.. people go on vacations or trips and sit on their smartphones and checking out facebook or watching tv in a hotel room or some shit, crazy bastards.



we go to the same spot every year for the 4th for a big ole weekend long party of family and friends. every years eventful in one way or another but some years get crazier than others. it was a good one though.

my buddy and his girlfriend while out on a late night walk actually came across some girl they think was thinking about jumping off this bridge. i guess as they were walking up she was balling her eyes out and was stepping up onto the lower railing and got down crying even harder. they stopped and talked to her for awhile and she calmed down i guess. they said it had something to do with her boyfriend.. no bueno.



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dear cags,


word, very relaxing. i slept for 10 hours last night haha.. too much weed i think.


i STILL am flabbergasted by this guy's actions.

as a world traveler myself, i cannot fathom going to paris or even krakow and spending my entire time there in a room. why bother to come all this way to do some online shopping?! we're on the freakin east coast too, there is literally no reason this fool couldn't go anywhere from miami to maine to montreal.


plus he's just fucking up my ability to enjoy my home.



well JC, maybe your buds saved a life. nice.

but no one should think about ending it because of some man probs though sheesh



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dear casey anthony



does your trial illustrate how dumb people are

how fucked our justice system is

how easy it is to get away with murder

or all of the above?


dunno, but you're the world's biggest cunt

and i hope your daughter haunts you forever



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dear symbols...


who the fuck is this casey anthony bitch? and what is he near aboot gettin' the jail for?


killin' his daughter?


fuckin' bad games...





dear man boobs...


please fuck off... i've been knockin' my pan in doon the gym for a good while noo. yet you seem to sit proud as fuck regardless



dear work....


please come in thick and fast so i can enjoy the week with my lovely missus on a beach in spain gettin' affy foo and throwin' cash aboot like it's fuck all i'm no askin' too much, just another decent joab after this one would be pure fuckin' bra, ken?



Rolf Haggis

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Dear dears,


Can someone pop over and remove the two dead pigeons from outside the front door so I can leave the house, please? I'm not frightened of spiders, I just won't tolerate them, things with wings are a whole other deal though.




Dear Bob the cat,


We need to talk. It's not me, it's you, unless you can modify your behaviour we're gonna have to break up.



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casey anthony is some chick we have a thread for now, if you want moar details.

really just another failure of the injustice system

i saw her on BBC though so it might have made the news round your way as well by now



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dear symbols and NBB...


aaaaah i see, nah our news is currently dominated by the phone hacking of the parents of child murder victims, and the parents of victims of terrorist attacks... pretty fuckin' shockin' stuff really... rupert murdoch should be shot...



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dear Rolf


damn right Murdoch is a cunt, i have a few aussie friends who are quick to point out he gave up his aussie citizenship to become american lol


dear decy


where is the motivation? also dont be a dick and do what you think you might do.




what do you guys do if you need to get a job, but all your experience is in a job you fucking hate. I wanna change careers but at the moment I am as well off on benefits as I was and would be working in the shitty area I have expertise in.

Do I stay unemplyed and reaping the rewards of the taxes I have paid or do I get a under paid job doing something more enjoyable but then really struggle financially?


damn familiy making me think responsible (meaning depressed)



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Dear Decy,


I'm in roughly that same boat, but I can't go back to the field I was working in previously. Occupational overexposure to certain chemicals. I chose to go back to school. Get your learn on while the job market sucks. I don't know what tuition assistance and scholarship programs are available in the UK, but I am sure they exist. Google is a good jump-off point for that search. Just a thought, in your situation it may not be an option.



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dear decy...


i dunno... i sign on for a few weeks, then work when a job comes in, then sign on for a few weeks again, i do enjoy my work, i just wish a company would take me on so i could get a steady wage comin' in each week/month...


you could try and look at adult apprenticeships... they're only 2 years then you're time served... plus you get paid no bad wages. it won't be what you're gettin' fae the brew, but still not too bad. plus there's always a chance the company you serve your time with will keep you on...


also check oot BT and the gasy (gas board...) my old boy's mate works fairly high up in Bt in my "city" i seem to recall that he was saying that they're taking folk on for engineering jobs...



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cut your losses, make the sacrifice and get the skills to land the job you want

there's not much that is certain in life, but for most people, they will always have to work. i've learned that enjoying your job can be the greatest gift one gives to themselves.

you'll spend more time at work than on almost anything else, sadly, so you better like it, or the dissatisfaction will seep into every aspect of your life.


one thing to consider, is making a huge commitment of time and effort, and working full time while going to school full time. i did it and it was incredibly difficult, both my job (as a chef) and my school (molecular biology & biochemistry) suffered greatly..

but i made it, and came out with no debt. i've been working as a molecular biologist for the past 10 years and i love it. the enjoyment of the job has given me freedom to do so much, and the money is decent. it was painful the whole time, and worth every bit of suffering



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dear grd,


July is 6 days old, i hope you're not in a rush haha.




dear symbols,


you kick that fool out or tell him man up and go travel yet, especially if hes got the money? if i had money right now i'd be GONE. New Orleans to see a friend/because i've never been there then i'd go straight to Europe, but the money, i do not have.




dear decy,


you could take the job you know and maintain looking for whatever it is thats better, and that you'd like to do. it's basically what i'm doing right now, im about to take a job, that is if it goes through, doing some bullshit i know i'm not gonna like. but i've had a lot of family work at this place so it was a easy go to, and i'm near flat broke and bumming so i need income now. but i'm for sure gonna keep looking while im at this job, cause theres no way i'm going to keep my sanity at this place.


just another option.



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dear oonters


cheers for the advice, my problem is if I study then I cant get the same benefits so my family suffers, I can work doing what I normally do and earn a living but am generally in a bad mood 24/7 which also sucks for my family and also not that much better off than my current situation. Rock and a hard place.


So I am gonna keep things as they are for now while looking for jobs that wont make me wanna kill, but also look at training I can get without affecting my current benefit options.


Also I can paint more and I am not denying I am enjoying be able to spend time with my family at the moment as I dont have to work stupid shifts!



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Dear JC,


I am yeah, in fact not just July the whole of 2011 can fuck off. Apart from this coming weekend because I'm going to London for a friends birthday and while I'm there I'm gonna see Chopsticks and get a tat zap from him, so obviously that's gonna be all kinds of awesome! There's an exception to every rule huh?




Dear Decy,


Take a stretch, weigh your options and enjoy the time you get at home with the family, your littl'un will be an angsty teenager before you know it so enjoy now ;) Also, you'll be able to go see the native indians in town and listen to pan pipes whenever the mood takes you so that's a win.



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dear decy...


listen to grd... for once, and this one time only...


you're not gonna get that time back in a hurry, and it might be too late before you know it...




dear rolf...


get it together man for fuck sake...


after aboot ten pints in the pub you can let yourself off... but pissin' on your good trainers after 3 fuckin' tinnys in the hoose is bad games...




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dear decyfer


do what you gotta to make the job better

my father worked a job that made him miserable my entire young life and i think that was a terrible mistake, for him and for us. it just wasn't worth what it did to him in the long run


definitely look for those options and opportunities, and take one. if it means a year of major cutbacks for the family so everyone can be happier, it is so worth it. the family is supportive in thick and thin, lean and fat.


all that advice said, do what you feel is right of course.








i never bothered.

i tend to have a bit of a harsh way with people, and if i'd known this was going to happen weeks ago i would have handled it differently then

but, he's also said that he was going to go a few places, and just never fucking did it

he leaves this weekend so.. just waiting at this point.

i still cannot believe anyone would waste a trip like this.



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