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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear thread


today i was at mc donalds and i saw a gruff older guy with his young son, about 10. i watched them because my dad and i have never been that close and it made me sad. they were watching the tv and the guy said "you know, i like running, its my favourite event in the olympics" "why dad?" "because you don't have to be rich to do it"


it was weird for me


-not emo





dear c____


fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. back to square one, third time in a row now



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear tea party idiots/and idiot republicans:

please shut the fuck up and sit down.



dear human race:

you sometimes disgust me and make me hate you all...but then i love a few of you again.


dear 21 year old me:

hurry the fuck up.


Dear Realitycheque:


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Ooontz,


It's my berfday. I hope yall are having a good night.





dear cwalker,


happy birthday!




Dear oontz amigos,


I've been hella (ding!) busy these past few weeks, which is why I've been away from the 12 lately. I miss y'all (NH).






dear marco,


i noticed the lack of orange text on the oontz....i thought we did something to scare you off or something...lol.




dear tea party idiots/and idiot republicans:

please shut the fuck up and sit down.



dear Mel,


cosigned!....i wish these fucking teabaggers would stop being so fucking selfish and think about the 30+million americans who cant even afford to get insured or the millions who are underinsured.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear milk,


Naw.. money is my only love... My current ex stopped by this morning at 2 30 sobbing that she doesnt know who to choose her or her ex prior to me. I'm like fuck it, do you girl, I'm not tripping and now she hasnt shut up all day saying I dont care about her.


-Magz "all girls are idiots except a choice few" o'piss

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear T-Mobile,


About fucking time. So in the next 12 months I will about $250.. I'm definitely putting that away for something.




Dear YouKnowWho,


Yes, that's the way it is.



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