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Dear Souls.

Wow..you took me a step back with that one.

My Uncle Wally..(r.i.p.)

and my grandpa Walter (r.i.p.) would have "jam sessions"


as a kid I rememeber they would sit on their amplifiers..and play music.

they would make up songs..or play the ones that inspired them.


them and Stevie Ray Vaughan for the most part is what I remember


Thank You for the memory you just sparked.

Stay strong.



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dear police in my city,




so im chillin with my ex in the parking lot, just catching up, when we see 4 guys running through traffic almost getting hit by a car and a truck last night.


the guys were yelling and it caught my attention and then i saw two cop cars leave the parking lot and chase the guys into the alleyway by mcdonalds.


so, i was like fuck it...imma go see how this plays out cause i couldnt see them anymore.

i circle around the 4 shopping complexes and come around and me and my ex see the following:


one guy pinned to the ground while the other bigger cop is literally beating the shit out of him with both fists! then the tazer went off....you must have tazed him 7 or 8 times!...then out comes the bigger cop with his baton wailing on the guy as hard as he could....even though we were parked literally 30 feet away, we could hear every single time the baton hit this guys shin bone and arm.


most use of excessive force ive ever seen...full on police brutality....on some rodney king type shit for reals...wow.


lucky for ya'll my cell phone only takes pictures and my ex's cell phone, which takes video, had a dead battery.


that shit was fucking uncalled for, and those two pussy cops are fucking pieces of shit.


fuck you all,



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dear DD,

giants are fucking #1

we won last night too fyi.

going to the game next sunday for the

last padres vs GIANTS.

<3 ssn


dear 12oz,

i can't wait til i get this weekend off.

i am super stoked.

going to travel up northwest and

visit a couple of train museums and such.

<3 ssn


dear tax assholes,

you took a total of now

$10,800 from my bank.

are you fucking done???!!!

</3 ssn


dear you,

you should have never listened to gossip.

you should have realized i was a true friend.

you are a fucking LEMMING.

boofuckinghoo, now you are one true friend less.

<3 ssn


dear coworker,

thank you for my valiums.

<3 ssn

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dear police in my city,




so im chillin with my ex in the parking lot, just catching up, when we see 4 guys running through traffic almost getting hit by a car and a truck last night.


the guys were yelling and it caught my attention and then i saw two cop cars leave the parking lot and chase the guys into the alleyway by mcdonalds.


so, i was like fuck it...imma go see how this plays out cause i couldnt see them anymore.

i circle around the 4 shopping complexes and come around and me and my ex see the following:


one guy pinned to the ground while the other bigger cop is literally beating the shit out of him with both fists! then the tazer went off....you must have tazed him 7 or 8 times!...then out comes the bigger cop with his baton wailing on the guy as hard as he could....even though we were parked literally 30 feet away, we could hear every single time the baton hit this guys shin bone and arm.


most use of excessive force ive ever seen...full on police brutality....on some rodney king type shit for reals...wow.


lucky for ya'll my cell phone only takes pictures and my ex's cell phone, which takes video, had a dead battery.


that shit was fucking uncalled for, and those two pussy cops are fucking pieces of shit.


fuck you all,




Dear caliG,


i got a similar story man. my friend blaze rides BMX but he doesnt write. and he was riding at a graff spot. when a cop car rounded the corner and floored it at him with sirens blairing.

he takes off to get out of the way and two cops get out and tackle him off his bike. they pin him down and two more cops show up in another car. they get out and run over and start beating the fucking shit out of him with batons, fists, and boots. they handcuff him, read him miranda, and put him in the cruiser and take him downtown. i watched the whole thing, so i went to see what i could do at the police station. they told me that thye thought he was painting, because they "found" a can on him and a tag on the building he was riding at was still wet. i asked to see the can and they said that "the office lost it on the way to the station". he was put on house arrest for 5 weeks. power tripping faggots.



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dear ru,


i got a story similar to that...short version:


my friend was at a club, a fight breaks out, so he gets closer just to watch it, someone nearby sucker punches him for no reason, he got bloody, cops show up, club security point him out as being in the fight, he gets arrested.



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dear cali,


damn i got and similar story to that too dude.


short version. i was in the locker room. little kid started hitting my friend witha rolled up t-shit. coach is right there watching and blames me for not doing anything. little kid got nothing. pry (my friend) suspended as was I


Love RU

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