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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Boat,


You got lucky. Roger Williams found out there were some high school girls doing a tour of Johnson and Wales and decided to take the rape van out for drive last night. Watch your back man!


Weiners aren't just hot dogs, they are a religious experience that every Providence resident should take part in. Next time I'm there, I'm going to eat 30 of them. It will be like Swamp's JBC challenge, but by the time I hit 15 I'll probably explode like a zit.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear NBB,


The only thing Reno has in my book is gambling, meth, and Korean girls who sell weaves. That's why I've never heard of the awful awful burger.




dear earl,

:lol: :lol: :lol:

you forgot white trash, rednecks, and rodeos.

<3 ssn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear earl,


if you ever go out to reno, i will personally drive the 2 hours up there and buy you an awful awful burger...theyre good.




dear bfish,


im not having luck finding a top hat :(




dear suki,


i think i will make it to the show....i will let you know...hope you have a good 4th in la




dear seyer,






dear sm,


you were in sf?....we shoulda set up a 12oontz meet and greet!





dear standardized exam im studying for,


fuck....youre making my summer suck.

i havent been on the oontz because of you lately too!




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear earl,

I second that.

Because you'll eat one and then want another.

Trust and believe- B.fish


Dear caligula,

Old sac hat store.

Ive found some winners there before.

If you dont find one thats ok.

We can make one out of paper machet (Sp). jk...kinda-


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear bfish,


awwww i wish you woulda told me sooner...i was actually in old sac about a couple hours ago (trying to see if my free vip guest pass at laughs unlimited would work, because jamie kennedy is performing there tonight!...it didnt work)


i am totally down for the paper machet hat though! :)


really looking forward to attending.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear seyer,


ive been good!...how have you been!?


and as far as the exam...i could tell you, but if i told you, id have to kill you.





dear SM,


let us cali heads know when your coming back, so we can all go hang out. :)



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear IOU,


(random side note) Certain words when you look at them

long enough look really weird.

Like this:




Dear cali,

I got your back homeslick.

Sorry to hear about you missing out on jamie

kenedy. Things seem to happen that way sometimes.


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo




i think about that all the time but for me the way words sound is a lot crazier than what they look like.




some of the latest trippy words




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear 4th of July celebration,


Last night I helped a friend by tending bar at his house party. In other words, I spent the night drinking silver tequila and rum and now I feel like I'm shitting battery acid. Well, my girlfriend wants to go down to the Westside Highway to watch the big fireworks display. She's packing a little picnic and some wine, and we're meeting up with friends. This all sounds grand and all, but I've got battery acid butt and it's FUCKING HOT AS HELL outside.


Fuck this. Please have a nice shady spot waiting for us far away from other people who will make me wish I was a suicide bomber.





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear fam,


I know you're going to throw me out of the house tomorrow. My stepdad might try to fight me as usual. I never made solid friends out here. So I'm really fucked at this point. I'm looking for some help from my fellow oontzer's, I will trade a couch for keeping the place clean until I get back into work and get some cash and be able to stand on my own 2 feet. Hate or appreciate it's all good, I'm too stoned to care right now, I could care less.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear facemeltAAARGH,


Then they deserved it. When you originally posted, it sounded like you got mad at some dudes for JUST looking at your woman. That's something you'd expect from those big guido Rocky Balboa Italians from Whitestone. But if they were licking lips and acting stupid, then good for you.


I'm not a fighter, so I handle things with my own style. If I were in your shoes, I'd start licking my lips at them and start rubbing my right tit or something. If dudes are hollering at my woman, I always have some smart ass remark to come back with, usually something like "what I'm not sexy enough for you?"


Yes, it might be a "no/homo" situation, but it really throws them off their game. If things get to the point of throwing fists, it would be them initiating it.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear layne staley,

i miss you buddy.

the new alice in chains isn't the same without you.

it's alright, but i mean.. come on.

the AIC MTV unplugged is byfar the best unplugged they ever did.

it just hits you in the chest.

anyone who says the nirvanna one was better can go suck some testicals huge hairy sweaty super gross ones. no homo.

it's been 8 years, :(

love you man, REST IN PEACE.

you're songs have gotten me through a ton of shit.

and as of right now im in the same place you were at a point.

going on a downward spiral of depression and other such things.



"and yet i fight, and yet i fight, this battle all alone. no one to cry to, no place to call home."


and for people who dont know....






dear everyone who visits this thread,

sorry for that.

but i just had to.


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo




never alone, just disconnected. I can feel for you, and i don't even know anything but your e-self.

I had no idea it had already been 8 years, either. That situation was fucked up beyond belief.

But that's how shit can end up when you keep everything to yourself. There are people that will put themselves out there for you if you are willing to ask for their help.

Keeping everything bottled up and allowing your mind to rule itself can cause some serious cognitive and behavioral dissonance.

Feelin for you, i really am.



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