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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear beer drinkers of the oontz,


not sure if you've heard of this drinking game, but here it is.


1. get some beer, a lot of it.

2. every beer you drink, duct tape the new one on top.

3. continue stacking cans until your the last one stackin.

4. the person with the longest staff is the wisest wizard.


pretty pointless but fun.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear vulcano draino,


Coool once you graduate it's a good feeling, especially

if you didn't like school like me. hahaha

If your mom is gonna act like a bitch about not going

to your graduation, then it's up to her, she'll end up feeling

bad about it in the long run. Plus you don't want parent drama

when your trying to celebrate something that you finished. That's

just how I see it. And for the girly, just let her be. The cunt phase

goes away...hopefully. Drama shows up in life all the time, but

when it all falls down just say fuck it. Oh and I havent read Survivor

yet by Chuck P, but I picked it up a couple of weeks ago.

You should read Rant, it's a good book too.


Hope things come together for you, good luck.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear girl who stood the schnitz up last night,

wtf? you could have witnessed the thunder from down under.

<3 ssn


dear suki

that was very sweet of you!


cheers for the chuckles!




dear twerp who cut in front of me in the burrito shop,

when you barged in I knew I wanted revenge but had no idea how I might gain this revenge.

however you provided me a solution and for this I am grateful.

when I saw you in the dvd vending shop talking about how much you wanted to see "the spirit" to your girlfriend it became crystal clear what i needed to do.

I raced to the other machine and selected the spirit and reserved it.

Then I found my flatmates DVD card I sometimes use and used it to select the spirit as well.

after signing out I signed back in and guess what no more copies of the spirit left.

I picked my copy up and waited till I could hear you grumbling that it was out.

guess what I'm watching right now you queue jumping, asswipe.

Hope you ended up watching P.S I Love you or Legally Blonde or whatever movie was making your girlfriend hot and bothered.


petty schnitzel:lol:

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo




thanks for the advice much apprieciated, im thinking about

calling my mom cuz it was her grduation from college like yeterday

i think but i dont know if i want to. like you said shes drama plus

stress. i just hope she comes around by june 10th.


oh and at least my girlfriend isnt being such a bitch latley haha

pmsing cunt FUCK





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear CaliG,

revenge would have been sweeter if the movie was better but at times you have to lose the battle to win the war!


Also are you going to be around your area between 14-20 july?


I just impulse booked a super cheap airfare

if so fancy catching up for a beer/graffndance/chunkychickchase??


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear schnitzel,


yeah, i read that you will be coming out to sf around then. I will drive out to sf and hang out.

we can talk about chubby chicks, and how expensive switzerland is..lol.


just let us all know when you come out.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear edoggg,


no. hes been to switzerland, and before i went, he was telling me about cheap eats out there.

i went to switzerland (geneva and lausanne) for about a week (i dont know how long he was out there for).


but i made a thread about it when i came back with LOTS of pictures.

so if youre about to be there, you can ask us for info. :)



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Security,


Fuck you guys. You all basically fail at everything I'm sure, but mostly you fail at making sure I don't get some dumb fuck drunk ass monkey trying to get over on me or trying to bull up with his boys. And thanks for not kicking them out either. I got my own back you fucking bitch ass tricks.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear Edoggg

if you got to Heidelberg let me know,

also if you in switzerland got to basel and check out the tracks leading to germany shit is bananas 100's of metres of burners.

schnitzerland is cool but pricey


dear IOU

you got your own back that the reason your status says you're unstoppable!

schnitzel agreeing on security staff being cunts.

I got attacked by one at a looptroop gig after the show

the entire crowd stopped to help me escape the meth affected fucking gorilla

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Schnitzel,


Shit was straight fucking bogus. Some dude back from the war in the east and he couldn't handle his drink. Our security is straight fucking joke status, but that explains why one of their own got beat down trying to break up a fight.. They can't even get each others backs..



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear Edoggg

if you got to Heidelberg let me know,

also if you in switzerland got to basel and check out the tracks leading to germany shit is bananas 100's of metres of burners.


sounds awesome!! looks like theres two tracks from basel to germany- one to the north and one to the east... direction?

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear milo


i love you kitty. im sorry you are gone, you were only two and now frank is all alone. but he will come live with me soon and be happy with his mama- dont worry. but we will missyou all the time. love you fluffybutt.




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear ex-lady,


Cute pictures you posted of you and your new dude kissing. I hope you're happy that you lost what could have been a decent friendship. If only you had the balls to tell me. Fuck off.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear saturday,

you made my head hurt


dear spenty,

sorry i didnt respond to your aim message,

i didnt see it for a while, but when i saw it you

were already signed off. however, i did pm you back.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


sounds awesome!! looks like theres two tracks from basel to germany- one to the north and one to the east... direction?

dear Edoggg,


I think this is approximate location of the wall

station has arrow

wall is circled

be careful though I nearly got hit by a train there taking pics in 1997 they come fast they come quiet



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear rx


you sure did. i thought you quit 12oz after we all ripped on you so hard? if not feel free to pm me pics




being a cunt oner


Dear Dr.,


As I work each day I do wonder which Dr you could possibly be. I am thinking the proctologist who was looking up Mr Jones' arse today.

I was not "ripped so hard". In fact I enjoy the bantering at nights when I cannot sleep from paint intoxication (now).

I would give you my Facebook, but you will get it all white and creamy.

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