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Dear ________,


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear WoW addicted brother



now i cant oontz on the daily

ive resorted to oontzin at school cuz of your gay ass

no i will not wait for you to level to 80

no i will not get you some cheetos


get off the damn computer

i need to do my fucking homework

ima punch you in the face

and take your fuckin thunderfury blessed blade of the windseeker and shove that shit down your throat if i get a bad grade on my english final





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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cali,


haha, i could have some form of tourettes, i swear a lot and blurt out and random shit every now and then just cause, it wouldnt surprise me.


or i could just be loud, have a guttermouth, and like to yell shit and say random things.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear partners in crime,

art showes are like birthdays. after party at the casa de mi, the tattoo artist formkally known as smelly and phil collins?

i think something fun is in order on this rainy day.


handsome man that will be my date tonight is getting flicks for us. edogg, you got the best spot, toots yoursa is hella big and baller status and mine made the most noise since i kept stepping on that fucking gutter thing.


i have to get back to work now, see you soon loves!


santarita bonita

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear Santana ultra flat black and mild,


is smelly still with you? havent caught up with that guy in a sec.

i'm STILL sleepin on G-1 thread..maybe its cause my work is a bummer.

i dunno.

anyways, lets make something happen. strength in G-1ders!!

holla at me.


-small blue and white without an S and a diaper

get it?


-Fresinca lol

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear boris,

thanks again for putting me on to the new rae mix. it has been playing nonstop ever since.




dear bloodfart,

thank you for being the bestest e-friend a gal could have. you ever need anything i can help you out with, i'm there.




dear faggy dancer guy,

you are my favorite person to dance with and you always give me drink tickets. i take great satisfaction in paying for fancy schmancy twelve dollar cocktails with one of them little carnival raffle tickets. you made my night last night with yo shenanigans!




dear twitter,

i'm glad i stopped myself from tweeting the rape joke i made last night. it was funny then but it's not this morning and i would be in trouble with some feminizzle or another.



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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Snoop Dogg concert last night,


You were awesome! nothing but the muthafukin hits and getting high off second hand weed smoke. the best part of the night was when a zebradrips-esque white girl began to drop it like its hot and back that ass up into my crotch. Yezzir!


-hungover in houston

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear cali-g,

sorry i didn't get to stop by.

i got a very late start.

maybe on my way back?

<3 ssn


dear b-fish,

your cousin txt me and said he was gonna

be in sf. are you coming with him?

you should!!! if not, maybe i can see you and

caligula on my way back to reno on monday afternoon.

<3 ssn


dear abcs,

stop being a punk. i talk to you more than i talk to

anyone else.

<3 ssn


dear milky,

the ladies of 12oz project should be

coming back to me soon then it's your turn.

thanks for the good times last weekend.

you always cheer me up when i feel like poo poo.

<3 ssn

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear SBM & ED,


Leftover Margaritas? Maybe with ice this time?


I'm down to fiesta en su casa afterwords. I can't stay too late though, I'm running on very little sleep at the moment.




dear toots and santana


ok so now that i saw these posts i wish i had made plans to fiesta after the art show.i thought it was a spur of the moment get together and i promised boy that wed go watch a movie and cuddle... i hope yall had fun though!! BTW those gyros were incredible. new fad food for me. nice. see you ladys soon i hope, weekend fiesta? saturday night?




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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Toots the Lurker ( I see you) and Edogg (who I am AIMing as I type hahaha)

You big nerds.

Okay, I flicked spot on handsome boyfriends phone, but I think Phil Collins 1 will be able to get better flicks tonight after we are done here.

It's okay Edogg. I am glad all out handsome men got to hang out with eachother.

Toots, I still have your book, I know, I am sorry. I will finish my page ASAP. I just got caught up with all the show I have coming up.

Next week's show is going to be super much fun. Please be my dates?

It's a dress up occasion! Haha.


Gyros for the win.



Senoritas Santanalitas

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Bubbles,


Yes, I almost forgot I had a book! Make it pretty for me, please.

I'm send you flicks in 2 seconds.



Dear Buttercup,


Saturday is a no go on a fiesta because the other lady will be with her family all weekend. Us painting early early Saturday could be a maybe though?

Give me a holler baller.


-Cotton candy, sweet and low, let me see that tootsie roll

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear blossom,

Thanks a bunch for my new green!

You are my hero toots!


Hey you has olywood adventure pics?

I am updating flickr, document our awesomeness.


Let's plan something for this weekend for sure. I have qa mexi fiesta on sat evening, but I'm not too sure what is going down at this point.


Thanks again blossom and buttercup.


Ps speaking of powerpuff, send those pics too please, I lost them in great 12oz crash of 2009 =(



Santana flat black

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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


dear santana.


this weekend will probably not happen- mothers day, remember? i still want to do that production we have planned but it might have to wait till next next weekend... boo. have fun tonight!


hungry and tired


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Re: Dear ________, - no homo


Dear Me


White floors white brick thats my dream house

hundred bricks the long way thats my dream couch

can you imagine me just sittin' on them shits.


They say it's all about the fit

I say the right hat

they say it's all about the kicks

I say the right strap.






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