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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear oontz,


Today I am Happy.


Why, you ask? Well, I watched a bit of World Cup action this morning, cleaned up the living room, went to church with my dad, then I took him out for a steak & a beer. Later I played Modern Warfare 2 online. A little photo editing before bed. I'd call that a nice day.




El Hombre Tejano

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear 12 oz,


how are you all?

no seriously I hope you're all having a good day/ evening/ wahtever it is in your part of the planet.


yep you're a weird mob, but you're the weird mob on the intrenet I hang around with so in my book you're all alright...


schnitzel spreading the joy

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear marco,

glad you are happy.

<3 ssn


dear schnitz,

things would be brighter and better if you returned to us.

<3 ssn


dear cali,

aren't we all weird in our own ways?

<3 ssn


dear red,

it happens to the best of us.

i had diarrhea of the butt thanks to bad sushi last night.

<3 ssn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear 12ozprophet,


I'm highly agitated at the world right now. Last week I told a lady friend this very joke

and now she won't talk to me. I find this slightly funny because during work hours we pass

racist jokes back and forth.


Here's the joke:

A father brings his 10 year old daughter into the doctor's office and asks for a pregnancy test. The doctor says, "A pregnancy test? She's only 10 years old! Is she sexually active?" The father says, " Nah, she just lays there, like her mother."


I suppose "killing niggers" jokes are fine, but child rape jokes are a "no no"? I don't really get that. I'm not UMAD, though. Plenty of other women who adore me and my sexy smell.


There's more, 12oz. So much more, but this isn't a journal and I don't feel like opening up to you.


Thanks for listening. I hope you all burn in hell like the sinners you are (i'll probably see you there. don't forget swimsuits).



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear casek...



she may have been raped/molested by her pops when she was young... which is why it may have hurt her more than anything to hear that. joke or not... just sayin'.






Dear Christeezy,


No, we dated in highschool. I know her family. Nothing like that ever happened.

It's funny how people work, ya know?


Like the people who want to turn Iran into a "glass parking lot", but are vehemently

against abortion. This makes no sense.


Anyhow, yeah. That's it.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear whoever...

WTF is up with the sensitvity level of people??

can't do anything, say anything, voice your opinion, tell a joke without someone gettin all butthurt, cryin, threatining to throw a lawsuit your way..instead we get the right to vote the people in office who can hurt us as a whole more than a silly joke, and they get paid for it.



..I once talked of contacting my child's father's sponsers..and I was told if im not REALLY careful on how I word things (regarding child support) he could then turn around and sue me for libel. whatever. (venting)





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear SMXL,


Fuck em. Simply that; fuck em.


People are over sensitive these days. And the ones that are easily offended coddle each other and encourage more of this behavior. But thats the world, it's not made for you or me. It's the way it is, and we are all just trying to get through it in one piece. And trying to be patient with pussy ass morons like these people.



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