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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear SSN,


I've been taking these pills called 'Align' and they are the best thing thats ever happened to me. They are a probiotic and do wonders for the tummy problems. The pumpkin oil pills are hittin' the sweet spot too.


P.S. thanks for saying hello.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear caligula,

I am going to ARC.

Sac city is way too crazy now and the staff there

seems alil snooty to me.

I actually am in like with my choice.

Instead of an overwhelming amount of

the student body (sac city) consisting of hipsters

there is a balance at arc...i.e I am the only

hipster in all of my classes. ;]

True blue- B. fish

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear weed

tonight you totally helped me calm down. thanks a lot. youre a pal. lets hope tomorrow isnt such a shitty day and maybe i wont have to smoke so much of you.


dear z

thanks for getting me out of the house- i needed it :)




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear muddles,

yep sheetz has crazy touch screen machines to order food, im just going to school up here so sheetz was so foreign to me. i still think 7 11 will always be better... jus sayin


apparently 711s here are for homless people and the closest one is like 20 minutes away driving...

fuck crazytown, pa



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear job

make up your mind of where I will be working. and please give me a schedule. Telling me to just show up at 7am doesnt work for me.


dear roommate

pay the cable/internet bill. using neighbors crappy dsl wifi sucks. You dont have to pay rent, just the house bills, so pay them.


dear ex

you confuse me

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